US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The louder y'all complain about the AOL brochures the more we know they're having an effect. AOL isn't going away until its job is done.
By putting the list together by Nic's relative position I lose any chance of being a block holding captain on the wide bodies we brought to the merger. That is a huge lose. Explain to me how that is horse manure?

That OF COURSE is IF all (or nearly all) west pilots migrate to PHL & CLT, right? Unless they PSA PHX (while you may think odds are good, the home office is in TEMPE), your numbers of migrating pilots is way off. Whether you like it or not, your left seat in the wide body had 5 days before it was to expire. FACT. This delay tactic (that is all it is) will cost the senior pilots over $500,000 in earnings, time off, and contract improvements. FACT.

It may be horse manure to you, but it is final and binding to everyone. Mike Cleary & Randy Mowrey said it best: "No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside by the courts..." (US AIRWAVES June/July 2000). A very special thanks to Mike & Randy stepping up to clear this event up!
Summary of piolice report, case #11-07567 dated 03-29-11:

On the the above date, Officer Basinger and I responded to a disturbance call. Upon arrrival, we spoke with the President of the US Airlines Pilots Association, Mike Cleary who stated he wanted two members removed from the meeting. The two members that were asked to leave the meeting are Roger Valez and Patrick O'Neil. Cleary stated that he wanted both removed and he would advise them when they could come back in. Valez and O'Neil advised they were not causing a problem anytime during the meeting. Both MEMBERS stated that they believed that Cleary did not want them to hear about the next section of material that was going to be covered in the meeting. Cleary did advise Valez that the meeting was going into closed section. No other members weere asked to leave during this time.

Cactuspilot1 comments....

So this is the most democratic union yet?


The full police report contains information that Cleary could spin as classified. This includes his "classified" cell phone number and height. Age listed as 0, for real. :lol:

[dih-strak-shuhn] Show IPA
that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration
It may be horse manure to you, but it is final and binding to everyone. Mike Cleary & Randy Mowrey said it best: "No ALPA seniority integration arbitration result has ever been set aside by the courts..." (US AIRWAVES June/July 2000). A very special thanks to Mike & Randy stepping up to clear this event up!

That is a correct statement once it is codified in a CBA. Until then... not so!
I just learned that a Fox News reporter is on his way to CLT Usapian World HQ to do an interview.

Is anybody at home?

This is going to be good!
I just learned that a Fox News reporter is on his way to CLT Usapian World HQ to do an interview.

Is anybody at home?

This is going to be good!
I think the consensus will be CLT residents don't cotton to unlawful access to personal ID and SS numbers. A universal sentiment throughout the US population at large.
I think the consensus will be CLT residents don't cotton to unlawful access to personal ID and SS numbers. A universal sentiment throughout the US population at large.

Getting worried BS? :unsure:

I can see the chains going on the doors, police being called, file drawers being locked and an escape plan being hatched.

Probably because they remember Fox News exposing doctors writing fake sick notes in front of their cameras. A week later, 1000 teacher suspensions.

Not too smart.
GREAT POINTS FROM THE PHL UPDATE! We've noticed Management gets very sensitive when you call their salaries and bonuses into question. Their total compensation is derived by a very complex shell game that makes pinning them down on the facts a pretty daunting task, but here are some numbers they probably can't dispute. Last year, Forbes reported Doug Parker's previous five years' compensation at $21.75 million. That's $7.98 million more than AMR's Gerald Arpey made, and a whopping $16.27 million more than Southwest's Gary Kelley earned for his industry-leading performance. We remain unclear as to what Mr. Parker actually does to merit nearly four times Mr. Kelley's compensation. In our view, Southwest runs an exemplary operation, pays all of its employees very well, and treats them with respect. US Airways pays deplorable wages, keeps a running tally of about 400 outstanding grievances, and disrespects you every month during negotiations. The disparity here is, in our view, repulsive. It's even more so when you listen to Mr. Parker claim time and time again that US Airways is somehow uniquely unable to compensate you like other major airline pilots.
Now the chief pilots office is staying there will be jail time coming for the guys. Joe is waiting!!!

What the heck are talking about. Who's "staying" in where? Did you mean "saying"? What chief pilot office are you talking about, or are you just making stuff up (again)? Joe (who) is waiting for what?

The whole idea of this web board should be for an honest and truthful exchange of ideas & ideals. You shouldn't just make stuff up to stir the pot.

Asking a Leonidas member to measure the impact of their own mailer is not a good test at all. Of course you are going to like your mailer, you paid for it. The truth is I looked briefly through it, and it honestly did nothing to convince me of anything. Ask yourself this: opinions aside on this seniority issue- have you ever received a political mailer that actually convinced you of anything? It statistically does not happen. The pamphlet gets a cursory glance, or is immediately put aside. Mailers from ANY side, east or west, will meet the same fate. I would never be convinced one from USAPA or ALPA would have any effect either. It is that simple.
It reminds me of the pamphlets we got from ALPA during its last days here. The more information you get the more you understand they have no clue about the real issues and what was and is important to us east pilots. We are not all stupid. I am sure ALPA and AOL think we are and of course they will tell us what is best for us from their narrow viewpoint.
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