US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I have posted an exchange I had with two f/a's flybynite (apparently East) and (Sharon Stone) claims to be West. I have never came across a West f/a who shares the view of Sharon. If any Westie has met a "Sharon Stone" type I'd like to know.

flybynite, on 31 March 2011 - 09:05 PM, said:

Okay Big Boy.....learn to read. Go back and reread her post. (Sharon's)

Not only is she a f/a but she is a f/a on the west and she gets how your "cult" has lost your mind.

Not only you have lost your mind but you lost any credibility.

How dare you or your cronies think it's okay to go surfing through personnel files for your agenda.

Have you no decency???

Apparently not.

Some of Sharon's quotes:

"I am not an East F/A."

"As the F/A stated, CATCREW is the system where their information is kept. Being condescending or challenging the East F/A who inquired about this is not a good move, they do not have to justify their legitimate concern to AOL."

"Sending AOL literature to the East Pilots is certainly a political move, or was it meant to be a religiious experience for them?"

"The East F/As are not happy that AOL feels that they have a right to access crew files and to further escalate this conflict by sending it to the Pilot's homes."

sharon stone
If AOL thinks this is the best bang for their buck I suggest they reload with magnum bullets.

You've heard the expression, "There's no such thing as negative publicity?"

Dear Leader Cleary's recent Eric Cartman imitation notwithstanding, the brochures have ensured the AOL is on most Eastie's minds. It's a VDR, visual display of resolve, kind of like picketing. AOL is not broke and is not going away and will continue to fight for the rights of the West pilots. Given the propaganda and misinformation Theuer (pronounced like "sewer" with a lisp) puts out it's obvious the East needs a reminder of the facts.

This AOL donor (Gold+) believes the money on the brochures is money well spent. Looking forward to Part 4. Perhaps Dear Leader Cleary will complain to the UN about that one.
I wish I could share your optimism for the conclusion of negotiations.

Why would Parker and Kirby consider closing a deal when they have management's dream in place? East vs. West with no end to the Section 22 in sight, all the while the majority of your pilots flying for bottom of the barrel pay and work rules.

And by most metrics, running a good airline, and profitable too (for now).

It's LOA 93 for a few more years, at least until the courts decide.

The time to get a better deal has passed us by.

Hey are youthe dude who stood up at a meeting and blasted Cleary and said my money is on Mr. Parker during the fuel school
fiasco. YES????

You've heard the expression, "There's no such thing as negative publicity?"

Dear Leader Cleary's recent Eric Cartman imitation notwithstanding, the brochures have ensured the AOL is on most Eastie's minds. It's a VDR, visual display of resolve, kind of like picketing. AOL is not broke and is not going away and will continue to fight for the rights of the West pilots. Given the propaganda and misinformation Theuer (pronounced like "sewer" with a lisp) puts out it's obvious the East needs a reminder of the facts.

This AOL donor (Gold+) believes the money on the brochures is money well spent. Looking forward to Part 4. Perhaps Dear Leader Cleary will complain to the UN about that one.
Stealing personal info to us is indeed visual, those are the facts, but hey we know the facts, fact is you will resort to any means, legal and illegal to prove YOUR point.! Well those fence sitters just jumped off and not to the side you think, spend your money any useless way you want! MM!
"Invasion of privacy is the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. It encompasses workplace monitoring, Internet privacy, data collection, and other means of disseminating private information."

 Stalkers, almost universally, deny that they are the ones who have the problem. They tend to blame the targets or other interveners (such as law enforcement officers or human resource personnel) for their problems.

 Stalkers, almost universally, reject rational and reasonable arguments by targets or third parties to stop their stalking behaviors or to get mental health assistance.

And with this, Cactuspilot1 continues to drag the East flight attendants into their disturbia.
You've heard the expression, "There's no such thing as negative publicity?"

Dear Leader Cleary's recent Eric Cartman imitation notwithstanding, the brochures have ensured the AOL is on most Eastie's minds. It's a VDR, visual display of resolve, kind of like picketing. AOL is not broke and is not going away and will continue to fight for the rights of the West pilots. Given the propaganda and misinformation Theuer (pronounced like "sewer" with a lisp) puts out it's obvious the East needs a reminder of the facts.

This AOL donor (Gold+) believes the money on the brochures is money well spent. Looking forward to Part 4. Perhaps Dear Leader Cleary will complain to the UN about that one. do realize that commentary like this will seal AOL's fate when it gets sued over this...right?

carry on

PS: have your legal beagle look up workplace harassment...before you mail out part four.
This AOL donor (Gold+) believes the money on the brochures is money well spent.

Get out that checkbook because Gold ain't gunna cut it.

9th motion hearing:

there's absolutely no reason in the world for us to abandon $4
worth of effort to develop the record that is sitting
over in front of Judge Wake right now

$4,000,000 / 1700 = $2352 each!
You've heard the expression, "There's no such thing as negative publicity?"

Dear Leader Cleary's recent Eric Cartman imitation notwithstanding, the brochures have ensured the AOL is on most Eastie's minds. It's a VDR, visual display of resolve, kind of like picketing. AOL is not broke and is not going away and will continue to fight for the rights of the West pilots. Given the propaganda and misinformation Theuer (pronounced like "sewer" with a lisp) puts out it's obvious the East needs a reminder of the facts.

This AOL donor (Gold+) believes the money on the brochures is money well spent. Looking forward to Part 4. Perhaps Dear Leader Cleary will complain to the UN about that one.
Asking a Leonidas member to measure the impact of their own mailer is not a good test at all. Of course you are going to like your mailer, you paid for it. The truth is I looked briefly through it, and it honestly did nothing to convince me of anything. Ask yourself this: opinions aside on this seniority issue- have you ever received a political mailer that actually convinced you of anything? It statistically does not happen. The pamphlet gets a cursory glance, or is immediately put aside. Mailers from ANY side, east or west, will meet the same fate. I would never be convinced one from USAPA or ALPA would have any effect either. It is that simple.
After my trip ended last night there is a poster up for donations to the legal defence fund to help the union pursue civil and criminal prosecution for the identity theft, and to help obtain another outside council, check it out! MM!
After my trip ended last night there is a poster up for donations to the legal defence fund to help the union pursue civil and criminal prosecution for the identity theft, and to help obtain another outside council, check it out! MM!
Well it appears the pilots aside from USAPA have had just about enough of AOL, now we hear EFC LLC. (East Coast Flyers) is in the early stages of forming with the intent to start a civlil suit against AOL and possiibly the company. This just keeps getting better everyday. The west will need alot more donations so get those checkbooks out fellows.

Could just imagine what the westies would be trying to us do if it was the east that stole the information, sending crap in the mail (and yes that was verified by the FBI and U.S. Postal service) and the thousands of phone calls and the theats to do whatever it takes to bring our union down, This does not look good for AOL.
Well it appears the pilots aside from USAPA have had just about enough of AOL, now we hear EFC LLC. (East Coast Flyers) is in the early stages of forming with the intent to start a civlil suit against AOL and possiibly the company. This just keeps getting better everyday. The west will need alot more donations so get those checkbooks out fellows.

Of course we will. Its impossible to make the case that this entire, deranged, and ill-thought move is acceptable in today's society. Naturally, Cactuspilot's boyfriend Jim is doing his part to deflect and provide distracting fire....just as he's always done. He and his "friend" cactuspilot1 are comparing this "theft" to the junk mail people get from businesses every day.
Newsflash: businesses don't walk into the former AWA chief pilot's office and get their village idiot to access employee data files for personal information, feebly try to call it just a simple Excel spreadsheet seniority list, and mail out their propaganda invading the privacy of 3000 employees.
Apples and oranges. So much so that the FBI is on it...the company has hired outside counsel, and provided some insulting ID fraud service for the 3000 pilots affected.

Cactuspilot1 is now picking a fight with East FA's in their forum over this.

Workplace harassment. Invasion of Privacy. Potential ID theft (depending on SS#) Direct violation of company policies..(several)

Why am I not surprised...
Well it appears the pilots aside from USAPA have had just about enough of AOL, now we hear EFC LLC. (East Coast Flyers) is in the early stages of forming with the intent to start a civlil suit against AOL and possiibly the company.

Mailers = Great move
Summary of piolice report, case #11-07567 dated 03-29-11:

On the the above date, Officer Basinger and I responded to a disturbance call. Upon arrrival, we spoke with the President of the US Airlines Pilots Association, Mike Cleary who stated he wanted two members removed from the meeting. The two members that were asked to leave the meeting are Roger Valez and Patrick O'Neil. Cleary stated that he wanted both removed and he would advise them when they could come back in. Valez and O'Neil advised they were not causing a problem anytime during the meeting. Both MEMBERS stated that they believed that Cleary did not want them to hear about the next section of material that was going to be covered in the meeting. Cleary did advise Valez that the meeting was going into closed section. No other members weere asked to leave during this time.

Cactuspilot1 comments....

So this is the most democratic union yet?


The full police report contains information that Cleary could spin as classified. This includes his "classified" cell phone number and height. Age listed as 0, for real. :lol:
Could just imagine what the westies would be trying to us do if it was the east that stole the information, sending crap in the mail (and yes that was verified by the FBI and U.S. Postal service) and the thousands of phone calls and the theats to do whatever it takes to bring our union down, This does not look good for AOL.
What, the FBI verified that you sent yourself crap in the mail?
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