US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Nope, just saying your, mine, BS', Luv's, etc names and addresses are public information. As for the rest, not one of you have proof that complete SS# or anything else confidential was given to AOL. If it's proven, and the intent to transmit that information was present, then we can talk about that.Just like the RICO charges, you all are running around deciding who to hang before there's been a crime uncovered.Jim

Thank you for your spin, mini-me Nosum... :lol: I've never claimed that AOL didn't receive ANY information - that's a lie. I have said that none of us know how much of "truncated" SS# was contained in the file and whether either the asst chief pilot or AOL knew it was there.Jim

Normally, I'd find this game with you too boring...but the issue is too important. ( plus, I love the way you get passive/aggressive when your ass starts swallowing your boxers)

The problem with your premise, is that you consider only the SS# to be "confidential" you're splitting hairs. AOL (and the company) will find that releasing any private, personal information from one set of employees to another set of employees; especially since they are parties in a lawsuit, is illegal. No East pilot granted specific authority to release anything to AOL.
Further, (and yes, I have seen a East seniority list-albeit a long time ago) it contains a name, employee number, and ...wait for it: Date of Hire. As you well know, Base Alignments may show other detail. None ever show addresses, phone numbers...DOB..etc
AOL ( cactusboy1 et al) and yourself, postulate (very defensively) that all they thought they had was a seniority list. Not true.
A seniority list does not contain personal detail and address/telephone numbers....EVER.

Not to worry, because that's not what AOL wanted anyway...they wanted mailing addresses...they got 'em, and so much more. Prechillily, or whatever her name is, even said that the two MEC's exchanged seniority lists in merger is usual in those things.

No...I'm happy to remind you that what AOL has done at the very least constitutes harassment, and invasion of privacy....3000 times. Of course, that it was premeditated, and all the G-men are on it...from one set of litigants to another...FBI?
Oh, my!

Leonidas update 3/31/11

Over the past few days, Mike Cleary has been busy pulling fire alarms in every state and in every federal agency that he can get his hands on. Appropriately, some of these government agencies are responding to the alarm raised. It is clear to Leonidas that what these agencies will find is exactly what the company has already found: no wrong doing by any West pilot. Leonidas's involvement is tangential; we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that. When the company investigated the transfer of the seniority list to Leonidas, no harm was found and all involved West pilots were cleared. We've been honest with the company since the beginning of their investigation and we will continue to be open and honest with whichever agencies investigate. Cleary's accusations bring far greater focus on the company's handling of sensitive personal data rather than the actions of three West pilots. Understandably then, the company has chosen to retain outside legal counsel and to report the matter to government agencies. It is unfortunate that all Airways employees must endure the obnoxious roar created by Cleary, but then again this is what we all have dealt with since April of 2008.


Leonidas LLC
Excuse me but; "we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that."Are you saying that the company "gave" the list to AOL and that the Asst. C/P didnt remove it illegally from the system.
Excuse me but; "we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that."Are you saying that the company "gave" the list to AOL and that the Asst. C/P didnt remove it illegally from the system.


I did not write the update. I just passed it along with no comment as is. I was not there, never saw the list. Just gathering info and passing it along.

That's about it. B)
Excuse me but; "we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that."Are you saying that the company "gave" the list to AOL and that the Asst. C/P didnt remove it illegally from the system.

Not only that, but a seniority list wouldn't provide the level of detail they wanted (as acknowledged by Catusboy1 in the FA thread)...they wanted mailing addresses....Why? because USAPA won't let them communicate their message, or so he says. The had no choice but to convince a west stooge with deep enough access to ginny up the addresses for their mass-mailer....and a run-of-the-mill excel spreadsheet seniority list doesn't give them that.

First, what right does any other entity other than the company have to employee information? Did any of the employees affected give their permission for their information to be disseminated?
Who is liable for any damages that might occur from this breach? Can employees trust their management with their personal information in the future?
Now that an unauthorized third party has this information, where is it being kept? Is it in a secured location, or is it available to be compromised by another party?
Who will be responsible if this occurs?
This is not a small issue. This is a major breach of trust between employees and management.
First, what right does any other entity other than the company have to employee information? Did any of the employees affected give their permission for their information to be disseminated?
Who is liable for any damages that might occur from this breach? Can employees trust their management with their personal information in the future?
Now that an unauthorized third party has this information, where is it being kept? Is it in a secured location, or is it available to be compromised by another party?
Who will be responsible if this occurs?
This is not a small issue. This is a major breach of trust between employees and management.

Why was it OK for USAPA to use my contact info to send me Usapian propaganda while I was still paying dues to an actual union? How did the insurgents get my private information?

Why did you not scream bloody murder when Usapians sent you their yellow lanyards?

Call it selective outrage. <_<
Talk about the scum of corporate america, you would think the board of directors at our company would have ousted Parker and Kirby by now, first his DUI's brought public shame to this company and now this stolen information fiasco, in which he turned his back upon. It makes me sick to think they are all in bed together, no wonder this company is in the shape that it is.

And don't forget what his PEERS think about him. They were surveyed and rate him second to the bottom of the barrel. I believe that was too generous.
And don't forget what his PEERS think about him. They were surveyed and rate him second to the bottom of the barrel. I believe that was too generous.

Yes, I'm certain this weighs heavily on Mr. Parker.

Especially when he gets paid and finds he makes more money than his peers.

Laughing all the way to the bank.........knowing his pilots bottom of the barrel wages are making him rich.
The problem with your premise, is that you consider only the SS# to be "confidential"..

Your problem is that it's not illegal to hand out name and address. They are a matter of public record for 99.9% of all adults. Do you receive mail? How many people a day see you name and address. Do you have electricity at your house. An lot of people have access to your name and address. Do you have cable TV - your name and address are known to the cable company. How about credit cards - your name and address is available to those that work there. Mailing lists are bought, sold, provided to other companies, etc all the time without your permission and no law is being broken. Heck, the FAA provides an on-line search page for getting pilot's names, addresses, class of medical.

If it turns out that the ass't chief pilot or AOL had no idea any other data was in the database or had no intent to defraud or steal the identity of anyone, I'd all but guarantee you that no crime was committed.

That is, of course, different from violating a company policy.


I did not write the update. I just passed it along with no comment as is. I was not there, never saw the list. Just gathering info and passing it along.

That's about it. B)
I understand you didnt make that statement, I'm just stating openly to the author whoever it might be.
All this talk of A&W makes me thirsty.

UW was UnderWater before Douggie pulled you out of the East River.

He should have let US Air sink because that is where you were headed..UW
Doug had to go with the merger because there was no plan B for A@W except to shrink and lay off. Then like he said in one of the latest Crew News A@W would go BYE BYE!!!!!! Sorry that's the reality of the whole thing....
I don't know how the rest of the Easties feel but I personally don't care if AOL were given names and addresses by USAPA. I don't know how many east pilots I have talked to but none of them have changed thier opinions after receiving AOL material. If you were influenced by THAT maybe you should be based in PHX. If AOL thinks this is the best bang for their buck I suggest they reload with magnum bullets.
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