US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You r so right A@W brought so much to this merger. Those huge money making hubs out west and the future of tremendous growth there I am so impressed.. Screw those east pilots they brought nothing to this merger. Their huge pay cuts had nothing to do with this merger or the possibility of turning this thing around. I say those A@W new hires at the time of the merger should go in front of a 17 year east pilot who was never laid off because those A@W new hires worked so hard for this and you know they brought so much to this merger. It all makes sense to me....Let them upgrade and get into widebodies first. I am guessing A@W was going to get a bunch of widebodies anyway and fly all over the globe out of PHX .

All this talk of A&W makes me thirsty.

UW was UnderWater before Douggie pulled you out of the East River.

He should have let US Air sink because that is where you were headed..UW
All this talk of A&W makes me thirsty.

UW was UnderWater before Douggie pulled you out of the East River.

He should have let US Air sink because that is where you were headed..UW
With what money did "douggie" pull us out of the water with, you guys seem to forget "Project Zanzibar" does that not ring a bell?
Thank you for your spin, mini-me Nosum... :lol:

I've never claimed that AOL didn't receive ANY information - that's a lie. I have said that none of us know how much of "truncated" SS# was contained in the file and whether either the asst chief pilot or AOL knew it was there.

I'm no great lover of ALPA or any of the big unions. You're a newbie and based in SFO for another airline, so you may not have seen the times I've said just that. What fascinates me about the USAPA faithful is the lack of separation between the ALPA MEC (the faithful's fellow pilots) and ALPA national. There's also the feeble excuses for the concessions - "ALPA made me vote for them". Except for the pension, every concession has been ratified by the pilots but it's all someone else's fault. Little kids attempt to blame others when they're caught being bad, adults are supposed to behave differently.

But facts don't mean any more to you than most of the East. So spin your fantasy world all you want - you do it so well.

Less than 10% are retiring from the right seat smarty pants

And another 10% from medical - probably a little higher since the number on medical is slowly growing and will continue to do so till people start hitting 65.

BTW, you want to convince the guy below 3000 on the seniority list that retires in 5 years and is already out on medical that he'll be a widebody captain without the Nic?

You said we're not going to get a contract until Doug wants to give us one.

I guess your right about that.

USAPA has no say in the matter.
Trader, I know you are anti-east and despise you fellow east pilots, but I think we will have something by years end, and I know a man of your integrity will not accept any raise or improvement to our side when are you do is bad mouth the people that are tying to gst us a better deal. Again, Will you take the money? Let us all know.

Your link produced a "Page not found" response. I found it on my own. Didn't see anything new - Czar Cleary claiming that SS# were included which was refuted by the Johnson letter saying that only hidden and truncated SS# were included. I see the article called it "a leak" and not theft.

And another 10% from medical - probably a little higher since the number on medical is slowly growing and will continue to do so till people start hitting 65.

BTW, you want to convince the guy below 3000 on the seniority list that retires in 5 years and is already out on medical that he'll be a widebody captain without the Nic?


This statement above shows just how out of touch with reality you are Jim. How many pilots below 3000 on the seniority list are there that retire in the next 5 years?.......would you like to take a guess? Cooooome on.....please take a guess Jim. Go do a little homework and get back to me Jim. After your nap of course.
This statement above shows just how out of touch with reality you are Jim. How many pilots below 3000 on the seniority list are there that retire in the next 5 years?.......would you like to take a guess? Cooooome on.....please take a guess Jim. Go do a little homework and get back to me Jim. After your nap of course.
Just pointing out the error in your statements. Sorry being wrong upsets you so much. :lol:

There are several in the high 2000's and 3000's born in 1055 or earlier. The only way I figure that your claims of advancement are right is you're counting on the rest of the A332's and the A350's going to the east with a DOH list locking nearly all the West pilots out of the captain seats.

I suppose you don't believe me about the 10% on medical either... :p

With what money did "douggie" pull us out of the water with, you guys seem to forget "Project Zanzibar" does that not ring a bell?

America West Airlines

Acquired US Airways in 2005 and assumed its identity.



Corporate headquarters:
Phoenix, AZ


Known for
Richard R. Goodmanson
1947   COO of DuPont
Doug Parker
c. 1962   CEO of US Airways

Known for
Herbert M. Baum
6-Dec-1936   CEO of Dial Corporation, 2000-05
Cheryl Gordon Krongard
c. 1956   Partner, Apollo Management, 2002-04

Known for
Stephen F. Bollenbach
c. 1943   CEO of Hilton Hotels, 1996-2007
Matthew J. Hart
c. 1953   CEO of Hilton Hotels
Marie L. Knowles
c. 1947   CFO of ARCO, 1996-2000
Richard C. Kraemer
c. 1944   President of UDC Homes, 1985-96
Bob Miller
30-Mar-1945   Governor of Nevada, 1989-99
Denise M. O'Leary
c. 1957   Former Partner, Menlo Ventures
Doug Parker
c. 1962   CEO of US Airways
Raymond S. Troubh
c. 1925   Independent Financial Consultant
J. Steven Whisler
23-Nov-1954   CEO of Phelps Dodge, 2000-07

Copyright ©2010 Soylent Communications
Ya gotta love the East fascination with Project Zanzabar - a plan for bankruptcy that was never used. Meanwhile, the old US was already in bankruptcy and didn't have a viable plan till Parker said "Yes" to the merger. Plus they can talk about who raised the money from outside investors all they want - Lakefield certainly didn't line up much money before there was a merger to peddle to the investors, but once there was going to be a merger the promises of money came flowing in.

Trader, I know you are anti-east and despise you fellow east pilots, but I think we will have something by years end, and I know a man of your integrity will not accept any raise or improvement to our side when are you do is bad mouth the people that are tying to gst us a better deal. Again, Will you take the money? Let us all know.

I wish I could share your optimism for the conclusion of negotiations.

Why would Parker and Kirby consider closing a deal when they have management's dream in place? East vs. West with no end to the Section 22 in sight, all the while the majority of your pilots flying for bottom of the barrel pay and work rules.

And by most metrics, running a good airline, and profitable too (for now).

It's LOA 93 for a few more years, at least until the courts decide.

The time to get a better deal has passed us by.
America West Airlines

Acquired US Airways in 2005 and assumed its identity.



Corporate headquarters:
Phoenix, AZ


  CEO of Phelps Dodge, 2000-07

Copyright ©2010 Soylent Communications
On September 26, 2007, as part of the integration efforts following the merger of US Airways Group and America West Holdings in September 2005, AWA surrendered its Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) operating certificate. As a result, all future mainline airline operations will be conducted under US Airways’ FAA operating certificate. In connection with the combination of all mainline airline operations under one FAA operating certificate, US Airways Group contributed one hundred percent of its equity interest in America West Holdings to US Airways. As a result, America West Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary, AWA, are now wholly owned subsidiaries of US Airways. In addition, AWA transferred substantially all of its assets and liabilities to US Airways. All off-balance sheet commitments of AWA were also transferred to US Airways. This transaction constitutes a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for at historical cost.
Washington, D.C. 20549
FORM 10-Q A little more accurate I think.
Last fall, the AOL mailed propaganda to East pilots. East pilots were outraged at the unauthorized use of their personal information. President Cleary then approached Doug Parker to conduct an investigation.

In November, the Company acknowledged that passport information was included in the database used to distribute the mailing. Due to this acknowledgement, and as a result of the Company's failure to respond to requests for information, President Cleary notified the TSA and FBI of the security breach. In January, the FBI appointed an investigator to the case.

The Company revealed that John Scherff, who at the time held the position of Assistant Chief Pilot, had obtained the information later given to Leonidas. The Company scheduled a disciplinary hearing, excluding USAPA. When USAPA insisted on being a party to the hearing (in accordance with the Association's contractual rights) the Company cancelled the hearing.

In late March, Doug Parker contacted President Cleary to inform him that Social Security numbers were also included in the stolen database, and that two additional pilots were being investigated: PHX Vice Chairman Eric Ferguson and PHX Captain Ken Holmes (former ALPA R&I Chairman).

In summary, John Scherff provided to First Officer Ferguson and Captain Holmes a list of East pilot names and personal information, including addresses, passport information and Social Security numbers. They in turn used the information to benefit the Army of Leonidas.

Before proceeding, Mike Cleary asked PHX Reps Roger Valez, DDR Patrick O'Neill, and David Braid if they are registered officers of Leonidas. Valez and O'Neill stated that they are members of AOL. President Cleary suggested that they voluntarily remove themselves during the AOL discussion. Neither Valez nor O'Neill agreed to leave the meeting prior to the continued discussion of the AOL issues.

Consequently, the Board passed a resolution, based on the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws' Section IX, to exclude Leonidas members Velez and O'Neill from the Leonidas identity discussion due to a clear conflict of interest. Following passage of the resolution, Valez and O'Neill nonetheless declined to leave and a recess was called.

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