US Pilots Labor Discussion

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As BB has point out so well, the West has gotten the short end of this merger stick. The East has recalled all of their furloughs, hired off the street, added a handful of 330s. The West entered the merger with 144 airplanes and we've given up 20+ airframes. Not coincidentally, Parker has been stacking the "New US Airways" with old US Airways management. You guys have gotten everything in this merger, but then you want to steal our captain upgrades. Forget it. The West has suffered all the harm they are going to suffer. Separate ops with the East now paying back under LOA93 is perfectly fine with us. Nicolau nailed the ratios and under the current scenario, the West will be upgrading at the same pace as under Nicolau. The only difference is for the few dozen of West pilots living East of the Mississippi who probably would have taken an East domicile upgrade. It's not the ideal for them, but for the rest of us, commuting to Phoenix or living in Phoenix is far better than commuting to DCA in the dead of winter. Read the transcripts. Nicolau nailed the ratios.

P.S. See what' going on in Europe? How's that going to impact East/West going forward? Hmmmm.
Don't Care! MM! But can't be as bad as say PHX!
Last fall, the AOL mailed propaganda to East pilots. East pilots were outraged at the unauthorized use of their personal information. President Cleary then approached Doug Parker to conduct an investigation.

In November, the Company acknowledged that passport information was included in the database used to distribute the mailing. Due to this acknowledgement, and as a result of the Company's failure to respond to requests for information, President Cleary notified the TSA and FBI of the security breach. In January, the FBI appointed an investigator to the case.

The Company revealed that John Scherff, who at the time held the position of Assistant Chief Pilot, had obtained the information later given to Leonidas. The Company scheduled a disciplinary hearing, excluding USAPA. When USAPA insisted on being a party to the hearing (in accordance with the Association's contractual rights) the Company cancelled the hearing.

In late March, Doug Parker contacted President Cleary to inform him that Social Security numbers were also included in the stolen database, and that two additional pilots were being investigated: PHX Vice Chairman Eric Ferguson and PHX Captain Ken Holmes (former ALPA R&I Chairman).

In summary, John Scherff provided to First Officer Ferguson and Captain Holmes a list of East pilot names and personal information, including addresses, passport information and Social Security numbers. They in turn used the information to benefit the Army of Leonidas.

Before proceeding, Mike Cleary asked PHX Reps Roger Valez, DDR Patrick O'Neill, and David Braid if they are registered officers of Leonidas. Valez and O'Neill stated that they are members of AOL. President Cleary suggested that they voluntarily remove themselves during the AOL discussion. Neither Valez nor O'Neill agreed to leave the meeting prior to the continued discussion of the AOL issues.

Consequently, the Board passed a resolution, based on the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws' Section IX, to exclude Leonidas members Velez and O'Neill from the Leonidas identity discussion due to a clear conflict of interest. Following passage of the resolution, Valez and O'Neill nonetheless declined to leave and a recess was called.

Now the chief pilots office is staying there will be jail time coming for the guys. Joe is waiting!!!
As BB has point out so well, the West has gotten the short end of this merger stick. The East has recalled all of their furloughs, hired off the street, added a handful of 330s. The West entered the merger with 144 airplanes and we've given up 20+ airframes. Not coincidentally, Parker has been stacking the "New US Airways" with old US Airways management. You guys have gotten everything in this merger, but then you want to steal our captain upgrades. Forget it. The West has suffered all the harm they are going to suffer. Separate ops with the East now paying back under LOA93 is perfectly fine with us. Nicolau nailed the ratios and under the current scenario, the West will be upgrading at the same pace as under Nicolau. The only difference is for the few dozen of West pilots living East of the Mississippi who probably would have taken an East domicile upgrade. It's not the ideal for them, but for the rest of us, commuting to Phoenix or living in Phoenix is far better than commuting to DCA in the dead of winter. Read the transcripts. Nicolau nailed the ratios.

P.S. See what' going on in Europe? How's that going to impact East/West going forward? Hmmmm.
Nothing say's we brought nothing of value to this train wreck better than you AQUA! MM!
Relative seniority fixes that - a person's seniority prior to the merger is the same as their seniority after the merger. Everybody moves up or down based on post-merger events.

A couple of problems with the relative position fix. Attrition is a post-merger event but a pilot will turn 65 on the same day whether the merger occurred or not. Total attrition post-merger has already been 10 to 1 East to West and age 65 attrition can be predicted with 100% accuracy to be at least 4 to 1 going forward in time.

Your relative position fix also simply ignores longevity. An East pilot with 17 years seniority should be senior to a West new hire.... period.

With your Theory of Relativity attrition and longevity both have complete value separately but the value conveniently vanishes at integration.

Trying to force an unreasonable position such as Nic will simply result in WWIII because the membership will as they have a right to.... undoubtedly continue to reject it.

Now the chief pilots office is staying there will be jail time coming for the guys. Joe is waiting!!!


Now that is funny. In the unlikey event these three faced federal charges, our man Joe would not be providing the housing. He's Maricopa County Sheriff.

He's not too fond of the Feds interfering with his detention and deportation of illegal aliens either.

Now that is funny. In the unlikey event these three faced federal charges, our man Joe would not be providing the housing. He's Maricopa County Sheriff.

He's not too fond of the Feds interfering with his detention and deportation of illegal aliens either.
We love Joe out here!!!, and yes innocent until proven guilty however that was a true statment for the office. I do feel for these idiots.
Leonidas update 3/31/11

Over the past few days, Mike Cleary has been busy pulling fire alarms in every state and in every federal agency that he can get his hands on. Appropriately, some of these government agencies are responding to the alarm raised. It is clear to Leonidas that what these agencies will find is exactly what the company has already found: no wrong doing by any West pilot. Leonidas's involvement is tangential; we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that. When the company investigated the transfer of the seniority list to Leonidas, no harm was found and all involved West pilots were cleared. We've been honest with the company since the beginning of their investigation and we will continue to be open and honest with whichever agencies investigate. Cleary's accusations bring far greater focus on the company's handling of sensitive personal data rather than the actions of three West pilots. Understandably then, the company has chosen to retain outside legal counsel and to report the matter to government agencies. It is unfortunate that all Airways employees must endure the obnoxious roar created by Cleary, but then again this is what we all have dealt with since April of 2008.


Leonidas LLC
Leonidas update 3/31/11

Over the past few days, Mike Cleary has been busy pulling fire alarms in every state and in every federal agency that he can get his hands on. Appropriately, some of these government agencies are responding to the alarm raised. It is clear to Leonidas that what these agencies will find is exactly what the company has already found: no wrong doing by any West pilot. Leonidas's involvement is tangential; we asked for a seniority list in Excel format and received precisely that. When the company investigated the transfer of the seniority list to Leonidas, no harm was found and all involved West pilots were cleared. We've been honest with the company since the beginning of their investigation and we will continue to be open and honest with whichever agencies investigate. Cleary's accusations bring far greater focus on the company's handling of sensitive personal data rather than the actions of three West pilots. Understandably then, the company has chosen to retain outside legal counsel and to report the matter to government agencies. It is unfortunate that all Airways employees must endure the obnoxious roar created by Cleary, but then again this is what we all have dealt with since April of 2008.


Leonidas LLC
How can that be? According to usapa insiders the FBI is filing 3000 counts of identity theft against Leonidas
Roar created by Cleary, ............................. ? Seems to me the retention of outside legal council for a roar would be a little overkill! MM!
Just pointing out the error in your statements. Sorry being wrong upsets you so much. :lol:

There are several in the high 2000's and 3000's born in 1055 or earlier. The only way I figure that your claims of advancement are right is you're counting on the rest of the A332's and the A350's going to the east with a DOH list locking nearly all the West pilots out of the captain seats.

I suppose you don't believe me about the 10% on medical either... :p



You are so fond of saying PROOF!!!! Yet when confronted you don't bother to do your homework and prove your statements. Talk about HYPOCRICY!!! Are you too lazy to actually look it up? Give me some actual numbers Jim....not your best guesses. Do your homework.....Otherwise you're just another wise ass who thinks he knows it all. Get back to me when you actually do know something.

P.S. If they were born in 1055.....I would call them the Highlander.
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