US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The list he gave out was not supposed to have SSNs on them to begin with but HR distributed it with all the SSNs just like when you guys got all the west SSNs a few years ago. Funny how none of you were up in arms about that incident :eek:

It's hard to be up in arms when you don't know about something. I fully support your S.S. # being secure too.

Seems like the company could answer a lot of questions better than they have, and that would put some people at ease.
The CP in question stopped being a CP about 7 months ago. The list he gave out was not supposed to have SSNs on them to begin with but HR distributed it with all the SSNs just like when you guys got all the west SSNs a few years ago. Funny how none of you were up in arms about that incident :eek:

And this is how you justify what he did???

I stand by my statement: It was a mistake and showed poor judgement. He should admit his mistake and that should probably be the end of it, but it won't... we're off to the races again.

I didn't want ANY correspondance from AOL. I don't want any from USAPA either. I want to vote in the IBT and shove it up the company's wazoo. But we are too focused on that god awful seniority integration and we will sit here and fight each other until retirement.

Driver <_<
We do indeed "see it " differently. I apologize for the "Lottery ticket" remark, it was a cheap shot.

You have every right to fund AOL to your hearts content and if I were you, I probably would too.

Someday, this will all be over. When it is, we will ALL need to "just get along" however it turns out. All I have ever wanted from this "career" was to fly the jet, for as much money as possible, in as few days a month as possible and to do a "mind dump" on the place once the brake is set and the door is open. My career expectations have not changed.

I also appreciate the efforts made by those who try to keep the rhetoric below the boiling point. It might be helpful, if everybody here stays mindful that this is a PUBLIC forum, pooping in our mess kits here, diminishes what little is left of our dignity and respect for our profession.

No worries on that lottery ticket remark. I wish this had been handled differently from the get go, but that's neither here nor there anymore. The course was set for us, we're on it now. It is what it is. I think you're big picture thinking is right on the money for the most part. I'd be happy to share the cockpit with you someday.
Thanks to Pi Brat, A320 Driver, and Zone5 for adding some reason and sanity to the 'investigation' issue. While some others are busy ginning up good stuff for all it's worth, it's nice to see that.
No worries on that lottery ticket remark. I wish this had been handled differently from the get go, but that's neither here nor there anymore. The course was set for us, we're on it now. It is what it is. I think you're big picture thinking is right on the money for the most part. I'd be happy to share the cockpit with you someday.

And I you. B) As I said quite a while back, it was very poorly handled, there should never have been an "arbitration" escape path for either MEC. Those guys should have been locked in a room (without lawyers) until they either gave up and were replaced or they should still be there working out a deal! Park the egos at the door and "get er done". At this point it has reached the level of difficulty on a par with Middle East Peace. So much vitriol and bad blood has been shed that both sides have lost complete control of the process and are now at the mercy of the "legal system". Not good. :(

Had we not gone down this "rabbit hole" we would all be several million dollars better off and the company would have put most of that "profit sharing" money in our pockets, where it belongs.

It's the method of slotting that got us to where we are... If it would of been a reasonable slotting we never would be where we are today.

The method of slotting is basically the same as the other three arbitrations, slotting by equipment and status.

What makes it unreasonable?
Be very careful with the accusations you toss around on a public forum.

Got it?! :angry:

Ooooh! scary.

How's this: a few of your quotes while trying to rile up on some East F/A's in their section...

From Cactuspilot1 in the FA section:

“Thank you for your reply. I did not know CATCREW was the same system. We have Maestro for pilots and a seperate program for f/a's. Maybe you have valid concerns with how the company handles our info but I know for a FACT that Leonidas has or had any intent of using addresses other than for the mailings. If we had a union which allowed Phoenix reps to communicate freely, then there would not be a need for alternate means of communicating.”

“I guess this person can point fingers at the company but not Leonidas. Baseless...”

“I appreciate your input but disagree with your fellow East f/a sticking his or her nose in a pilot discussion. I resent the misrepresentation that a Leonidas mailing is somehow ID theft. If you have a beef with ID's being compromised, take your concerns to US Airways
since the list originated there. If you find Leonidas mailings offensive, trash em, that's what I do with Usapian garbage.”

Actually, you know full well what you said, maybe BoeingBoy should review this...since he wasn't sure AOL had anything to do with this...pretty much ties AOL to the list that was illegally rendered and received by AOL.

I can see why the West wants to kiss and make up on this....
Hugs and kisses
maybe BoeingBoy should review this...since he wasn't sure AOL had anything to do with this...pretty much ties AOL to the list that was illegally rendered and received by AOL.

Maybe you should stop making things up. I never said that AOL didn't have anything to do with the list - it would be stupid to say that since it's known that they got the list. It's the illegal, theft, or whatever part I object to. That is an opinion and far from established fact.

I also gave you my truncated SS# - presumably you saw that. How's the snipe hunt going?

No...I'm not real sure...but I think the CATCREW data that was illegally gained by AOL had a lot more than " -2"

Why dont you give me the CATCREW equivalent from a CP office sine-in?

Then we'll talk

Metroyet dissappeared too...I'm so shocked.
Nope, just saying your, mine, BS', Luv's, etc names and addresses are public information. As for the rest, not one of you have proof that complete SS# or anything else confidential was given to AOL. If it's proven, and the intent to transmit that information was present, then we can talk about that.

Just like the RICO charges, you all are running around deciding who to hang before there's been a crime uncovered.



you were saying?
While we are talking about profit sharing, how about a JCBA that sets a base compensation level, supplemented by a serious profit sharing kicker. Everybody works their asses off, put some teeth and over-site in the deal to keep the company honest (very important) and at the end of the day, assuming there are profits, we get a major chunk.

There is no future in choking the "golden goose", union reps would need to be on the board, to monitor what is going on, they would not need to be voting members, just observers. Trust but verify. In good times we profit, in bad we times (terrorism, high oil prices, bad economy, ect) we pull together as a team and keep the doors open.

Ya I know, its been tried before, doesn't mean it can't work. Would it be easy? No way! So what.

Flame on. <_<

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