US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yes...I'd like Boeingboy and Metroyet to please post their personal information here since this is a "non-issue".

I'd also ask Metroyet to cut and paste his Maestro data here too...(since it's all out there anyway)

Lets see how long it takes for them to show us all their "readily available and public information"

Time check: 1923Z

Thousands of people have my name and email address. It's "readily available public information" because it's printed on a seniority list. Have you ever seen a seniority list? Are you violating the law by viewing it? My employee number is on their to. Someone *could* make a fake ID out of it. Alert the Marines!! :lol:

Enjoy your 30 pages of UNCENSORED irrefutable truth.

We all know that's what this little bitchy hissy fit is all about anyway. Partially truncated....encoded ssn#'s that were unknowingly, yet WILLFULLY PROVIDED TO AOL BY THE COMPANY is a non-issue.

Yes. a NON-ISSUE. Still waiting to see what kind of retribution and punishment law enforcement is going to rain down on the 3 and AOL as ordered by Baby Doc douche bag Kim Jong Cleary.

None. Nothing. silence. zero. zip. Nada.

Hey. Side note. If USAPA was more than a million in the hole...without BPR knowledge or consent for spending, would that concern you? Why is the dues rate still DOUBLE what was promised 3 years ago? Is there a cash problem?
Yes...I'd like Boeingboy and Metroyet to please post their personal information here since this is a "non-issue".

I'd also ask Metroyet to cut and paste his Maestro data here too...(since it's all out there anyway)

Lets see how long it takes for them to show us all their "readily available and public information"

Time check: 1923Z
Right; because posting PII on a public web forum where anyone can access the information is identical to the situation described by Steve Johnson noting that an Excel file with truncated fields that were not even know to be contained therein. One of these scenarios involves intentionally releasing PII on an forum with unrestricted public access (which is probably a violation of the forum rules) and one scenario still holds the possibly that no one outside of those who reported the information to Steve Johnson has even seen the PII. Sure, those are identical scenarios; no doubt about it.

Your personal info is secure and not available in public forums? Is this illegal?

Take 20 minutes, look for yourself and friends. It's eye's free....and it's available to the entire world.

Don't forget to call the FBI when you're done! :lol: :lol:

Still were online when I was BoeingBoy.

Time check: 1948Z
Thousands of people have my name and email address. It's "readily available public information" because it's printed on a seniority list. Have you ever seen a seniority list? Are you violating the law by viewing it? My employee number is on their to. Someone *could* make a fake ID out of it. Alert the Marines!! :lol:

Enjoy your 30 pages of UNCENSORED irrefutable truth.

We all know that's what this little bitchy hissy fit is all about anyway. Partially truncated....encoded ssn#'s that were unknowingly, yet WILLFULLY PROVIDED TO AOL BY THE COMPANY is a non-issue.

Yes. a NON-ISSUE. Still waiting to see what kind of retribution and punishment law enforcement is going to rain down on the 3 and AOL as ordered by Baby Doc douche bag Kim Jong Cleary.

None. Nothing. silence. zero. zip. Nada.

Hey. Side note. If USAPA was more than a million in the hole...without BPR knowledge or consent for spending, would that concern you? Why is the dues rate still DOUBLE what was promised 3 years ago? Is there a cash problem?

No, I haven't seen a seniority list. Since you proffered some search engine website as a tool, why dont you use it on yourself and post the results here? Better yet, a snapshot of Maestro since it's the equivalent of know, home address, phone benefits...DOB....that stuff...Oh yes...and give us exactly the same truncated SS...
Maybe our "club" could use it for something down the road too...
Seems fair, right?

Time Check:2000Z
Source: Usapawatch


In response to last week’s letter to Doug Parker from USAPA President Mike Cleary, US Airways management purchased one year subscriptions to the LifeLock identify theft prevention service for those of us on the east. Although we appreciate the gesture, we must acknowledge that this latest crisis was manufactured by Mr. Cleary in order to distract the membership from the rapidly approaching anniversary marking three years of total failure.

Recently, TheEye poured over hundreds of official USAPA communications dating back to 2008 and has yet to identify one substantial accomplishment. In other words, except for delaying the implementation of the Nicolau seniority list USAPA has done zilch for the pilots of US Airways. The hundreds of checks written with excessive machismo over the past three years are as worthless today as they were then. US Airways management still employs the lowest compensated pilots among all the majors and many regionals. With the projected billions of dollars ceded to US Airways by the ineptitude of USAPA we should be gracious that the Company has reinvested our concessions in the LifeLock corporation.

As Mr. Cleary embarks on his next legal campaign against our west brothers and sisters, it needs to be revealed that our union is facing a serious budget shortfall. While Mr. Seham enjoys a substantial surplus and can indulge in the latest German automotive marvel, USAPA will have trouble making the payments on its two leased Ford sedans. The prospect of a new legal front must bring tears of joy to the partners of Seham, Seham, Meltz & Petersen. This latest hysteria initiated by Mr. Cleary and his propaganda machine is a pathetic attempt to distract the membership from the reality that USAPA is a failed experiment with no future on our property. Most east pilots are starting to acknowledge that other than delaying the implementation of the Nicolau list, USAPA is completely incapable of providing even the most basic of union services.

As you finish reading the mailing that would probably have gone in the trash absent the meltdown by Mr. Cleary, we need start a dialog on how best to move forward.

Hint: USAPA in its current form is not the answer.
This guidance comes from the FTC website:

(for the company)

"It is important that your notice:

describes clearly what you know about the compromise. Include how it happened; what information was taken, and, if you know, how the thieves have used the information; and what actions you have taken already to remedy the situation. Explain how to reach the contact person in your organization. Consult with your law enforcement contact on exactly what information to include so your notice does not hamper the investigation."

Company remedy....yes, will be interesting to see. I'm sure they're loving Leonidas now.
The company already admitted the ss #'s were in the database.

Don't forget "truncated" SS#. Here's a "truncated SS# - 2. It highly likely that your SS# begins with "2# - can I do you any harm with that? Like the rest, you're drawing you own conclusions from partial information. You want AOL to be guilty of some crime so you speculate and invent what you don't know.

Like I said, there'll be plenty of time to sort out guilt and innocence once facts are known.

Yes...I'd like Boeingboy and Metroyet to please post their personal information here since this is a "non-issue".

Here's my truncated SS# - 2. Have fun with your snipe hunt...

Sorry you had to wait so long - I never sign out of AirlineForums so may show as being here 24/7 for all I know. But I'm not.

No, I haven't seen a seniority list. Since you proffered some search engine website as a tool, why dont you use it on yourself and post the results here? Better yet, a snapshot of Maestro since it's the equivalent of know, home address, phone benefits...DOB....that stuff...Oh yes...and give us exactly the same truncated SS...
Maybe our "club" could use it for something down the road too...
Seems fair, right?

Time Check:2000Z

You've never seen a Seniority list huh. A Career Airline Pilot hasn't seen an Seniority List? Right.

Your little Bitchy fit has nothing to do with Privacy, and everything to do with staring down the immovable truth that USAPA was a mistake and a complete failure. Moreover, you know for a fact that you've left to close to 200k dollars on the table so far because of this brain damaged experiment. Distressing to see it in print for you I imagine. Your demands I reveal my private information here differs unimaginably from what was alleged to have occurred. If I need to spell that out for you, you're beyond help anyway. I'll save my keystrokes.

I take your "club" comment as a threat....which is to say It makes me laugh out loud. Seriously, eyes watering and everything. You're "club" is a aged bunch of pathetic rubes/Scabs.

Time/Reality check: 15:17 lcl Which means you've been the Lowest Paid Major Airline pilot for 2351 days 15 hours and 18 minutes....still counting.

USAPA was elected 1076 days 15 hours and 18 minutes contract even remotely in sight. No end to LOA 93 either.
Maybe our "club" could use it for something down the road too...
Seems fair, right?

Time Check:2000Z

Sure seems fair to me,,,but usapa already has the West addresses, how else do you think they will be able to mail out the checks in the future?
You are correct about his commitment. If you met him, you would see the personality trait I am speaking of. He does not ask for respect of the West pilot group, he has earned our admiration as a unifying voice.

I'm sure he has.

The last thing any of us needs right now is another legal witch hunt. Only winners will be the lawyers. That being said, IMO, the PHX assistant CP should be returned to the line if in fact he gave out addresses and SSNs, truncated or not. It was a mistake and showed poor judgement.

Driver B)
The last thing any of us needs right now is another legal witch hunt. Only winners will be the lawyers. That being said, IMO, the PHX assistant CP should be returned to the line if in fact he gave out addresses and SSNs, truncated or not. It was a mistake and showed poor judgement.

Driver B)

The CP in question stopped being a CP about 7 months ago. The list he gave out was not supposed to have SSNs on them to begin with but HR distributed it with all the SSNs just like when you guys got all the west SSNs a few years ago. Funny how none of you were up in arms about that incident :eek:
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