US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hello 9er,

EF's initial funding of Leonidas was around $30,000. This was out of his pocket to help the West pilot group as a whole. He did not expect anything in return. For someone to caugh up that much cash for the greater good of the pilot group tells me a lot about his integrity.

I know that many of you have met the man. So tell me, what is your impression of EF?

I don't know what that says about his integrity, but it does speak volumes about his level of commitment! Like I've been trying to tell the East posters here, this matter will not be settled by "out spending AOL", or by "raising the stakes" in the pot. The cards will be played.


Your personal info is secure and not available in public forums? Is this illegal?

Take 20 minutes, look for yourself and friends. It's eye's free....and it's available to the entire world.

Don't forget to call the FBI when you're done! :lol: :lol:
I don't know what that says about his integrity, but it does speak volumes about his level of commitment! Like I've been trying to tell the East posters here, this matter will not be settled by "out spending AOL", or by "raising the stakes" in the pot. The cards will be played.


You are correct about his commitment. If you met him, you would see the personality trait I am speaking of. He does not ask for respect of the West pilot group, he has earned our admiration as a unifying voice.
None of which changes my point - a person's name and address is not some kind of super-duper secure information that takes breaking laws to get. Did you fill out a change of address form at the post office? If you did your new info is circulating and no crime has to be committed to get that info.

Everyone has jumped on the "our SS# were given out" (with no proof to back up that statement) because that crosses a line. However, if the FAA issued your pilot license using your SS# as the license # that information is also out there. How do you think AOPA, Flying, or Harvey Watt get their mailing lists to send out offers - stealing it from the FAA?

zone5 and PI are both right - there's a lot of charges being thrown around based on nothing but supposition or a desire to exaggerate for effect - just like the RICO case. Once the facts are known there will be plenty of time to discuss this issue.


The company already admitted the ss #'s were in the database. Sorry you didn't get the memo. I'm not on the mailing list for AOPA, Flying, etc, or any of those lists exactly because I opted out on the FAA website to not show my address. Therefore, they didn't get the list that way with my name on it, in 2010 by the way. Why else would the company be willing to provide the E pilots potentially several hundred thousand dollars worth of identity theft protection, out the goodness of their heart? It's because the ss#'s were in the database provided. The FAA database does not list your pilot license number, so your other statement is false re: ss#s.
Your stupidity has reached an all time high...or low depending on how you view it. The "final solution" was legal under German law ?.
I know some 6th graders who know more about history than you do. You really are not serious are you?? Self loathing is a horrible thing.
Go get some sunshine in your life!!

Placing a 17 year dues paying.......well you do know the rest don't you my ignorant friend!!


I loathe guys who renege on a mutually agreed upon arbitration and justify it by saying what they did is legal.

I loathe guys who try to make a Reserve First Officer senior to a Block Holding Captain.

You're either too ignorant to know you're wrong or too unethical to admit it.

Your personal info is secure and not available in public forums? Is this illegal?

Take 20 minutes, look for yourself and friends. It's eye's free....and it's available to the entire world.

Don't forget to call the FBI when you're done! :lol: :lol:
Are you really this dense that you don't get the issue about Social Security numbers? Can someone open up a bank account and credit card with this forum talk? Charlie, you are amazing. I'll bookmark this one too.
You are correct about his commitment. If you met him, you would see the personality trait I am speaking of. He does not ask for respect of the West pilot group, he has earned our admiration as a unifying voice.
I am glad you like him. We feel the same way about Mike CLeary.
We need to get Cleary on the company then for a better choice. They should give us a choice of at least three seeing they KNEW this was a problem in the past with seniority data, and did nothing about it.
I've sent an email to our reps, the BPR and all committee members with the same link I provided here, stating in no uncertain terms that the company has a HUGE liability for not ensuring that our personal, confidential, and sensitive data was protected. A year's subscription to LifeLock or anything remotely resembling it is simply insulting and totally unsatisfactory.

I hope all East pilots do the same.
Is it ethical to renege on a mutully agreed upon arbitration process?

This is an issue of morality.

Everything Hilter did was legal under German law.

Four seniority arbitrations in a row (Shuttle, AWA, Delta-Northwest, and Frontier-Republic) say that slotting by equipment and status is fair and DOH is not.

How many more have to go against you before you consider the possibility that your opinion is wrong?

It's the method of slotting that got us to where we are... If it would of been a reasonable slotting we never would be where we are today.
That should do it!
Confirmation number: xxxxxxxxx730J
Donation amount: $1,000.00 USD
Total: $1,000.00 USD
Purpose: Simple Contribution
Reference: LeoFree
Contributor: Xxxx

This is tonight's winner for funding DFRII.

We are well on our way!


It seems like you need to raise a Million more just to come current on DR1..

Keep the donations coming
Yes...I'd like Boeingboy and Metroyet to please post their personal information here since this is a "non-issue".

I'd also ask Metroyet to cut and paste his Maestro data here too...(since it's all out there anyway)

Lets see how long it takes for them to show us all their "readily available and public information"

Time check: 1923Z
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