US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I'm not using the Scab word cavalierly. It's just that there really isn't any other word in the English Language that perfectly captures the depravity of your scab union. I know what YOU think a scab is. We don't agree on the definition as I think USAPA has created a whole new definition on their own. You can stop trying to correct me on this. We don't agree, and I won't.

If anything diminishes the Scab word it's USAPA. Picket line crossing scabs are Caesar Chavez compared to USAPA.

Yes you are. Just because you find it difficult to accurately express your opinion of USAPA utilizing the "English Language" doesn't give you the authority to just "make it up" as you go.

I think I will go with Webster's definition:..... (1) : a worker who refuses to join a labor union (2) : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended (3) : a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike (4) : one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms

You dishonor the thousands of pilots who paid a huge price when they chose to walk away from their jobs, rather than become a scab. :angry:

"Captain Cleary's note correctly stated that a US Airways pilot (FELONIOUSLY) provided to Leonidas a list of East pilots names.."

-there, fixed it for you
As for the rest, not one of you have proof that complete SS# or anything else confidential was given to AOL. If it's proven, and the intent to transmit that information was present, then we can talk about that.

Just like the RICO charges, you all are running around deciding who to hang before there's been a crime uncovered.


Maybe you'd like a moment to reflect on this light of Cactusboy53's admission today?

So predictable
Maybe you'd like a moment to reflect on this light of Cactusboy53's admission today?

So predictable

Hey Slick;
That QUOTE was DIRECTLY from Steve Johnson's letter that is posted on WINGS. No admission of anything.....just a quote. You kids would do a lot better if you took to the time to read some of this stuff. Here's today's reading list: The arbitration transcripts, the DFR lawsuit transcripts, the DFR appeal, the SCOTUS appeal, the Declaratory Action transcripts. You're gonna have to be sharper than that in this battle of wits. Go eat your Wheaties and try again later.

Oh BTW, you managed to "fix" Mr. Johnson's letter. I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder if that constitutes as either slander or liable?

Utterly pathetic & predictable.
Yes you are. Just because you find it difficult to accurately express your opinion of USAPA utilizing the "English Language" doesn't give you the authority to just "make it up" as you go.
The art of succinct communication is to say the most with the least amount of words. Using the definition from Webster's of the word "illegitimate: irregular; not in good usage;" USAPA is an illegitimate union.

Look around you and see what your illegitimate union has done to this pilot group. You're going to be on LOA93 until you retire unless you give up on the idea of self-rule. You Easties are incapable of self-rule and until you recognize that, you'll be enjoying your BK contract in what is supposed to be your golden years of employment. The choice is yours. A lot on the West have many more years left than you Easties.
"Captain Cleary's note correctly stated that a US Airways pilot (FELONIOUSLY) provided to Leonidas a list of East pilots names.."

-there, fixed it for you

Be very careful with the accusations you toss around on a public forum.

Got it?! :angry:
That was my donation. I've always supported the underdog and hate to see them lose too quickly before they really get going.

Thanks for your support.....or did you just take credit for something that was not yours to take?

Showing your east colors there Phoenix, stolen anything else from a West pilot lately?
You dishonor the thousands of pilots who paid a huge price when they chose to walk away from their jobs, rather than become a scab. :angry:

And the scabs at usapa dishonors those same pilots, and union workers in every field, by abusing a false facade of unionism to accomplish the same job theft goal as picket crossers.

No doubt about it. usapa=scab.

PS. feel free to label me a scab for failing to join the scab union. I doubt that will get me on the master scab list, something usapa might just pull off for the 2800 pilots on the seperate east seniority list that has caused so much fireworks of late. Don't worry though, the union busting little lawyer can sue the internet if usapians get added to such a list.
And the scabs at usapa dishonors those same pilots, and union workers in every field, by abusing a false facade of unionism to accomplish the same job theft goal as picket crossers.

No doubt about it. usapa=scab.

PS. feel free to label me a scab for failing to join the scab union. I doubt that will get me on the master scab list, something usapa might just pull off for the 2800 pilots on the seperate east seniority list that has caused so much fireworks of late. Don't worry though, the union busting little lawyer can sue the internet if usapians get added to such a list.
Well said nic. In one word: illegitimacy.
The art of succinct communication is to say the most with the least amount of words. Using the definition from Webster's of the word "illegitimate: irregular; not in good usage;" USAPA is an illegitimate union.

Look around you and see what your illegitimate union has done to this pilot group. You're going to be on LOA93 until you retire unless you give up on the idea of self-rule. You Easties are incapable of self-rule and until you recognize that, you'll be enjoying your BK contract in what is supposed to be your golden years of employment. The choice is yours. A lot on the West have many more years left than you Easties.

Illegitimate. Going with Webster's once again:.......departing from the regular : erratic
a : not sanctioned by law : illegal, looks like you are on the one hand correct and on the other incorrect. The creation of USAPA is a "departure from the regular" and they have acted "erratically" from time to time. However, they are not "illegal" and are "sanctioned by law", if they weren't, they would not exist.

Erratic behavior is not necessarily illegal, it's just.........erratic. So, if you want to go with labeling USAPA illegitimate, based on how they behave, so be it. If you are implying that they are illegal, you would be incorrect.

My choice is to remain on LOA-93 verses getting booted back to the narrowbody with a 3% pay raise.

I'm glad you realize that "A lot on the West have many more years left", as you may have to wait your turn. I hate that for you!

You know what guys? Unless there are posters on here that are USAPA officers/BPR memebers or AOL officers, none of us will have any effect on the C3 affair. Both USAPA and AOL are going to follow this to the end and use it for everything it's worth. It's just where we are. Why don't we stop trying the situation/people here and let the powers that be figure out what really happened and what to do about it?
Illegitimate. Going with Webster's once again:.......departing from the regular : erratic
a : not sanctioned by law : illegal, looks like you are on the one hand correct and on the other incorrect. The creation of USAPA is a "departure from the regular" and they have acted "erratically" from time to time. However, they are not "illegal" and are "sanctioned by law", if they weren't, they would not exist.

Erratic behavior is not necessarily illegal, it's just.........erratic. So, if you want to go with labeling USAPA illegitimate, based on how they behave, so be it. If you are implying that they are illegal, you would be incorrect.

My choice is to remain on LOA-93 verses getting booted back to the narrowbody with a 3% pay raise.

I'm glad you realize that "A lot on the West have many more years left", as you may have to wait your turn. I hate that for you!

Webster's has more than one definition for a reason.

   /adj., n. ˌɪlɪˈdʒɪtəmɪt; v. ˌɪlɪˈdʒɪtəˌmeɪt/ Show Spelled [adj., n. il-i-jit-uh-mit; v. il-i-jit-uh-meyt] Show IPA adjective, noun, verb, -mat·ed, -mat·ing.
born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock: an illegitimate child.
not legitimate; not sanctioned by law or custom.
unlawful; illegal: an illegitimate action.
irregular; not in good usage.

Logic . not in accordance with the principles of valid inference.
Obsolete . (formerly, in London)
of or pertaining to stage plays in which musical numbers were inserted because of laws that gave only a few theaters the exclusive right to produce straight dramas.
acting in or producing such productions.
And the scabs at usapa dishonors those same pilots, and union workers in every field, by abusing a false facade of unionism to accomplish the same job theft goal as picket crossers.

No doubt about it. usapa=scab.

PS. feel free to label me a scab for . I doubt that will get me on the master scab list, something usapa might just pull off for the 2800 pilots on the seperate east seniority list that has caused so much fireworks of late. Don't worry though, the union busting little lawyer can sue the internet if usapians get added to such a list.

USAPA is your LEGALLY constituted collective bargaining agent. Just saying it's not doesn't make it so, if you don't like it try working to replace them with one more to your liking. Nobody is stopping you and you have an absolute right to attempt to do so. Call up AOL and demand the cards be sent out, they've got the addresses.

You label yourself a scab for "failing to join the union", don't think so? Take it up with Webster's.

Again, it doesn't matter what the ethical or moral implications or aspects of the seniority dispute are. This matter, at this point, will be decided on the legal merits of one side of the issue or the other. The time for the "morality" of the issue to hold sway passed long ago, over the negotiating table. The decision will now be ultimately made in a court of law.

I suggest you forward your opinion regarding the possible relevance of the past Shuttle, AWA, Delta-Northwest, and Frontier-Republic seniority decisions to the AOL lawyers. It should probably be included in their eventual legal argument when and if DFR-II is filed.

"How many more have to go against you before you consider the possibility that your opinion is wrong?", that's easy, only one, this ONE!

You're right Seajay. I agree with you. It Isn't illegal to be a Scab. D.F.R. however, is.
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