US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The army of lyningitas group, representing the west pilots, owes 1 million dollars in legal fees. The recent theft of Usairways employee personal data will require a self induced need for their legal representation. army of iyingitas can not afford this, nor would a law group take on such a loser who has no resources.

To explain this in a vernacular that you and your fellow west group of pilots could understand, your screwed. Keep throwing your money down the drain, feeble minded.

I think you are wrong, AOL can afford it, if they can maintain the level of financial support they purportedly have. As far as finding a lawyer who will "take the case", no problem, as long as they pay the tab. As long as AOL (or whatever they may have to reinvent themselves as) comes up with the money, they will have no problem finding a lawyer!

What a great country, you can sue somebody for a "bad date" if you can pay for it. If all West pilots send AOL $625, there you have it, $1,000,000. Really not that much money.

Another $625 to $1,250 pays for the next round, like I said it's a free country (full of lawyers) where one can spend their discretionary income however you want to! Sure wish I had gone to law school, I just couldn't figure out how to shave without looking in the mirror.

I think you are wrong, AOL can afford it, if they can maintain the level of financial support they purportedly have. As far as finding a lawyer who will "take the case", no problem, as long as they pay the tab. As long as AOL (or whatever they may have to reinvent themselves as) comes up with the money, they will have no problem finding a lawyer!

What a great country, you can sue somebody for a "bad date" if you can pay for it. If all West pilots send AOL $625, there you have it, $1,000,000. Really not that much money.

Another $625 to $1,250 pays for the next round, like I said it's a free country (full of lawyers) where one can spend their discretionary income how ever you want to! Sure wish I had gone to law school, I just couldn't figure out how to shave without looking in the mirror.


How come they still owe one million dollars in legal fees?

As far as law school goes, your posts prove easily, you would have flunked out in the first semester.
So who knowingly transferred, possess or use the east pilots ssn#?

Read that quote didn't say SS#...the SS# is but one facet of the personal identification that comprises this felonious activity. And just so this doesnt go into the weeds too far...the fact that it was released to a few line pilots and/or AOL for the purposes of their blast mailing is relevent. Neither of those parties are entitled to ANY of that information...much less SS#'s.

Is this the "who made those calls?" deja vu?
As far as law school goes, your posts prove easily, you would have flunked out in the first semester.

You're in for it now zone5 - you said things that are prohibited on the East side.

Say Nosum, got that proof yet? A rational person would prove one baseless charge before throwing out another, but you just keep slinging the bs. Are your eyeballs brown yet? Oh, that's right - they already were from dumping those lavs...

I've been gone all day but nothing has changed. Well, the Easties are foaming at the mouth so much they're up to their eyeballs in spittle.

zone5, you said it best:

"The rhetoric and assumptions proffered by both sides of this issue is WAY over the top and probably WAY beyond the reality of the perceived "damages" to the East pilots and the "culpability" of the West pilots (AKA AOL)."


As are the Westies, nothing to be gained by "picking sides" on this one! It's really "out of our hands" now. Regardless of the amount of "foam" on both sides, the powers that be, will be calling the shots from now on and NOTHING said on this or any other forum by mere pilots, will have ANY effect on the outcome.

The pilot group as a whole loses and the lawyers win another. Ain't that a peach!

They don't. That's just scab wishful thinking. The scabs are desperate to know AOL's financial condition. They have no idea.

Your financial situation is terrible, you brought upon yourself.

As far as your constant drumbeat about scabs, prove it. Oh, please mention the Freedom Airline rhetoric, make my day.
The pilot group as a whole loses and the lawyers win another. Ain't that a peach!


The 9th circuit court ruled, the west pilots group that stole personal information have initiated the rest of the legal proceedings. Lets review;

En Banc denied
damage clarification denied
supreme court denied
rule 60 denied
we want wake denied
cross claim
riding companies declaratory
Believe it or not, name and address are public information.

Not necessarily...are you opining that this mailing list was generated by something other than the internal document the company provided? Tell it to the folks at Cornell....

You have no idea who's address was published publicly, if at all. Or their phone number...or any of the myriad of data contained in the CATCREW files. Certainly, the highly sensitive data (SS#'s) is a grave concern. I'm just so surprised the company turd claimed no knowledge of as to distance themselves from the furball. That leaves the guy who handed it over...the guys who accepted it...and AOL in general who used it....period.
They don't. That's just scab wishful thinking. The scabs are desperate to know AOL's financial condition. They have no idea.

AOL is flush with money, so they say. If they have as much money as they pretend they have they should just be paying off the East pilots to get the Nic now and let the East guys all retire already.
Your financial situation is terrible, you brought upon yourself.

As far as your constant drumbeat about scabs, prove it. Oh, please mention the Freedom Airline rhetoric, make my day.
Steve Crimi is a Freedom scab....happy? Your illegal c&bl are all the proof anyone ever need to lable USAPA cheerleaders as SCABS.

I know for sure nobody at AOL is even remotely concerned about their cash position. Dream whatever you like.

Any questions scab?
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