US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Now pilots addresses are FEDERAL CONTROLLED DATA???

Lets see,,,your question was will the company let the guilty people slide....hhmmm...who was responsible for making the very costly mistake of stealling West block hours and transfering them east to avoid east furloughs at the West's expense? Did the company let that person slide??
Come on Preston..focus!

When I talk ask about seals in SFO, you answer with the average number of cows in Hungry Horse, Montanna....try to stay on the know, thousands of pilots at a major airline having all their HR data relinquished to an unauthorized group of employees? You and Callaway can downplay this all you want, and you can talk about block hours to another red lanyard guy.

Lets see, why would the company spend LARGE $$ if this was a non-event? hmmm? why indeed. Here's the kicker, if a few loose cannons out west got a hair up their cookie to get a bigger badge out there cooked this up, and AOL flatly refused to receive it and reported it...AOL could slide. Naturally, the cub scouts would get whacked, but was their crazy idea. But no...AOL orchestrated a mass-mailer using this ill-gotten information. Now they're caught. Now that they're caught, they are deflecting attention towards the company with this idiotic as to step out of the spotlight.

Tell you what, why does the FAA control airmen credentials like they do? Think a stolen uniform from a car break-in is serious? What if the ID badge is stolen too? How could a would-be thief determine where to look for a house an airline pilot lives? Far fetched? Ask the TSA. Ask the FAA.

How about the families of those pilots? Names, phone numbers...hmmmm lotta stuff in that CATCREW screen.
The same day I received my Leonidas mailing, I received two additional unsolicited mailings similarly addessed. Including my spouse as an addressee.

I didn't give my address to them, and they didn't get it from Leonidas.
More classless humor gotta luv it! I'll bet those other mailings weren,t provided with your DOB, SS#, either , and if you give it to DP he will check with them and ask them not to disseminate it or use it! MM! All about you!

Here's your udate. I just got off the phone with a "fair and balanced" reporter about today's events on planet Usapia.

I think he wants to talk with someone about the events that sent Darth Vader into obrit.

Any idea who he needs to speak with? :unsure:
Sorry your buddy at BNET doesn't exactly have a credible large audience! But hey go for it! MM! Or HOLLY HEDGEHOG either!
who was responsible for making the very costly mistake of stealling West block hours and transfering them east to avoid east furloughs at the West's expense? Did the company let that person slide??

Are you serious? The company "stole" West block hours and transfered them to the East, to "avoid East furloughs", why would they do that? Because the East narrow body pilots are paid a few less dollars per hour than the West? Step away from the key board, let me see your hands, this is an intervention, it's for your own good!

OK, OK, I'll take a stab at answering my own question, maybe, just maybe, outside of whatever feed the West can efficiently supply to the East operation, could it be that the West is otherwise NOT PROFITABLE? Where would the West pilots be if they weren't flying up and down the East Coast on all those 4-day trips? I can answer that one too, looking at more furloughs, that's where. No wait, they have the Hawaii traffic! Almost NOBODY, has ever made any money flying to Hawaii, at best for most players, it is a break even endeavor, principally serving to placate the vacation desires of frequent flyer's. Without the "hook-up" to the East, Southwest would have would have done to PHX what they have already done to "Lost Wages".

The company utilizes their assets in whatever manner they deem to be the most profitable, PERIOD! The fact that the pilots at this sorry assed airline seem to be content with dragging out this incessant pissing contest over seniority, just puts smiles on the management and lawyer faces and more money in both their pockets.


Here's your udate. I just got off the phone with a "fair and balanced" reporter about today's events on planet Usapia.

I think he wants to talk with someone about the events that sent Darth Vader into obrit.

Any idea who he needs to speak with? :unsure:
How about starting at the top. Scherff and Fergie will do. Ask the identity thieves how their crime is so harmless. Seeing how thousands are victimized every year in the same fashion, one would imagine the audience would be very closely watching. They would have the same effect neo nazis have when they casually attempt to rationally explain how they shot someone because they just don't like the way they look. Lets' see how you try and convince the audience they did nothing amiss.
More classless humor gotta luv it! I'll bet those other mailings weren,t provided with your DOB, SS#, either , and if you give it to DP he will check with them and ask them not to disseminate it or use it! MM! All about you!
C'mon, MM you are talking to "Mr. my money is on Doug Parker" what did you expect!
Hell. Looking at this article, I'm not sure I would even sign up for lifelock, even a lifetime service. Uhmmm...Tempe, something rotten in the water out there....
Thanks to Cleary royally ticking off the West pilot group, there has been a nice uptick in donations in the past few hours. :D

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Thanks to Cleary royally ticking off the West pilot group, there has been a nice uptick in donations in the past few hours. :D

Donations published on the AWAPPA boards:

This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *LEONIDASLLC".

This email confirms that you have donated Leonidas LLC $500.00 USD using PayPal.

Thanks so much for contributing to the group whose assets will be at risk. We on the East appreciate it! Thanks!
How about starting at the top. Scherff and Fergie will do. Ask the identity thieves how their crime is so harmless. Seeing how thousands are victimized every year in the same fashion, one would imagine the audience would be very closely watching. They would have the same effect neo nazis have when they casually attempt to rationally explain how they shot someone because they just don't like the way they look. Lets' see how you try and convince the audience they did nothing amiss.

Well Swan,

they started at the top. It seems 2 reps were evicted from the meeting today, after Cleary openly called them felons and criminals. Slander is so fun, especially when committed in front of a police officer, who was there to assist Cleary in violating some LMRD rights of the individuals involved. I think maybe the 2 filed a report, perhaps a complaint documenting Clearys behavior.

Then the board of scab representatives passed a resolution holding EF, JS, and KH responsible for all legal fees incurred an expelled them from the union. Way to go board of scab representatives!!!! 3 instant heroes that are going to clean usage's clock.

Enjoy your scab union while it last. This time next year EF,JS and KH will be retired with the scabs money, and the rest of us will be throwing usage off the property!
Thanks to Cleary royally ticking off the West pilot group, there has been a nice uptick in donations in the past few hours. :D

Donations published on the AWAPPA boards:

This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *LEONIDASLLC".

Donation Details
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$500.00 USD
$500.00 USD
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Confirmation number: 8VVxxxxxxxDonation amount: $200.00 USDTotal: $200.00 USDPurpose: Simple

Confirmation Number: 288xxxxxxxx Placed on Mar 29, 2011

Purpose Donation

Simple Contribution

Reference: LeoFree $500.00 USD

Total Amount: $500.00
Date of sign up: Mar 29, 2011
Subscription Terms:
$50.00 USD for each month, for 10 installments

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This email confirms that you have donated Leonidas LLC $500.00 USD using PayPal.

I think it will take a whole lot more of the same, this time around! There really isn't that much difference in the West verses East pay. Oh well, it's a free country, spend it on what ever "floats your boat".

The rhetoric and assumptions proffered by both sides of this issue is WAY over the top and probably WAY beyond the reality of the perceived "damages" to the East pilots and the "culpability" of the West pilots (AKA AOL).

The company is now forced to respond, as are the various "Law Enforcement" agencies, once again, the ONLY people smiling are the lawyers. The ones in the private sector are already counting their money and the public sector players are thankful for the latest "jobs program" all this provides.

The beat goes on.

Thanks so much for contributing to the group whose assets will be at risk. We on the East appreciate it! Thanks!

You are quite welcome. Since I never paid usapa dues, the least I could do was help fund the scabs demise.
Are you serious? The company "stole" West block hours and transfered them to the East, to "avoid East furloughs", why would they do that?


Ask the east friendly upper management person who made the decision. Do it quick though, he is going to be looking for alternative employment soon.
Thanks to Cleary royally ticking off the West pilot group, there has been a nice uptick in donations in the past few hours. :D

Donations published on the AWAPPA boards:

This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *LEONIDASLLC".

Donation Details
Donation amount:
$500.00 USD
$500.00 USD
Simple Contribution

Confirmation number: 8VVxxxxxxxDonation amount: $200.00 USDTotal: $200.00 USDPurpose: Simple

Confirmation Number: 288xxxxxxxx Placed on Mar 29, 2011

Purpose Donation

Simple Contribution

Reference: LeoFree $500.00 USD

Total Amount: $500.00
Date of sign up: Mar 29, 2011
Subscription Terms:
$50.00 USD for each month, for 10 installments

This email confirms that you have donated $100.00 USD to Leonidas LLC using PayPal.

Donation DetailsConfirmation number: 5NN*******20613
Donation amount: $100.00 USD
Total: $100.00 USD

This email confirms that you have donated Leonidas LLC $500.00 USD using PayPal.

Good beginning, gonna take a lot of that to dodge this:

Consecutive Sentence.— Notwithstanding any other provision of law—
(1) a court shall not place on probation any person convicted of a violation of this section;
(2) except as provided in paragraph (4), no term of imprisonment imposed on a person under this section shall run concurrently with any other term of imprisonment imposed on the person under any other provision of law, including any term of imprisonment imposed for the felony during which the means of identification was transferred, possessed, or used;
(3) in determining any term of imprisonment to be imposed for the felony during which the means of identification was transferred, possessed, or used, a court shall not in any way reduce the term to be imposed for such crime so as to compensate for, or otherwise take into account, any separate term of imprisonment imposed or to be imposed for a violation of this section; and
(4) a term of imprisonment imposed on a person for a violation of this section may, in the discretion of the court, run concurrently, in whole or in part, only with another term of imprisonment that is imposed by the court at the same time on that person for an additional violation of this section, provided that such discretion shall be exercised in accordance with any applicable guidelines and policy statements issued by the Sentencing Commission pursuant to section 994 of title 28.

Happy collecting
The army of lyningitas group, representing the west pilots, owes 1 million dollars in legal fees. The recent theft of Usairways employee personal data will require a self induced need for their legal representation. army of iyingitas can not afford this, nor would a law group take on such a loser who has no resources.

To explain this in a vernacular that you and your fellow west group of pilots could understand, your screwed. Keep throwing your money down the drain, feeble minded.
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