US Pilots Labor Discussion

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March 28, 2011

Fellow AWA Pilots:

Lastnot deserve this additional stress that is being imposed on themselves and their families.

It is NOT acceptable for management to have placed these pilots on Restricted Duty pending the outcome of an investigation that was orchestrated for political purposes either to appease or outmaneuver Mr. Cleary, especially given past company performance with regard to the breech of West pilot data, and given the true circumstances of the alleged incident.

Thank you for your time.


John McIlvenna
Former AWA MEC Chairman
Damage control to the front please!!!!!
Ok so if I make the same money by working less, is that a good or bad thing in clown world?

Well, first of all, if you are a 75 pilot, you don't make the same money for the same number of credited hours, you make less. Secondly, if you can "work less" to reach the same number of credited hours, that's a good thing and I'm happy for you that your contract allows you to do so, really!

Tell me, when you get that canceled trip or dead head pay and credit, do you take the money and run or do you use it as an "excuse" to bag a few more hours than your block pays already? As I have already said, several times, if every West block holder backed off 2-3 hours a month, there would be no West pilots on furlough.


Make USAPA's case for them. In typical west style, when confronted in a compromised position, just start shooting in all directions. Yeah, stuff like this letter to AH really endears you to Dougie...You guys out west must be nervous to come up with this idiotic and totally defensive move.

My cat could see that if AOL didn't run this stupid campaign aimed at east pilots, this very serious situation YOU have placed the company in wouldn't exist. You must be very do you think Doug sees the AOL now?
Nothing but expensive trouble for him.

You got a pretty smart cat.

What does it say about scabs that try to steal their co-workers jobs?
I expected better from you, Preston. You have really changed over the last few years....I'm serious.
That Mr. McIlvenna has to compose a document with a title that he held years ago is many? 3+....
You guys should just join Toastmaster's if you like speaking to large audiences...pretending to be a legal party to the company/union relationship has clearly clouded your thinking. I know, I guys all have a "club" out there called AOL.

This self-absorption that the AOL is relevent has caused you all to become deluded. For you to think that the AOL is entitled to the database for USAirways pilots (East or West) has really gotten you in a wringer now.

You all have a really big problem now, not only can USAPA pound these guys, the company can...the FAA can, the TSA damn sure can...and the AZ Attorney General can.

Good luck with that. I know....write a letter to the company and threaten them...yeah, that'll work.
You mean that letter Cleary wrote isn't gonna work?

Well, sure it will. The legal representative for the pilot group has to challenge the company when they have allowed unauthorized access to FEDERALLY CONTROLLED DATA...especially when that UAUTHORIZED entity is a batch of employees at their own airline...oh, yeah....heads will roll for that. So, yes the company has already spent $$ to address this, think they're gonna let the guilty people slide?
Somebody will "pay" for this...with their jobs, at least. Thats just the company...think the TSA will let this slide? with security permanently at yellow? The FAA?

Are you nuts? This is way bigger than Cleary and Doogie...too many Federal agencies have fingers in this...not to mention the AG.

Notice I haven't event mentioned the civil aspects of this (SS#'s) That part is academic to the airline security aspects of this....the SS# is just the icing that will frost some people's career at USAirways.

Count on it.
Well, sure it will. The legal representative for the pilot group has to challenge the company when they have allowed unauthorized access to FEDERALLY CONTROLLED DATA...especially when that UAUTHORIZED entity is a batch of employees at their own airline...oh, yeah....heads will roll for that. So, yes the company has already spent $$ to address this, think they're gonna let the guilty people slide?
Somebody will "pay" for this...with their jobs, at least. Thats just the company...think the TSA will let this slide? with security permanently at yellow? The FAA?

Are you nuts? This is way bigger than Cleary and Doogie...too many Federal agencies have fingers in this...not to mention the AG.

Notice I haven't event mentioned the civil aspects of this (SS#'s) That part is academic to the airline security aspects of this....the SS# is just the icing that will frost some people's career at USAirways.

Count on it.
Delusions of grandeur have reemerged in full force with this issue. I’m sure this is the Obama administration’s top priority issue. Eric Holder, Ray LaHood, Janet Napolitano and Gary Locke are probably hold up in a conference right now waiting for Kommandant Kleary to issue new marching orders to take down AOL. Why wait for the facts to come out when you can begin the Salem Witch Trials today?
Well, sure it will. The legal representative for the pilot group has to challenge the company when they have allowed unauthorized access to FEDERALLY CONTROLLED DATA...especially when that UAUTHORIZED entity is a batch of employees at their own airline...oh, yeah....heads will roll for that. So, yes the company has already spent $$ to address this, think they're gonna let the guilty people slide?
Somebody will "pay" for this...with their jobs, at least. Thats just the company...think the TSA will let this slide? with security permanently at yellow? The FAA?

Are you nuts? This is way bigger than Cleary and Doogie...too many Federal agencies have fingers in this...not to mention the AG.

Notice I haven't event mentioned the civil aspects of this (SS#'s) That part is academic to the airline security aspects of this....the SS# is just the icing that will frost some people's career at USAirways.

Count on it.

Now pilots addresses are FEDERAL CONTROLLED DATA???

Lets see,,,your question was will the company let the guilty people slide....hhmmm...who was responsible for making the very costly mistake of stealling West block hours and transfering them east to avoid east furloughs at the West's expense? Did the company let that person slide??
PHX Reps escorted out of meeting by police in CLT. You gotta love it.

Yea! Who knew that Cleary was capable even further mis-steps in "union represtation".....oh wait...we did. Now where did I put those addresses for the Dept. of Labor??? You just can't fix STUPID, can you luv?
Yea! Who knew that Cleary was capable even further mis-steps in "union represtation".....oh wait...we did. Now where did I put those addresses for the Dept. of Labor??? You just can't fix STUPID, can you luv?

This is what I was wondering, on what grounds do you ask union reps to leave the union office? Further, on what grounds can you bar a rep from making a resolution at a meeting?

Stick a fork in em, the scab union is done.
Usairways and Lifelock management have something in common. two peas in a pod.
I will keep checking back with you for updates.

Keep us posted, no pun intended, about the progress of these irons in the fire you have. Do not worry, if you forget, I will keep reminding you.


Here's your udate. I just got off the phone with a "fair and balanced" reporter about today's events on planet Usapia.

I think he wants to talk with someone about the events that sent Darth Vader into obrit.

Any idea who he needs to speak with? :unsure:
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