US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I don't give a crap if it was INVERTED, IMBEDDED or what ever.Truncated is not an adequate description either way. They were sticking their noses in a place where they didn't belong, in VIOLATION of a corporate policy. Therefore, they should be held accountable. If you enter a bank with no intention of anything but robbery, and in the resulting crime a person is shot, do you not think the perpetrator is now involved in a murder? This is exactly what happened to these idiots. They stumbled into the first unlawful activity, and as a result of being where they should not have been, entered into an even bigger criminal offense. With regard to the data they accessed-I bet there is even more in there with regard to pilot info. I bet it is one stop for them to get all the info on a pilot they need. Passport, certificate number, home address, and emergency contact. We have been pushing the company for months on this, and if it weren't for MIKE CLEARY and his excellent leadership and persistence, they would have denied it to this day. I bet the FBI was the entity that showed up and made them investigate. If this comes out, then they will be added to target one-LEONIDAS.

"Pending advice from law enforcement authorities, notified appropriate government agencies, engaged an outside law firm, placed three pilots on administrative leave." Sounds like the company is finally taking this seriously. serious stuff, BS, no matter how they play it down.
Wow. Pure delusion. I guess you're gunning for a double header disappointment: LOA 93 and Leonidas being completely cleared (as it already has been once).

Splat goes the hopes and emotions of the angry F/Os. I and the rest of the employees hope that you and those like you don't do anything that will harm our livlihoods. You guys are nuts.


You guys keep putting your people in very poor positions.


You guys keep putting your people in very poor positions.

How's that? Four years and we still have our seniority, you're on LOA93 and you're going to be there for quite a while. Yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire does nothing to help you my friend.
How's that? Four years and we still have our seniority, you're on LOA93 and you're going to be there for quite a while. Yelling fire in a theater when there is no fire does nothing to help you my friend.


yeah just leave our list alone.. LOA 93 is better than the NIC.
The issue isn't only Leonidas getting the information, but who else had access to the file. Leonidas is comprised of a lot of individuals, and those individuals have contact with a lot of other individuals. How many lowlife AWA pilots now have this file on their laptop hard drive?

This is a question that needs to be answered.

Also, it isn't just the SS issue that is a problem. I and my fellow pilots provided our personal addresses and information to the company with full expectation of privacy and the information NOT being passed to third party scumbag operations. Wether or not the information is available elsewhere (not as easy as some on here would have you believe) the bottom line is the company, or anyone associated with the company, did NOT have the right to give it to Leonidas.

I guess, using the lowlife AWA pilot philosophy, I can call the company tomorrow and ask for all of management's, as well as the AWA pilot's, personal addresses and information.

The sound of the scurrying lowlifes from west of the Mississippi is reaching a crescendo!

You have got to love it....

Boeing Driver

yeah just leave our list alone.. LOA 93 is better than the NIC.
We'll, you might get that but the hard part you're going to have is to convince everyone outside of the angry F/O club to agree with you. If you can, Doug will be happy to keep you the lowest paid in the industry.
It's a sign of desperation.

Hey, 767gladyskravitz, how is negotiations going for your ual alpa buddies?

Just a rhetorical question, by the way. You told everyone on this board you were going to have this great contract by now. Yea, you got all the answers. Hats on or off??

Anxious to hear your spin.

ual alpa pilots negotiations update, March 25, 2011;;;;;

""The (united airlines alpa) Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) this week received management’s proposals on Section 5 – Hours of Service and Section 22 – International. The two parties spent much of February in discussions of scheduling rules. The JNC believed these discussions would lead to fruitful and productive proposals that would expedite the JCBA process. While the JNC became increasingly frustrated with the delays in receiving these proposals, including last week’s Section 20 – Scheduling, we continued to give the Company the time they required to craft their proposals. The proposals from management this week on Sections 5 and 22 cannot be considered anything other than substandard to both pilot groups. Most pilot issues that the JNC and its scheduling experts discussed with the Company’s counterparts were not addressed in management’s proposals this and last week. The JNC does not believe the proposals sought by the Company are in line with an expedited JCBA process.

The JNC will continue its efforts to secure the JCBA our pilots deserve. Management has indicated that they expect to pass Section 8 - Filling of Vacancies next week. The JNC will be working on counters to Sections 5, 20 and 22 and will continue to meet with management every week to work through these issues.

As always, please stay connected to the process by reading updates from the MEC and your Local Council representatives."""
We'll, you might get that but the hard part you're going to have is to convince everyone outside of the angry F/O club to agree with you. If you can, Doug will be happy to keep you the lowest paid in the industry.

you are a broken record.. it's not just F/O's that have a problem with the NIC.
Interesting thought considering LOA 93 puts you in a cash poor position.
When should we anticipate the television interview you promised today making west pilots look like the victims after they stole personal information from the East Usairways pilots? I will keep checking back with you for updates.

Oh and how is the federal law investigations you had going a couple of weeks ago? You know the one that was going to bury all East posters that you claimed threatened you.

Keep us posted, no pun intended, about the progress of these irons in the fire you have. Do not worry, if you forget, I will keep reminding you.
The walls closing in? More like the law closing in, and it is closing in on Leonidas. A corrupt organization in violation of their charter right now . An organization that has a lack of INTEGRITY. Involved in stolen company information. Given by a Leonidas member in management. Knowingly. Used by an attorney, who should have known better. Most likely he will be disbarred. This thing is just starting. And it isn't the union pursuing it. It is individual pilots banding together because their personal information was compromised. One thing is sure, you aren't getting away with it. That, is something you can take to the bank.

Swan you are over the top!!!

Great comedy, put it together in a stage act and take it on the road.

Now we have lawyers getting disbared, human sacrifice, dogs and cats sleeping together, mass hysteria!!!!!

Let me guess,,,,,,the significant other saw the brochure???
The issue isn't only Leonidas getting the information, but who else had access to the file. Leonidas is comprised of a lot of individuals, and those individuals have contact with a lot of other individuals. How many lowlife AWA pilots now have this file on their laptop hard drive?

This is a question that needs to be answered.

Also, it isn't just the SS issue that is a problem. I and my fellow pilots provided our personal addresses and information to the company with full expectation of privacy and the information NOT being passed to third party scumbag operations. Wether or not the information is available elsewhere (not as easy as some on here would have you believe) the bottom line is the company, or anyone associated with the company, did NOT have the right to give it to Leonidas.

I guess, using the lowlife AWA pilot philosophy, I can call the company tomorrow and ask for all of management's, as well as the AWA pilot's, personal addresses and information.

The sound of the scurrying lowlifes from west of the Mississippi is reaching a crescendo!

You have got to love it....

Boeing Driver

Were you the usapa scab that stole the ALPA list?

If so, you might want to ditch the hard drive.
usapa shill. It is easy to tell that you write stuff for usapa publication. Your facts are wrong.

The company offer life lock to the EAST pilots. about 3000. Not the usapa often touted 5000. We can get it for $66. Even if all 3000 take the deal. I am sure most will not. It is only 198,000.00.

You also need to be careful with those false charges of stealing personal information. Slander can be a bad thing.

Who is going to pay that 198.000 dollars? Oh I know you claim it is a drop in the bucket. I am trying to think like the company on this. Parker to Kirby; oh boys will be boys, call Kerr up and have him write out the check to life lock.
The Company provided the mailing list of their own free will. No theft. Nothing. Spin all you want, it doesn't change a single fact. There is no financial pressure. That should be crystal clear by now. AOL will always have whatever it needs to finish the job.
Can you be that stupid to think that a corporation would give a group of employees SS# of other employees. How moronic can you be. This pushed all the fence setters over. That mailing helped the radical east position more than you can believe. To the bottom of the list for the west.
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