US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The Company provided the mailing list of their own free will. No theft. Nothing. Spin all you want, it doesn't change a single fact. There is no financial pressure. That should be crystal clear by now. AOL will always have whatever it needs to finish the job.
Here is the FIRST lie of the day. Calling me a scab was the second. Some Integrity Charlie. Why don't you lay the INTEGRITY issue on us? That was some righteousness and INTEGRITY exhibited by Leonidas.
The Company provided the mailing list of their own free will. No theft. Nothing. Spin all you want, it doesn't change a single fact.

Saying the company provided the mailing list to Leo is like saying the US government provided (through an army pfc) classified emails to Wikileaks, of their own free will. BBoy wants us to cite some law that was violated. Laughable.
As you continually leave out the TRUNCATED issue. Do you know for a fact that complete SS# were given to AOL?

Oh slippery one. What more do you want than the letter from HR saying the numbers were given out? If they said it, I am going to take that as fact until it is proven that they lied. Do I have to give proof that HR is part of USAirways today or some other obfuscation of the truth you parlay so well?
BBoy wants us to cite some law that was violated. Laughable.

Since your compatriots continue to claim illegal activity, would it not follow that a law would have to have been broken. I know you Easties love to hang those that don't agree with you on nothing but crew room gossip, but claiming that laws have been broken should require that there is such a law. Wouldn't you agree?

Otherwise, you are all just mimi-me's of Cleary - if you say it it is unquestionably true...

You are a hard one to pin down, 320. You seem to be all over the place with opinions.

Tell me, which folks out West are going to be writing checks? I never handled a "list" and even if I did who is playing the dirty game?

Sorry...more observations than anything. I was watching a Crew News a while back and one of the West pilots was asking Parker to shell out for his legal defense as one of the RICO defendants. I am not defending what is going on with lists or RICO of WHATEVER. I'm just saying that all of this, righteous or not, costs a lot of money...and it comes out of somebodies pocket via AOL or USAPA or ???. The post that I was responding to made it sound like the whole thing is thrown out and costs no one out West anything. I'm saying that is wrong because you have to defend it whether you are wrong or not.

I consider the legal system as a whole a "dirty game".

Driver B)
Oh slippery one. What more do you want than the letter from HR saying the numbers were given out? If they said it, I am going to take that as fact until it is proven that they lied.

Do you mean the letter from Steve Johnson? Your reading comprehension is as poor as usual -

"the social security numbers were discovered yesterday for the first time because that information was embedded and hidden in the spreadsheet in a way that was TRUNCATED..."

Do you mean the letter from Steve Johnson? Your reading comprehension is as poor as usual -

"the social security numbers were discovered yesterday for the first time because that information was embedded and hidden in the spreadsheet in a way that was TRUNCATED..."

I don't give a crap if it was INVERTED, IMBEDDED or what ever.Truncated is not an adequate description either way. They were sticking their noses in a place where they didn't belong, in VIOLATION of a corporate policy. Therefore, they should be held accountable. If you enter a bank with no intention of anything but robbery, and in the resulting crime a person is shot, do you not think the perpetrator is now involved in a murder? This is exactly what happened to these idiots. They stumbled into the first unlawful activity, and as a result of being where they should not have been, entered into an even bigger criminal offense. With regard to the data they accessed-I bet there is even more in there with regard to pilot info. I bet it is one stop for them to get all the info on a pilot they need. Passport, certificate number, home address, and emergency contact. We have been pushing the company for months on this, and if it weren't for MIKE CLEARY and his excellent leadership and persistence, they would have denied it to this day. I bet the FBI was the entity that showed up and made them investigate. If this comes out, then they will be added to target one-LEONIDAS.
Do you mean the letter from Steve Johnson? Your reading comprehension is as poor as usual -

"the social security numbers were discovered yesterday for the first time because that information was embedded and hidden in the spreadsheet in a way that was TRUNCATED..."



that is just saying that the field was embedded and not visible wihtout the right key strokes.. Not that the ss numbers were truncated.... If it wasn't full socials, why would they be giving out Lifelock...
And this crap is just what makes it even clearer, that this pilot group can't fly together.. As the plot gets thicker it just boils the blood even more.. The fact that they iillegally obtained personal private info and now are using that personal private info to send me their crap.. pisses me off...

There is a legal way to handle this, and that is in the courts...
but the AOL group is showing desperation wtih this stunt
And this crap is just what makes it even clearer, that this pilot group can't fly together.. As the plot gets thicker it just boils the blood even more.. The fact that they iillegally obtained personal private info and now are using that personal private info to send me their crap.. pisses me off...

There is a legal way to handle this, and that is in the courts...
but the AOL group is showing desperation wtih this stunt
Are you willing to fund an independent law suit against LEONIDAS? It has started.
And this crap is just what makes it even clearer, that this pilot group can't fly together.. As the plot gets thicker it just boils the blood even more.. The fact that they iillegally obtained personal private info and now are using that personal private info to send me their crap.. pisses me off...

There is a legal way to handle this, and that is in the courts...
but the AOL group is showing desperation wtih this stunt
According to 767Jetzz, we are on our layovers sitting around discussing the shiny pamphlet and getting ready to surrender to Leonidas. You mean this isn't really happpening? The east pilot are pissed? How could Jetzz have been wrong??? I mean we have heard over and over how he lives his supreme life and all about how he drives his Beemer and all. How could he have lied to us?
And this crap is just what makes it even clearer, that this pilot group can't fly together.. As the plot gets thicker it just boils the blood even more.. The fact that they iillegally obtained personal private info and now are using that personal private info to send me their crap.. pisses me off...

There is a legal way to handle this, and that is in the courts...
but the AOL group is showing desperation wtih this stunt
Well if something illegal occurred then you won’t have to worry about flying with the perpetrators. If nothing illegal happened, then you’re getting all worked up over nothing more than a piece of mail being sent to your house.

How is compiling a list of factual information for all to see and make up their own minds about considered an act of desperation?
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