US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How is the negotiations going for united airlines alpa pilots, oh wise one?
Slower than hoped, faster than yours, and methodically moving forward under the direction of the NMB and our unified UA/CO Negotiating Committee. More than can be said for your progress. How's that LOA 93 thingy going? How about the DOH contract? You are a bunch of amateurs.
What sports team is the cactus 18 rico defendants playing for?

I see reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points either - can't read and lies, what a combination. I'm just curious - who did you blame your poor performance on your last checkride on?

What sports team is the cactus 18 rico defendants playing for?

They're no longer defendants - that's what happens with dismissed cases, especially when dismissed with prejudice.

Still waiting on that proof Nosum - you know, what you claim you always give (another lie).

Slower than hoped, faster than yours, and methodically moving forward under the direction of the NMB and our unified UA/CO Negotiating Committee.

Oh really!! How is it faster than the East pilots? You have nothing and the sunset provisions of you transition agreement will have you furloughed again by the end of the year. Seniority and tenure sucks, does it not? Show me the money!!!!
Hey, do you not want to proof of my post above? Yes or no?
Let me see if I can translate that to english. No, I don't want to and can't give proof for any of your statements. The fact that you can't own up to your lies is all the proof anyone needs to know what kind of person you are. Even your buds on the East side don't pay any attention to anything you write. So you're the laughingstock for both sides.

Let me see if I can translate that to english. No, I don't want to and can't give proof for any of your statements. The fact that you can't own up to your lies is all the proof anyone needs to know what kind of person you are. Even your buds on the East side don't pay any attention to anything you write. So you're the laughingstock for both sides.


Your tally tonight bong boy.

1 You trivialized stolen personal information and lied about it.

2 You said that Usapa has been the pilots union representive for 5 years and it has been less than three.

3 You claimed the west shirt is a sport shirt.

alpa shill, not a good night.
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