US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Sorry...more observations than anything. I was watching a Crew News a while back and one of the West pilots was asking Parker to shell out for his legal defense as one of the RICO defendants. I am not defending what is going on with lists or RICO of WHATEVER. I'm just saying that all of this, righteous or not, costs a lot of money...and it comes out of somebodies pocket via AOL or USAPA or ???. The post that I was responding to made it sound like the whole thing is thrown out and costs no one out West anything. I'm saying that is wrong because you have to defend it whether you are wrong or not.

I consider the legal system as a whole a "dirty game".

Driver B)

OK, I have a better understanding of what you are saying. I get it that you are a DOH guy but are not a big fan of USAPA by reading your publications. Yes, the legal system is an expensive venture as those who intend to sue Leonidas are going to find out.

I'm sure Lee wil be more than happy to take their money. B)
Well if something illegal occurred then you won’t have to worry about flying with the perpetrators. If nothing illegal happened, then you’re getting all worked up over nothing more than a piece of mail being sent to your house.

How is compiling a list of factual information for all to see and make up their own minds about considered an act of desperation?
Let's see. Someone is stupid and desperate enough, knowing they were accessing information that could cause them to lose their livlihood, and career. After possibly going to college, flying in the military or investing thousands for lessons. All for a bunch of addresses to send something that is ridiculous and thrown in the trash the minute it shows up. That, is desperate.
I don't give a crap if it was INVERTED, IMBEDDED or what ever.Truncated is not an adequate description either way. They were sticking their noses in a place where they didn't belong, in VIOLATION of a corporate policy. Therefore, they should be held accountable. If you enter a bank with no intention of anything but robbery, and in the resulting crime a person is shot, do you not think the perpetrator is now involved in a murder? This is exactly what happened to these idiots. They stumbled into the first unlawful activity, and as a result of being where they should not have been, entered into an even bigger criminal offense. With regard to the data they accessed-I bet there is even more in there with regard to pilot info. I bet it is one stop for them to get all the info on a pilot they need. Passport, certificate number, home address, and emergency contact. We have been pushing the company for months on this, and if it weren't for MIKE CLEARY and his excellent leadership and persistence, they would have denied it to this day. I bet the FBI was the entity that showed up and made them investigate. If this comes out, then they will be added to target one-LEONIDAS.
It's ever a wonder how a sizable collection of misfits like yourself could ever make it into the cockpit of an airliner. In any case, you and your illness are there, and we on the West are here, and you are there on LOA93, and we on the West are here sending you the truth, and you are there receiving the truth in the US Mail, and the law is there which protects your right to receive the truth via the mail. Scream all you want. No laws have been broken on the West and never will be. Binding means binding my friend.
Let's see. Someone is stupid and desperate enough, knowing they were accessing information that could cause them to lose their livlihood, and career. After possibly going to college, flying in the military or investing thousands for lessons. All for a bunch of addresses to send something that is ridiculous and thrown in the trash the minute it shows up. That, is desperate.
Then again, if nothing illegal or against company policy actually took place, then there was no act of desperation. Since the Company already reviewed this once and found no cause for action, then it seems likely that the same no harm outcome will be the result this time, even if it was later discovered that there was hidden PII data that was neither used nor visiible to the average Excel user.
Then again, if nothing illegal or against company policy actually took place, then there was no act of desperation. Since the Company already reviewed this once and found no cause for action, then it seems likely that the same no harm outcome will be the result this time, even if it was later discovered that there was hidden PII data that was neither used nor visiible to the average Excel user.
Calloway, do you maybe think, the fact the information these guys got and was given out caused the corporation to subscribe the entire east seniority list to Lifelock TM could possibly be against the company policy ethics policy and procedure, and most likely disclosure law? Seriously, you make some really naive statements.
Then again, if nothing illegal or against company policy actually took place, then there was no act of desperation. Since the Company already reviewed this once and found no cause for action, then it seems likely that the same no harm outcome will be the result this time, even if it was later discovered that there was hidden PII data that was neither used nor visiible to the average Excel user.
Yeah, and Richard Nixon reviewed the Watergate Tapes and saw nothing wrong either. Calloway, you are joining the ranks of Boeing Boy in truth twisting.
Then again, if nothing illegal or against company policy actually took place, then there was no act of desperation. Since the Company already reviewed this once and found no cause for action, then it seems likely that the same no harm outcome will be the result this time, even if it was later discovered that there was hidden PII data that was neither used nor visiible to the average Excel user.

Is BS looking at the same company memo? Was there one for the East pilots, one for the West? The company does not seem too concerned that Leonidas is selling stolen ID's out the back of a van on the Rio Salado.

They are going to have to prove harm. So far, even though I have asked, no one has provided evidence other than making noise about SS numbers.

Try getting a nice return out of the Cactus 3. I know West pilots are better compensated but I would not say they have deep pockets.

Good luck. :lol:
Welcome Aqua! Anything to comment on? :D
I think Johnson's letter pretty much sums it up. Nothing to see here. Scream all you want but at the end of the day it's still status quo. Just like LOA93. Do you guys have any inkling of the stupidity of yelling fire when there is none?
I know. It's just hard to believe that what are supposed to be sane, rational adults can behave the way they do. All emotion and no reasoning. Makes one wonder if they're this way in the real world, outside the fantasy they've constructed. They weren't this rabid over the RICO suit and we all know what happened with that.

It's a sign of desperation.

During the RICO suit I guess they still had some hope. Now their walls are closing in, hence their overreaction and rabid response.

Let them waste their time. It's really not worth trying to convince them otherwise. It's their time and resources to waste, and if that's what they want to pursue in their unions final hours, that's their right.
It's a sign of desperation.

During the RICO suit I guess they still had some hope. Now their walls are closing in, hence their overreaction and rabid response.

Let them waste their time. It's really not worth trying to convince them otherwise. It's their time and resources to waste, and if that's what they want to pursue in their unions final hours, that's their right.
The walls closing in? More like the law closing in, and it is closing in on Leonidas. A corrupt organization in violation of their charter right now . An organization that has a lack of INTEGRITY. Involved in stolen company information. Given by a Leonidas member in management. Knowingly. Used by an attorney, who should have known better. Most likely he will be disbarred. This thing is just starting. And it isn't the union pursuing it. It is individual pilots banding together because their personal information was compromised. One thing is sure, you aren't getting away with it. That, is something you can take to the bank.
Cactusgate. BoeingBoy as G. Gordon Liddy. Aqua- Spiro T. Agnew. Calloway Golf- playing Chuck Colson Metroyet- played by the bungling burglers. Aquagreen 737's HT Haldeman And Richard Nixon starring Ferguson himself.
The walls closing in? More like the law closing in, and it is closing in on Leonidas.
Wow. Pure delusion. I guess you're gunning for a double header disappointment: LOA 93 and Leonidas being completely cleared (as it already has been once).

Splat goes the hopes and emotions of the angry F/Os. I and the rest of the employees hope that you and those like you don't do anything that will harm our livlihoods. You guys are nuts.
Yeah, and Richard Nixon reviewed the Watergate Tapes and saw nothing wrong either. Calloway, you are joining the ranks of Boeing Boy in truth twisting.
What truth am I twisting? You do understand the definition of the word "if" right?

I never claimed to have inside knowledge or the ability to predict the future. I have a pretty good idea what will happen with LOA93, NIC, and the rest of these issues. Now with the names and addresses all I can say is that it doesn't seem to be a big concern to either Leonidas or Management which means it probably isn't a real issue of concern. However IF someone violated the law or company policy I'm sure justice will be served. Anything else?
Do you mean the letter from Steve Johnson? Your reading comprehension is as poor as usual -

"the social security numbers were discovered yesterday for the first time because that information was embedded and hidden in the spreadsheet in a way that was TRUNCATED..."

Truncated or embedded, plus one years worth of Life Lock. Will that admission and remedy carry the day... don't know yet. Protected information apparently went passed a USAirways gatekeeper. Mountain or Mole hill...No idea...But something has surely gone awry. One years worth of Life Lock seems like a premature proposal to mollify if Social Security numbers were exposed to the electronic wind. I won't agree to a one year subscription of Life Lock because I will not agree to a remedy till all the facts are known. Your appraisal is premature.
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