US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Yes , we all know LOA 93 sucks, thank you ALPA, we have had it for six years now,we know that, should be over by the end of the summer. (hopefully) I know you will not take that money Dan, if we win. How could you live with yourself bad mouthing the union that won it back for you?
And if we lose?

ALPA's been gone for 3 years.

Oh I forgot, you said we're not going to get a contract until Parker is ready to give us one.

I bad mouth the union because they're wrong.

Thanks for admitting you're a low life, how do you live with yourself now?
Hard to believe Mikey60 was at USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards, or so he said a few hundred posts back.

Kind of a blemish on the Air Force, but I guess even their intense screening lets a few whackos slip through the cracks.
Just like everything else you've put on this forum "WRONG". I said I visited it once. Just like all the rest of the psa pukes, big mouth , lots to say, usually wrong.
You guys do realize that if there was wrong doing, and if the company (not the feds but the company) takes disciplinary action, then USAPA must go to bat to keep their job, just as they did for the guy who shot a hole in the airplane, just like they did for the upskirt picture wacko, and just like they would do for any east pilot who faced discipline, lest they face even more DFR violations.

Wouldn't that be ironic? "We led the witch hunt that led to no legal action but only disciplinary action from the company, and now we support and defend their long term right to employment with the company." :D
It would be even more ironic if they were members of the union, Maybe the cacti 18 can go to bat for the cacti 3. HAHAHAHAHA
And if we lose?

ALPA's been gone for 3 years.

Oh I forgot, you said we're not going to get a contract until Parker is ready to give us one.

I bad mouth the union because they're wrong.

Thanks for admitting you're a low life, how do you live with yourself now?
You still did not say if you would take the money, but I think we all know that answer. How will you live with yourself?, what a hypocrite. And yes if we lose that will suck, I think everybody knows that.
They have a huge hurdle to climb. Usapians think they have EF's head on a platter. That could not be further from the truth. They have an uphill battle and I keep pointing out the issue of Chain of Custody. I have personal experience with this subject after buying a Piper from an aircraft dealer. I discovered falsified records, a 6-inch crack in the horizontal stabilizer which had been painted over after an aircraft inspector found it. After I approached this inspector, he was very upset that this an other repairs had not been made prior to the sale. He handed me a list of discrepancies that I found were ignored by the dealer. I asked the dealer to pay the $12000 repair bill. He refused saying my aircraft was sold as-is and there was no warranty.

My response was to bring a box of parts to the FAA in OKC along with falsified records. I ran into a brick wall because of the issue of Chain of Custody. I was told "how do I know those parts came off your aircraft?" I had pictures of the repair process with the tail number clearly in view. He basically told me there was nothing he could do.

That did not stop me. I sued this dealer under a DeceptiveTrade statute and won. The law allowed me three times my actual repair bill.

I think I had the last laugh and was very satisfied to find out this dealer soon went out of business.
Truth,Justice and the American Way. Superman your the greatest.
Slplit up? No way, I am looking forward to saying "gear up" 9er. :p
Oh duphis sometimes you say the funniest things, but its just sometimes and this isnt one of them. If things stay on course you will be pulling gear for someone in one of these new hire groups....... NOW THATS FUNNY...HAHAHAHAHA
What are you talking about? If this thing keeps walking, and it looks like it will it will be in a criminal court. They have to get their own representation with a criminal attorney. USAPA will have nothing to do with that, and no obligation for any criminal defense. This constant DFR for the west is total crap.

BS, If you'd.....oh why bother - you won't get it anyway...

It is my understanding they stole it from ALPA when some of the scab union founders were practicing the illegal tactic of dual unionism. I also speculate that is why the PHL reps were replaced by ALPA. Rather than filing criminal charges during the heated period, ALPA just removed the perpetrators. Another gross injustice ALPA inflicted on the West. To properly protect the West, ALPA should have prosecuted to the fullest extent to recover the stolen info. Info that could have contained, ss#, insurance benificiary information, etc.

Further, if you have paid by check to usapa they likely have your name, address, ss#, checking account #, and a copy of your signature. Pretty much personal info to be in the hands of a criminal organization such as usapa.

I would suggest paying the scumbags in unrolled coin, multiple denomination, but heavy with pennies.
Just send 2 cents thats all your worth.
People usually get what they deserve in life.

That does not bode well for you.
Well said, traderjake!

That goes especially for you Black Swan. You will get what you deserve in the end. So glad I'm not in your shoes! :p

I think I'll stick around to see this through to the end, now that I know how much you want me to "go away." Are you so desperate as to resort to sending private messages with harsh language? Boo Hoo!

Ever hear of something called burden of proof?
That's one of the differences between you and me, thank God.

"Loyalty above all else...... except honor".............Lieutenant Vincent Hardy from the movie Striking Distance.
Oh NO! The loyalty drum is being beat again, hit it again,and again. And now your quoting lines out of movies, yes your a real "actor".
Bottom line is you don't understand squat son!!

"Squat".....I got an idea...why don't you cop a squat and cogitate on this for a while.

I think I just figured out your identity.

Are you aware that during the seniority list certification process the comapany supplied the east merger committee with a West seniority list that had ss numbers?

Are you aware that an officer of the company electioneering for a union is a violation of federal law and NMB rules?

You said, you hope someone goes to jail. You may very well get your wish....son!!
Doomed? :lol: And that would be why.... because of a glossy mailing from Leospaker? :lol: :lol:

You should re-familiarize yourself with the successes of the ALPA Concerned Pilots Committee. Were you a cheerleader for them too?

Of course USAPA isn't doomed by a glossy mailer. They're doomed because they are a complete failure. Recall that USAPA won the election by a mere 3% of the vote. That was 3 years ago. No contract. Not even close. Every single "supremely confident" statement regarding their legal footing has been shown to be a lie. That's bad. If you're life's goal is to stay separate ON LOA 93 than I guess you're winning. USAPA has been 100% effective if you pay them for no other reason than to fly off half cocked into immature temper tantrums. That's not what I'd want in my union. I'm no Cheerleader for ALPA, Prater deserves to be punched in his generous t*ts for what he did to the America West pilots. Prater also got fired.

Honestly, do you think USAPA could maintain a 3% lead if there was another election today? Not a chance IMO. Therefore USAPA is doomed. :D They'll implode all by themselves. Something which is already happening in an uncontainable fashion.

When the LOA93 grievance finally shows up; it will be interesting for you to find out what the BPR knew, and when they actually knew it. It will explain their latest immature tirade and attempted diversion.
Yeah....and you want out of LOA93....and to renege on binding arbitration....

Hows that working out for ya?

That's all you got?

That's all there is. This witch hunt has no effect whatsoever on LOA93, the company's DJ, or the nic list that you will be told to live with when the courts and the company are finished. So knock yourselves out. And tell me when you get a guilty verdict. After watching the Cactus 18 clean your clock, you'll forgive me if I don't hold my breath.

Let's speculate for a minute and say that 3 guys are charged and convicted of some wrong doing. Explain how that that helps your cause to avoid binding arbitration. It doesn't. It is a totally separate issue and inconsequential to everything related to a contract or seniority.

As traderjake says:

No, LOA 93 is all we get.

The reality is that AOL's information is now circulating among the east ranks and being discussed in cockpits, crew rooms, dinner tables, and layovers as we speak, and there is nothing any of you can do about it. The truth got out, immune to USAPA's censorship, and that REALLY burns your behinds! :lol:
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