US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You might want to get familiar with the legal ramifications required of those who deal with sensitive information, such as passport numbers, Social Security numbers, FFDO information. The very least, the SS numbers are dealt with very strict guidelines. Ask any person involved in securities trading. If you do not adhere to the requirements that are associated with client information, you are subject to penalty. The very fact some lower level employees had access to this information, and LEAKED it, is going to cause corporate some serious headaches, and cash. Next up is Leonidas. If it can be proven that Leonidas associates, had access and knowledge of sensitive information and took NO ACTION to report it, then they are going to face repercussions also. This was covered in your basic distance learning. Perhaps your boys should bone up on the corporate ethics policy. Nobody even has to start a lawsuit. Corporate is going to try and dump this on those three and Leonidas as fast as they can, and have to explain why some low level office type had access to all this information, and LEAKED it.

I don't need to be lectured by an Usapian about ethics which is non-existant in your association. I want to know how Usapians got my information prior to the election and I want to know how this information has been used since the election. How do I know that Usapians did not already have 5000 or more SS numbers in their possession and other private info? What has the association done wth this information? I can tell you our AWAPPA message boards have lit up with requests for ID theft protections as well. Why should the company pay for this service just to East pilots?

Once again, there is the issue of Chain of Custody. Who's handled this information? You are going to have to prove harm for damages. Do you really think Leonidas grabbed those numbers, made a bunch of fake SS cards and sold them to illegal aliens as a fund raiser? All you are doing is making a bunch of noise about nothing.

Leonidas is not at all concerned with the Usapian hissy fit. The Cactus 3 has drawn more attention and once again rallied support for our cause seeking justice.
Yet the salivating and foaming at the mouth to have a pilot fired over what is as of now nothing but an unsubstantiated allegation just demonstrates that there is no limit to your (pl) juvenile behavior.
Does that juvenile behavior include sending poop in the mail or is that OK. :p Talk about pathetic.
Maybe we don't have to STFU because a bunch of malcontents are in possession of our Social Security numbers, and passport numbers. Mind your own business. Quit trying to run cover for a criminal enterprise. I guess you would be stupid enough to do nothing if someone had yours. We are not. I would advise every East pilot to contact their congressman over this.

Typical easthole response. I didn't say you should STFU about what happened. Cry all you want to the feds, the company, the Pope for all I care. I said STFU to sumadarson who is referring to "identity thieves" before there is any proof of illegal action. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. Show us the proof first. Get a conviction and then you can spout off all you want. Just like the Cactus 18 and that witch hunt which led nowhere except dismissal, as in never happened. All we heard from the likes of you and your sisters was how guilty they were, until the court decided you were wrong. Twice. (Appeals)

Of course in USAPA's backward world, all that you need is an accusation to condemn a person. So present your evidence, and if you can prove something illegal was done, I will even help you spread the word. But when you spout off as if someone is guilty of a crime when there is nothing yet but an accusation, then I WILL tell you to STFU and start acting like an adult. Rational people understand that there is due process. You guys are acting like emotional pubescent girls dealing with hormones for the very first time. Completely irrational rants. Hey, how about I accuse of being a pedophile and repeat it over and over until you prove you are not? One of your cohorts seems to think that the lack of a response to such an accusation is an admission of guilt.

If they are guilty then they are guilty. If not then you will look like a complete fool. BTW, show me one piece of evidence that FFDO information was released, since you are the one who keeps repeating that lie. In the mean time the information AOL sent out has infiltrated the ranks and is now being discussed by your fellow east pilots outside of the AFOC. The more the truth gets out the sooner the implosion will be complete. Buh-bye USAPA.
Does that juvenile behavior include sending poop in the mail or is that OK. :p Talk about pathetic.
What would call repeating a lie? That case was dismissed by a court of appeals. That false accusation was 3 years ago. But you still will not let it go or admit you were wrong.

Talk about pathetic.
You guys do realize that if there was wrong doing, and if the company (not the feds but the company) takes disciplinary action, then USAPA must go to bat to keep their job, just as they did for the guy who shot a hole in the airplane, just like they did for the upskirt picture wacko, and just like they would do for any east pilot who faced discipline, lest they face even more DFR violations.

Wouldn't that be ironic? "We led the witch hunt that led to no legal action but only disciplinary action from the company, and now we support and defend their long term right to employment with the company." :D
Typical easthole response. I didn't say you should STFU about what happened. Cry all you want to the feds, the company, the Pope for all I care. I said STFU to sumadarson who is referring to "identity thieves" before there is any proof of illegal action. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty. Show us the proof first. Get a conviction and then you can spout off all you want. Just like the Cactus 18 and that witch hunt which led nowhere except dismissal, as in never happened. All we heard from the likes of you and your sisters was how guilty they were, until the court decided you were wrong. Twice. (Appeals)

Of course in USAPA's backward world, all that you need is an accusation to condemn a person. So present your evidence, and if you can prove something illegal was done, I will even help you spread the word. But when you spout off as if someone is guilty of a crime when there is nothing yet but an accusation, then I WILL tell you to STFU and start acting like an adult. Rational people understand that there is due process. You guys are acting like emotional pubescent girls dealing with hormones for the very first time. Completely irrational rants. Hey, how about I accuse of being a pedophile and repeat it over and over until you prove you are not? One of your cohorts seems to think that the lack of a response to such an accusation is an admission of guilt.

If they are guilty then they are guilty. If not then you will look like a complete fool. BTW, show me one piece of evidence that FFDO information was released, since you are the one who keeps repeating that lie. In the mean time the information AOL sent out has infiltrated the ranks and is now being discussed by your fellow east pilots outside of the AFOC. The more the truth gets out the sooner the implosion will be complete. Buh-bye USAPA.

They have a huge hurdle to climb. Usapians think they have EF's head on a platter. That could not be further from the truth. They have an uphill battle and I keep pointing out the issue of Chain of Custody. I have personal experience with this subject after buying a Piper from an aircraft dealer. I discovered falsified records, a 6-inch crack in the horizontal stabilizer which had been painted over after an aircraft inspector found it. After I approached this inspector, he was very upset that this an other repairs had not been made prior to the sale. He handed me a list of discrepancies that I found were ignored by the dealer. I asked the dealer to pay the $12000 repair bill. He refused saying my aircraft was sold as-is and there was no warranty.

My response was to bring a box of parts to the FAA in OKC along with falsified records. I ran into a brick wall because of the issue of Chain of Custody. I was told "how do I know those parts came off your aircraft?" I had pictures of the repair process with the tail number clearly in view. He basically told me there was nothing he could do.

That did not stop me. I sued this dealer under a DeceptiveTrade statute and won. The law allowed me three times my actual repair bill.

I think I had the last laugh and was very satisfied to find out this dealer soon went out of business.
You guys do realize that if there was wrong doing, and if the company (not the feds but the company) takes disciplinary action, then USAPA must go to bat to keep their job, just as they did for the guy who shot a hole in the airplane, just like they did for the upskirt picture wacko, and just like they would do for any east pilot who faced discipline, lest they face even more DFR violations.

Wouldn't that be ironic? "We led the witch hunt that led to no legal action but only disciplinary action from the company, and now we support and defend their long term right to employment with the company." :D
Yes, you are quite right but with the list of over 400 grievances I'm sure it would take years to get around to it. I'm sure they would do everything in their power to help those guys. I know it will be our top priority.
Famous last words from a Usapian going down with the ship after running into an iceberg.
OH NO, the ship is sinking what are we going to do, we are all so worried out here on the east, nothing is going our way, how can we ever stop the oh so mighty AOL, What are we to do? :D You have to admit Parker and is team is the laughing stock of the industry he can't even put a little merger together. SPILT THIS PLACE UP NOW!!! The west would be a great fit for Republic/Frontier, cut your losses now.
OH NO, the ship is sinking what are we going to do, we are all so worried out here on the east, nothing is going our way, how can we ever stop the oh so mighty AOL, What are we to do? :D You have to admit Parker and is team is the laughing stock of the industry he can't even put a little merger together. SPILT THIS PLACE UP NOW!!! The west would be a great fit for Republic/Frontier, cut your losses now.

Slplit up? No way, I am looking forward to saying "gear up" 9er. :p
You guys do realize that if there was wrong doing, and if the company (not the feds but the company) takes disciplinary action, then USAPA must go to bat to keep their job, just as they did for the guy who shot a hole in the airplane, just like they did for the upskirt picture wacko, and just like they would do for any east pilot who faced discipline, lest they face even more DFR violations.

Wouldn't that be ironic? "We led the witch hunt that led to no legal action but only disciplinary action from the company, and now we support and defend their long term right to employment with the company." :D

Not if they are non-members.
Slplit up? No way, I am looking forward to saying "gear up" 9er. :p
I don't mind getting the gear for my f/os, sorry son unless you have over 30+ years you'll be doing my walk arounds if you don't wind up wearing one of those pink jumpsuits complements of my favorite sheriff Joe Arpaio. I think anybody on the AOL llc. is going to make someone a fine wife in jail. You guys continue to crack me up.
I don't mind getting the gear for my f/os, sorry son unless you have over 30+ years you'll be doing my walk arounds if you don't wind up wearing one of those pink jumpsuits complements of my favorite sheriff Joe Arpaio. I think anybody on the AOL llc. is going to make someone a fine wife in jail. You guys continue to crack me up.

I'm sure you are very experienced in yanking your own gear :eek: ....with an attitude like that.
Not if they are non-members.
Completely false. The union must represent them also. Why do you think non-members have to pay a fee instead of dues?

You and luv are walking a straight line to another DFR if the union followed the actions either of you recommend.

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