US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hey BS,

Did you miss this quote from Wings?

"Although we are continuing our investigation, as noted, our preliminary work indicates that the social security numbers were not accessed or misused."

Your so-called case is going nowhere.

I hope the Cactus 3 sues the crap out of your association for malicious prosecution:

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not limited to criminal prosecutions but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. The defendant in the initial case becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the original case becomes the defendant. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is a tort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to defend against the baseless and vexatious case.
Duphis1, Does this sound familiar," we are continuing our investigation but our preliminary reading show no radiation excaped from the containment building.

I cant wait for the cacti 3 are the"no longer employed 3.

The rest of this is obviously something you copied out of a law 101 book, come on give us a big DAAA.
Heyt Luv;
I'm stepping back a few paces, as you are spewing ALL OVER YOURSELF.

Did you by any chance REALLY read the following from Steve Johnson's letter:

“..the social security numbers were discovered yesterday for the first time because that information was embedded and hidden in the spreadsheet in a way that was truncated, not labeled and required an unusual excel command for access. Although this is disturbing, the responsible persons at Leonidas have assured us that they did not know this information existed and our preliminary investigation suggests that no one at Leonidas discovered or accessed that information…”

Please continuing to is what you excell at. :lol: :lol:

If anyone in the East believes this horse$%#@ you better start memorizing that little leonidas letter you just got in the mail. Then you and this J/O can go out in the desert, dry up and blow away. What a moron you are.
Here are some general thoughts about this situation:

1) If 1-3 or more pilots violated company policy or broke the law regarding pilot PII stored in company databases, then they should bear the consequences for their actions. If the Company elects to terminate or bring legal action then I would fully support this so long as the evidence is compelling. If law enforcement agencies determine that criminal conduct has been engaged in, then I would fully support charges being brought in that arena as well.

2) USAPA’s clear bias is soon to be on display for all to see. If an east pilot discharges a weapon in the cockpit, USAPA fights for him to keep his job. If an east pilot takes inappropriate pictures of a teenage girl, USAPA fights for him to keep his job. However, if one or more west pilots are charged with stealing PII, will USAPA fight for them to keep their jobs too? Perhaps USAPA is only willing to fight for those pilots on the east who violate the law and/or Company policy and inexplicably demand the full weight of consequences for those who are perceived to have harmed USAPA directly. I wonder how this clear bias will play out in with all of the court battles yet to come, not to mention the NBM process where USAPA will claim to be mere victims in all of this self-created mess.
Are any of these pilots even in the union?
There, I just turned your positive 1 into a zero. I'm convinced I am dealing with evil, that is what motivates me. I stand on moral high ground and look down on people like you.

As far as being a Gen Xer, sorry I'm almost 50.

Wrong again, as usual...BS
The rest of the world would see it as a positive 1 to a positive 10 and the only evil your dealing with is what seeps out of that drug soak brain of yours .

p.s. Quit copying out of text books
Duphis1, Does this sound familiar," we are continuing our investigation but our preliminary reading show no radiation excaped from the containment building.


I guess we are talking about events in Japan, now.

OK, I just got a delivery.

Standby for my response:

I feel better now.
You know, with this devastating blow to the westies caused by AOL, maybe all of you should stop, get off the board and try to re-group, I mean AOL has embarrassed the west pilot group big time, it's one blunder after another. Get a new law firm and a new game plan.

I find it rather amusing in a pathetic and sad sort of way, the behavior of you and your east sisters on this forum. First of all, nothing has been proven. The company even says that preliminary investigations shows no wrong doing. Nowhere have I seen anything about FFDO information. Yet the salivating and foaming at the mouth to have a pilot fired over what is as of now nothing but an unsubstantiated allegation just demonstrates that there is no limit to your (pl) juvenile behavior.

Have you learned nothing from your past failures? Where did the RICO suit go? How about the last AOL mailing? But yet we hear the same manure, chest pounding, and threats. Now it's the Cactus 3. Bring it on. If someone did something illegal they should pay the price. Are we to believe it's true just because you say it's so? You do not hold that much sway. nic4us said it best. This is nothing more than outrage that the truth is escaping the USAPA censors and getting into the hands of the masses. And it will blow out the outflow valve like an east pilot's fart.

Devistating blow???? :blink: Explain how this has ANYTHING whatsoever to do with USAPA's failure to represent it's pilots, failure to obtain a contract, failure to shove DOH down our throats, or LOA93 that you still find yourselves under? Will the outcome of this change any of this? Will it help you escape binding arbitration? If not then explain the devastating blow. Would that be a devastating blow like the RICO suit? Or perhaps like that DOH cost neutral contract we are still waiting for? I'm at a loss.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense would wait to see where this leads before blowing their load all over the keyboard. What a bunch of amateurs you are.
All this hubub from some of the east guys here is eerily reminiscent of when the RICO was first filed. Remember? "Those criminals are going to jail, that's the price they pay for doing crimes, blah blah blah..." I don't have the first clue as to what is truly transpiring here, but I've seen this MO played out by certain east posters before. I'll hold off on believing any of it for now, if that's allright.

Well said. These guys love to blow their powder early.
O.K. duphis I'm waiting ..........come on duphis, I dont have all night.
You do realize that calling someone "duphis" over and over makes you look like a... well... never mind. Does it make you feel like a big man typing that from behind your computer screen? I feel sorry for you. Grow up!
You do realize that calling someone "duphis" over and over makes you look like a... well... never mind. Does it make you feel like a big man typing that from behind your computer screen? I feel sorry for you. Grow up!

Hard to believe Mikey60 was at USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards, or so he said a few hundred posts back.

Kind of a blemish on the Air Force, but I guess even their intense screening lets a few whackos slip through the cracks.
There is a problem with the america west airlines management. There is a long history of management pilots committing illegal acts. The latest is the assistant chief pilot pirated all the personal data, with social security numbers, of original Usiarways East pilots to be used by the former america west pilots, that history has shown were named in a RICO suit.

" I found the America West Airline drug trafficking trial fascinating. Patrick Thurston, Vice President of Operations, America West, Bob Russell, Chief of Pilots, and Carl Wobser, a captain, all pleaded guilty to multiple counts of narcotics trafficking."

PHX Bangkok connection

The Ceo was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

The government has to start taking responsibility for not protecting the lives and well being of the general public from such pirates.

FAA, government, Wall Street Watch Dogs?????
Hard to believe Mikey60 was at USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards, or so he said a few hundred posts back.

Kind of a blemish on the Air Force, but I guess even their intense screening lets a few whackos slip through the cracks.

I think he flight only, though. ;)
Usiarways perk for Usairways East pilots after a 2010 record year of profits.

It is natures way of telling you somethings wrong.

Only company benifit offered, after record profits this year.

You will read the company's enablers, former america west pilots post below.

Minion of Doom, Master of the could BENEFIT from spell check or a dictionary perhaps.

Neatness and spelling still count. This wiill be reflected on your next report card!

Also, I'll bet you always leave the trash bag in the cockpit along with an opened bottle of water, partially consumed.
Minion of Doom, Master of the could BENEFIT from spell check or a dictionary perhaps.

Neatness and spelling still count. This wiill be reflected on your next report card!

No comment on the drug runners and identity thief's, typical of you. Just a spell check. You must go to elementary schools and teach the dare program with such stellar priorities.
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