US Pilots Labor Discussion

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No comment on the drug runners and identity thief's, typical of you. Just a spell check. You must go to elementary schools and teach the dare program with such stellar priorities.

On the former, it's old business and completely irrelevant, except to a pot stirrer such as yourself.

On the latter, innocent until proven otherwise. We shall see.
On the former, it's old business and completely irrelevant, except to a pot stirrer such as yourself.

On the latter, innocent until proven otherwise. We shall see.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Author unknown
I know this is going to come to you as a huge surprise, but the seperate West side of the operation got all your info when we aquired your airline. Part of having to make your payroll, run your operation, schedule the pilots etc...

YOU acquired no one. Look up BARBELL Acquistion Group. Get out of the litter box. The parasites in there are affecting your brains !
Hard to believe Mikey60 was at USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards, or so he said a few hundred posts back.

Kind of a blemish on the Air Force, but I guess even their intense screening lets a few whackos slip through the cracks.
Sorta like you slipping through the airline hiring process! MM!
Minion of Doom, Master of the could BENEFIT from spell check or a dictionary perhaps.

Neatness and spelling still count. This wiill be reflected on your next report card!

Also, I'll bet you always leave the trash bag in the cockpit along with an opened bottle of water, partially consumed.
Heck I would too only if I knew you were the next crewmember to occupy it, why not your always complaining about cleaning EAST trash, we just want to give you your delusional cause! MM!
Nothing was stolen, they have no case...period

Let em waste their money with the BIGGEST MOST FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT EVER.

Remember, they fly the BIGGEST AIRPLANES.

And have inflated EGOS.
You might want to get familiar with the legal ramifications required of those who deal with sensitive information, such as passport numbers, Social Security numbers, FFDO information. The very least, the SS numbers are dealt with very strict guidelines. Ask any person involved in securities trading. If you do not adhere to the requirements that are associated with client information, you are subject to penalty. The very fact some lower level employees had access to this information, and LEAKED it, is going to cause corporate some serious headaches, and cash. Next up is Leonidas. If it can be proven that Leonidas associates, had access and knowledge of sensitive information and took NO ACTION to report it, then they are going to face repercussions also. This was covered in your basic distance learning. Perhaps your boys should bone up on the corporate ethics policy. Nobody even has to start a lawsuit. Corporate is going to try and dump this on those three and Leonidas as fast as they can, and have to explain why some low level office type had access to all this information, and LEAKED it.
USAPA supporters have shown the world they don't know the difference between good and evil.
Trader, what would happen if you were handling a clients' account, and someone in your office gave a third party the investors SS number??? Beyond that, what would happen to you if you took no action and you knew this happened?
No comment on the drug runners and identity thief's, typical of you.
Has anyone been convicted of an identity theft crime? Has there been an admission of guilt or a sentence like your sex offender co-worker?

No? Then maybe it's time to STFU until the "investigation" is complete and the verdict is out. Might just end up like the Cactus 18, as in dismissed... never happened.

And tell us again how this ties in to the fact that you will be on LOA93 until the courts fix this mess and justice prevail. Your witch hunt is nothing but a blip on the radar. A diversion from USAPA's real troubles. Don't worry sumadarson, the end is near. The implosion of USAPA continues. There's your message.
Has anyone been convicted of an identity theft crime? Has there been an admission of guilt or a sentence like your sex offender co-worker?

No? Then maybe it's time to STFU until the "investigation" is complete and the verdict is out. Might just end up like the Cactus 18, as in dismissed... never happened.

And tell us again how this ties in to the fact that you will be on LOA93 until the courts fix this mess and justice prevail. Your witch hunt is nothing but a blip on the radar. A diversion from USAPA's real troubles. Don't worry sumadarson, the end is near. The implosion of USAPA continues. There's your message.
Maybe we don't have to STFU because a bunch of malcontents are in possession of our Social Security numbers, and passport numbers. Mind your own business. Quit trying to run cover for a criminal enterprise. I guess you would be stupid enough to do nothing if someone had yours. We are not. I would advise every East pilot to contact their congressman over this.
You might want to get familiar with the legal ramifications required of those who deal with sensitive information, such as passport numbers, Social Security numbers, FFDO information. The very least, the SS numbers are dealt with very strict guidelines. Ask any person involved in securities trading. If you do not adhere to the requirements that are associated with client information, you are subject to penalty. The very fact some lower level employees had access to this information, and LEAKED it, is going to cause corporate some serious headaches, and cash. Next up is Leonidas. If it can be proven that Leonidas associates, had access and knowledge of sensitive information and took NO ACTION to report it, then they are going to face repercussions also. This was covered in your basic distance learning. Perhaps your boys should bone up on the corporate ethics policy. Nobody even has to start a lawsuit. Corporate is going to try and dump this on those three and Leonidas as fast as they can, and have to explain why some low level office type had access to all this information, and LEAKED it.
Well at least you said IF! IF it can be proven. IF they had knowledge. IF they took no action. You might want to tell your brothers from the east that. They are crowing on it like it is a done deal and they are all ready behind bars.

I guess you have no concern that usapa might have this same information? The company said specifically that passport number were NOT there. Even king Cleary did not say that FFDO info was there. Would you have a problem if SS number were hanging around on usapa computers where any low level office type could get it? Some committee member? That would not be a problem for you? Do you trust usapa and every member and employee that much?
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