US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I understand that the company is mailing a letter today to east pilots admitting the file was STOLEN and it contained their social security numbers. Three west pilots have been place on adminstrative leave while the investigation is in progress. East pilots will be offered one year of a credit monitoring service.

Would you care to quote the company where they say anything was stolen?
So you can thank the west and this merger for finally moving you forward and still having a career after 23 years. Ask yourself this: If not for the merger where would you be? Your statement above could easily have been "Here I am starting all over again at XYZ airline, in the right seat, on reserve, and commuting 10 hours to ABC. This after 18 years at good ole US Airways."

Fortunately for those sacrificing their career for your advancement it will all be set right when you are forced to live with your commitments and the consequences of your choices.
A new hire sacrificing his or her career for me WOW. Where would they be without the merger? Did anyone listen to Doug's statement in one of the latest meeting with the pilots. A@W was screwed also....the reality is A@W brought so very little to this merger and I am not discounting the hardwork of A@W employees but it is what it is the growth and future of this airline in the future for now is what the east brought to the merger regardless of what happen in the past. Again tell me where would the west be without the merger...
Would you care to quote the company where they say anything was stolen?

Really? .... Really?!

Do you think the company favors Leonidas so much that they are willing to say they freely provided Leonidas with personal information of employees without employee consent? Really?
Now the latest is the company may start preceeding against AOL to try to recoup the cost of lifelock for the east pilots, let's hope these 3 are not only fired but do some time in jail time. What a group of idiots. Please up those donations your going to need them. :lol: :lol:
Really? .... Really?!

Do you think the company favors Leonidas so much that they are willing to say they freely provided Leonidas with personal information of employees without employee consent? Really?
I ask for the evidence you know PROOF that the company said anything was stolen.

Do you have any?
Nothing was stolen, they have no case...period

Let em waste their money with the BIGGEST MOST FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT EVER.
Wait a minute, remember it's YOUR money we will use, keep those dues and donations coming!!!!! PS, the FBI is very concerned about any information on FFDO's getting out, you are so toast.
You know, with this devastating blow to the westies caused by AOL, maybe all of you should stop, get off the board and try to re-group, I mean AOL has embarrassed the west pilot group big time, it's one blunder after another. Get a new law firm and a new game plan.
They company is trying to cover their liability in this matter. of course they will claim the ss numbers were not compromised.

Ya know Nosum - you like s%*@ so much you should have stuck with your lav truck. You looked darling in rubber gloves handling that big "hose".

Where's the proof Nosum?

Wait a minute, remember it's YOUR money we will use, keep those dues and donations coming!!!!! PS, the FBI is very concerned about any information on FFDO's getting out, you are so toast.
FFDO information was not mentioned in either the company or usapa's letter. Just more distraction and false allegation.

What evidence do you have that the FBI is interested? Did Cleary tell you this?
You know, with this devastating blow to the westies caused by AOL, maybe all of you should stop, get off the board and try to re-group, I mean AOL has embarrassed the west pilot group big time, it's one blunder after another. Get a new law firm and a new game plan.

AOL mopped the floor with Cleary and the BPR. They can't stop anything. Either can the company. They want AOL to be quite they can sue. Until then they can STFU. Free Speech will not be trumped by anyone. The cold hard truth is spreading through the East and their families like an antibody for an infection named USAPA. No wonder the Narcissists are hitting the roof. A free year of lifelock is all that will come of this. Again, BFD. :lol: :lol:

The Irony is the AOL pamphlets are going to be read 100x more because of Baby Doc, doughbag Kim Jong Cleary's DEFCON 5 reaction to it.

Well done moron!! :D
All this hubub from some of the east guys here is eerily reminiscent of when the RICO was first filed. Remember? "Those criminals are going to jail, that's the price they pay for doing crimes, blah blah blah..." I don't have the first clue as to what is truly transpiring here, but I've seen this MO played out by certain east posters before. I'll hold off on believing any of it for now, if that's allright.
Again tell me where would the west be without the merger...
No one knows for sure. But we know with certainty that US would be gone. And that failure itself would have helped the rest of the industry INCLUDING AWA. So what we have is speculation (AWA's fate), versus reality (US Airways' fate).
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