US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I've stated since day 1 that I didn't know if USAPA was the answer. I only knew that Alpa was NO LONGER supporting my best interests. Well, now I'm adding USAPA to that list. IMHO, they are going in the wrong direction, concentrating on the wrong things. As I sit here with the latest LEONIDAS mailing.... my address (that includes my wife's name), the circulation numbers and my address with the 4 digit zipcode addon, it tells me it's nothing more than a "bought address list" which is the list that is bought by J.C. Penny's, Harbour Freight, Playboy Enterprises, and every other business entity in this country. At least it's been done professionally and deserves a " look see", if , for any other reason but that it might have some valuable information in it. Just like other circulars, you can choose to read it, throw it away, use it for fireplace fodder (which we need these days in NorCal), or whatever floats your boat. But to get upset that they comprised your privacy. People, look around!!!!! Our privacy is comprimised DAILY!!! The group on this webboard represents only a fraction of the pilot group with this company. Leonidas , in my opinion, is only trying to get the info out to the masses.....something that USAPA needs to do a better job at. I welcome it. I will read it. I don't have to agree with it, but I will read it and decide for myself. But, I can tell you one thing......I'm not going around being paranoid that my privacy has been comprimised. I have more important things to worry about. Since when has there been only one side to a story!!

I commend you on keeping an open mind and not joining in on the "if it's from the west it sucks" bandwagon.
Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.

Just when you think the lowlife scumbag AWA pilots couldn't get any lower....

Once again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt why AWA was the only place they could get hired.

You have got to love it.

Boeing Driver
I've stated since day 1 that I didn't know if USAPA was the answer. I only knew that Alpa was NO LONGER supporting my best interests. Well, now I'm adding USAPA to that list. IMHO, they are going in the wrong direction, concentrating on the wrong things. As I sit here with the latest LEONIDAS mailing.... my address (that includes my wife's name), the circulation numbers and my address with the 4 digit zipcode addon, it tells me it's nothing more than a "bought address list" which is the list that is bought by J.C. Penny's, Harbour Freight, Playboy Enterprises, and every other business entity in this country. At least it's been done professionally and deserves a " look see", if , for any other reason but that it might have some valuable information in it. Just like other circulars, you can choose to read it, throw it away, use it for fireplace fodder (which we need these days in NorCal), or whatever floats your boat. But to get upset that they comprised your privacy. People, look around!!!!! Our privacy is comprimised DAILY!!! The group on this webboard represents only a fraction of the pilot group with this company. Leonidas , in my opinion, is only trying to get the info out to the masses.....something that USAPA needs to do a better job at. I welcome it. I will read it. I don't have to agree with it, but I will read it and decide for myself. But, I can tell you one thing......I'm not going around being paranoid that my privacy has been comprimised. I have more important things to worry about. Since when has there been only one side to a story!!

Well said, Jetjock... B)
Just when you think the lowlife scumbag AWA pilots couldn't get any lower....

Once again proving beyond a shadow of a doubt why AWA was the only place they could get hired.

You have got to love it.

Boeing Driver

I find it so amusing that you would think I would take offense at that statement.

Plan on the AWA pilots getting quite a bit lower. We realize that if we are going to clean the sewer, we will be knee deep in usapa filth. We thank god for hip boots, and know not to clean our fingernails with our teeth.

Oh, one more thing, since you probably could not have been hired at AWA, do you thank your lucky stars you got in the backdoor?

I don't buy it. Sure, you had issues with ALPA. Prater screwed HP, therefore we had issues with ALPA as well.

I did not see "ALPO sucks" on the yellow lanyards prior to the election. I saw the Bradford letter which outlines the sole objective of this association. That is, to get out of an agreement, a contract, binding arbitration by any means possible. You see his concern about possible legal action, advice was given that shows the likelyhood of that happening.

You voted in an association which promises there will be no unity, no war chest and no bargaining power.

You voted in career stagnation and low wages.

That's my angle. <_<
Well my view point is much different. I am finally moving up the list getting many weekends off and finally was able to get a week vacation in summer. This is after 23+ years sitting in the right seat. Nick would put me behind a new hire at A@W at merger time and I would be sitting at the bottom of the list while west flying gets reduced. Does not sound like a good plan to me for a couple thousand bucks after taxes in the Kirby offer. In fact I could end up seating on reserve instead of a pay increase going to the 76 or 330 and then the left seat when retirements kick in. Wages are not good but there is no stagnation.
Mark my words...bookmark this page for future reference. Nothing......NOTHING is going to happen to anybody over the mailings. Not a single repercussion will come from any legitimate law enforcement agency. As soon as they look into this (if anybody bothers to lift a finger) it will become as obvious to them, as it was to the Jury as to what the real problem USAPA has with the mailings. USAPA is a Ship of Fools drifting once again into oblivion.

I love it. I hope they waste millions of your dues dollars on another pointless monkey football hump. :lol:

More tail chasing, counter-productive, hyperbolic, megalomaniacal behavior from the same impotent usual suspects. The very same narcissists that invented the word "useless".

Again. Bookmark this page. Nothing will ever happen. USAPA is a anemic sickly twerp attempting to bully from behind the door. Pathetic. :p
[ OK Genius, we bookmarked it! This is just too funny!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.
Nic, too bad you weren't at the PHL meeting yesterday. Our leader, Mike Cleary was there, and as usual did a fantastic job. He gave us a nice heads up on what was coming your way. Face it, Leonidas again stepped on its' crank. Between the ripe premature adjudication, Cactusgate Leak Job, and the Doggy Doo Doo Caper, you guys just can't measure up. The mailer and the addresses was the final classic. What a bunch of idiots. Koontz has got to be worried about the leaks now. Imagine, a free Lifelock endorsement coming from thousands of East pilots! Going to be really interesting if your info gets someone a new credit card or some other problems. It will come right back home in a nice lawsuit for Koontz. Keep the donations coming!!!!!
Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.
The Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. Go ahead. Between all the harm claims and all the other threats, you guys can't begin to measure up to Cleary and USAPA. LOA 93 Win next up.
I've stated since day 1 that I didn't know if USAPA was the answer. I only knew that Alpa was NO LONGER supporting my best interests. Well, now I'm adding USAPA to that list. IMHO, they are going in the wrong direction, concentrating on the wrong things. As I sit here with the latest LEONIDAS mailing.... my address (that includes my wife's name), the circulation numbers and my address with the 4 digit zipcode addon, it tells me it's nothing more than a "bought address list" which is the list that is bought by J.C. Penny's, Harbour Freight, Playboy Enterprises, and every other business entity in this country. At least it's been done professionally and deserves a " look see", if , for any other reason but that it might have some valuable information in it. Just like other circulars, you can choose to read it, throw it away, use it for fireplace fodder (which we need these days in NorCal), or whatever floats your boat. But to get upset that they comprised your privacy. People, look around!!!!! Our privacy is comprimised DAILY!!! The group on this webboard represents only a fraction of the pilot group with this company. Leonidas , in my opinion, is only trying to get the info out to the masses.....something that USAPA needs to do a better job at. I welcome it. I will read it. I don't have to agree with it, but I will read it and decide for myself. But, I can tell you one thing......I'm not going around being paranoid that my privacy has been comprimised. I have more important things to worry about. Since when has there been only one side to a story!!
You have got it entirely wrong pal. 3 of their inside guys just got tagged, most likely fired. It was "bought " right out of corporate by Leonidas. I see 7 of them tagged along giving you a plus. Too bad that means nothing when it gets stacked up against the cold hard reality of them being fired and prosecuted.
I know of at least one pilot who is pushing hard for the Feds to investigate USAPA.
Evidence has been presented.

Termination should be the least of their worries at this point.:eek:
Wow, you all just flail in the dark when you get hammered. This is too funny. Leonidas and 3 crackpot insiders get their pants taken down, and suddenly USAPA is shaking in its' boots! :lol: PS I tried to get a hold of Cleary to congratulate him, but he was already at the studio with Lifelock filming the commercial. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.

Let me reiterate themost important part of your post: 'I KNOW THINK'....

Sounds like an opinion to me. Guess what there Nic...Noone gives a rats *** what you THINK....

Carry on...

Well my view point is much different. I am finally moving up the list getting many weekends off and finally was able to get a week vacation in summer. This is after 23+ years sitting in the right seat. Nick would put me behind a new hire at A@W at merger time and I would be sitting at the bottom of the list while west flying gets reduced. Does not sound like a good plan to me for a couple thousand bucks after taxes in the Kirby offer. In fact I could end up seating on reserve instead of a pay increase going to the 76 or 330 and then the left seat when retirements kick in. Wages are not good but there is no stagnation.

I'm glad there is movement for you, weekends off, etc. Meanwhile, since 2005, we've had furloughs and downgrades. Prior to 2005, we were hiring and had 7-year expectations for a Capt upgrade. Seems that priorities changed with the acquisition of East priorities and favoritism.

Meanwhile, those who built this desert airline have gotten the shaft from your union and management installed after the acquisition.
Wow, you all just flail in the dark when you get hammered. This is too funny. Leonidas and 3 crackpot insiders get their pants taken down, and suddenly USAPA is shaking in its' boots! :lol: PS I tried to get a hold of Cleary to congratulate him, but he was already at the studio with Lifelock filming the commercial. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Laugh all you want but I was more than happy to provide this pilot information that could help his fight for justice.

Can I get Lifelock to protect myself from Uspapian spammers and junk mail? :lol: :p
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