US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hearing your legal advice I have your identity narrowed down to two possible candidates with similar strategies.

Are you Marty Harper or Dr Andrew, 28j, Jacobs?

Neither, want to know how to tell the difference.

Nic4us clowns around on an anonymous web board, where dellusional usapa supporters show how far up their rear their head is every time they post.

And, Marty and Andy defend the West pilot class by suing the scabs at usapa.
Neither, want to know how to tell the difference.

Nic4us clowns around on an anonymous web board, where dellusional usapa supporters show how far up their rear their head is every time they post.

And, Marty and Andy defend the West pilot class by suing the scabs at usapa.
Thank's for those words rest assure YOUR DUES money is hard at work and never sleeps! MM!
USAPA: Suppressing Dissenting Opinion and The Democratic Process

Quick Fact #140: Despite the monumental efforts to keep the pilots from knowing what's going on with our Union, details emerge. It takes very little imagination to recognize that USAPA can neither accept a differing opinion nor support democratic principles. Is there any doubt why we are where we are?

A note to Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey: 1) We don't need to be protected from the ugly truth. 2) We're tired of your excuses for failure and we need positive results now.

See Story

Ah, there you are. Thank goodness you are still here. We would feel incomplete if you were missing.
OJ was found not guilty.
REALLY? 2. The civil law case:

There was a great deal of aftermath and fallout that occurred, however, following the criminal trial. A civil law case was immediately brought upon Simpson by the parent’s of Ron Goldman, Fred Goldman and Sharon Rufo. The civil law case was presented for wrongful death of Nicole and Ron and took about four months to complete. Daniel Petrocelli was the lawyer for Goldman and Bob baker was the lawyer that represented OJ Simpson. Evidence was brought upon Simpson by Goldman’s lawyers, such as the polygraph test the Simpson failed conducted the Los Angeles Police Department. Eventually, the jury in the civil law case against Simpson awarded the Goldman family and Simpson’s children, Sydney and Justin, $12.5 million
USAPA: Suppressing Dissenting Opinion and The Democratic Process

Quick Fact #140: Despite the monumental efforts to keep the pilots from knowing what's going on with our Union, details emerge. It takes very little imagination to recognize that USAPA can neither accept a differing opinion nor support democratic principles. Is there any doubt why we are where we are?

A note to Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey: 1) We don't need to be protected from the ugly truth. 2) We're tired of your excuses for failure and we need positive results now.

See Story

The very foundation of USAPA is flawed. Formed not because of dissatisfaction with ALPA, that is a diversion. Rather to take advantage of a situation and disenfranchise a smaller group.

There is a small group in power who's self interests supersede association promises made to those who voted this group into power. Totalitarian regimes have a history misleading the masses and supressing free speech.
The very foundation of USAPA is flawed. Formed not because of dissatisfaction with ALPA, that is a diversion. Rather to take advantage of a situation and disenfranchise a smaller group.

There is a small group in power who's self interests supersede association promises made to those who voted this group into power. Totalitarian regimes have a history misleading the masses and supressing free speech.
ALPA disenfranchised the majority. How about that angle.
PI Brat,

It seems to me that you latch onto a semantic obliquitous and tangential statement as a central focus. Then you argue minutia infinitum on the point even after it has been overcome by events or argument subsequent to the loss of the greater meaning in a flurry of electrons.

Your current fixation on “substantial” is a prime example.

The two pilot groups could not come to agreement through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. The neutral made a final effort to move the parties towards compromise. The west made a minor change in their position, the east did not.

To argue that the east’s intransience undeterred by the imminency of the cessation of the proceedings leading to an award is unimportant because the west’s change in their position was not “substantial” is quite astounding.

Parties do not like to negotiate against themselves. As entrenched as both sides were in this matter with the forthright admonition by the neutral that neither position would prevail, a small move is indicative as an “opener” for potential movement towards compromise. Without a corresponding response from the opposing party there are only two avenues available, further compromise by the moving party or the conclusion of the proceedings.

It is therefore frivolous and inane to argue that; the determination by the east to not acquiesce to the neutrals request to change their position is cogent, compelling, or well-founded because the move by the west was not substantial.

Ok rant over. My 2 hundredths of a dollar have been rendered.

As you were, carry-on.

I guess you didn't see my post where I said I was taking a break in order to do no further damage and if you wanted to answer me, to do it through a pm. That, or you feel your words are so important that everyone needed to read them? Big words too! A lot misspelled, but big!

I argue over minutiae? My God man, that is all that goes on here! When was the last time that a new and important idea was discovered and discussed. It seems most on this place have a severe case of "Why do you speak of the speck in my eye when you have a log in yours?"

These two groups were so far apart that we were never going to agree on a list. To say that one side is to blame for that is, well, frivolous and inane.

Thanks for the 2 cents, it was worth it.
ALPA disenfranchised the majority. How about that angle.


I don't buy it. Sure, you had issues with ALPA. Prater screwed HP, therefore we had issues with ALPA as well.

I did not see "ALPO sucks" on the yellow lanyards prior to the election. I saw the Bradford letter which outlines the sole objective of this association. That is, to get out of an agreement, a contract, binding arbitration by any means possible. You see his concern about possible legal action, advice was given that shows the likelyhood of that happening.

You voted in an association which promises there will be no unity, no war chest and no bargaining power.

You voted in career stagnation and low wages.

That's my angle. <_<

I don't buy it. Sure, you had issues with ALPA. Prater screwed HP, therefore we had issues with ALPA as well.

I did not see "ALPO sucks" on the yellow lanyards prior to the election. I saw the Bradford letter which outlines the sole objective of this association. That is, to get out of an agreement, a contract, binding arbitration by any means possible. You see his concern about possible legal action, advice was given that shows the likelyhood of that happening.

You voted in an association which promises there will be no unity, no war chest and no bargaining power.

You voted in career stagnation and low wages.

That's my angle. <_<

I've stated since day 1 that I didn't know if USAPA was the answer. I only knew that Alpa was NO LONGER supporting my best interests. Well, now I'm adding USAPA to that list. IMHO, they are going in the wrong direction, concentrating on the wrong things. As I sit here with the latest LEONIDAS mailing.... my address (that includes my wife's name), the circulation numbers and my address with the 4 digit zipcode addon, it tells me it's nothing more than a "bought address list" which is the list that is bought by J.C. Penny's, Harbour Freight, Playboy Enterprises, and every other business entity in this country. At least it's been done professionally and deserves a " look see", if , for any other reason but that it might have some valuable information in it. Just like other circulars, you can choose to read it, throw it away, use it for fireplace fodder (which we need these days in NorCal), or whatever floats your boat. But to get upset that they comprised your privacy. People, look around!!!!! Our privacy is comprimised DAILY!!! The group on this webboard represents only a fraction of the pilot group with this company. Leonidas , in my opinion, is only trying to get the info out to the masses.....something that USAPA needs to do a better job at. I welcome it. I will read it. I don't have to agree with it, but I will read it and decide for myself. But, I can tell you one thing......I'm not going around being paranoid that my privacy has been comprimised. I have more important things to worry about. Since when has there been only one side to a story!!
I guess you didn't see my post where I said I was taking a break in order to do no further damage and if you wanted to answer me, to do it through a pm. That, or you feel your words are so important that everyone needed to read them? Big words too! A lot misspelled, but big!

I argue over minutiae? My God man, that is all that goes on here! When was the last time that a new and important idea was discovered and discussed. It seems most on this place have a severe case of "Why do you speak of the speck in my eye when you have a log in yours?"

These two groups were so far apart that we were never going to agree on a list. To say that one side is to blame for that is, well, frivolous and inane.

Thanks for the 2 cents, it was worth it.


Do to the number of posts lately and my inefficacious efforts to keep up, I posted my pusillanimous rant prior to reading your post about taking a break, my apologies.

I am a pilot and I think everything I do and say is important and everyone needs to pay attention.

Big is in the eye of the beholder. Spelling is for sissies.

Granted, it was a rant, frivolous yes, and inane maybe. It was not intended to accomplish anything important except perhaps to trigger a personal introspective reflection on your part to resist or avoid getting sucked into the black hole of the farcical flame throwers around here to support an emotional position rather than a factual one.

Civil debate and discourse does break out here once in a while, and you are a contributor.

Our food fight over the seniority issue is no longer an intramural sport, we are now semi-pro.

Another .02 worth.
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