US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Do to the number of posts lately and my inefficacious efforts to keep up, I posted my pusillanimous rant prior to reading your post about taking a break, my apologies.

I am a pilot and I think everything I do and say is important and everyone needs to pay attention.

Big is in the eye of the beholder. Spelling is for sissies.

Granted, it was a rant, frivolous yes, and inane maybe. It was not intended to accomplish anything important except perhaps to trigger a personal introspective reflection on your part to resist or avoid getting sucked into the black hole of the farcical flame throwers around here to support an emotional position rather than a factual one.

Civil debate and discourse does break out here once in a while, and you are a contributor.

Our food fight over the seniority issue is no longer an intramural sport, we are now semi-pro.

Another .02 worth.

B) Damn, more big words. I will read it two or three more times to see if I can understand it while I launder my food fight uniform!
I've stated since day 1 that I didn't know if USAPA was the answer. I only knew that Alpa was NO LONGER supporting my best interests. Well, now I'm adding USAPA to that list. IMHO, they are going in the wrong direction, concentrating on the wrong things. As I sit here with the latest LEONIDAS mailing.... my address (that includes my wife's name), the circulation numbers and my address with the 4 digit zipcode addon, it tells me it's nothing more than a "bought address list" which is the list that is bought by J.C. Penny's, Harbour Freight, Playboy Enterprises, and every other business entity in this country. At least it's been done professionally and deserves a " look see", if , for any other reason but that it might have some valuable information in it. Just like other circulars, you can choose to read it, throw it away, use it for fireplace fodder (which we need these days in NorCal), or whatever floats your boat. But to get upset that they comprised your privacy. People, look around!!!!! Our privacy is comprimised DAILY!!! The group on this webboard represents only a fraction of the pilot group with this company. Leonidas , in my opinion, is only trying to get the info out to the masses.....something that USAPA needs to do a better job at. I welcome it. I will read it. I don't have to agree with it, but I will read it and decide for myself. But, I can tell you one thing......I'm not going around being paranoid that my privacy has been comprimised. I have more important things to worry about. Since when has there been only one side to a story!!


You will be hearing from the company very soon. There is going to be fallout from this event.

Check Wings under flight ops. Nice letter from the legal department.


I just did and noticed this nice comment:

"Although we are continuing our investigation, as noted, our preliminary work indicates that the social security numbers were not accessed or misused."

Hate, I have a question for you.

Do you spend all your time, (since you hate2fly) trying to twist everything in the Usapian spin room? :blink:
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?


Looks like the east pilots get free life lock for the next year. Thank the cofounders for us. I wonder who the other 2 pilots are?

Since the east pilots have graciously agreed to save the company another $120M+ again this year, I guess that Lifelock enrollment is actually a fairly cheap tradeoff by comparison. Like way less than 0.05% of a new JCBA. USAPA sure does know how to work a good deal, for the Company that is.
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?

The other night after I put the kids to bed, I decided to step out into my garage with a cool one and enjoy the evening in SoCal. As I'm sipping away at my Guiness, I noticed that damn rat in the corner of the garage that has been a squatter in there. It was dark out, but I could still see him. I'd been baiting the rat with cheese but last week a friend told me to try peanut butter. Well, I'm thinking to myself this will be interesting, kind of like a National Geographic moment if it works. The little critter came out and studied the trap. I could see him smelling it and then it happened - he took a bite and whamo! As much as a I hated that scoundrel, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sorrow for the little guy. He had no idea why he wound up in the situation he found himself in. Life in the jungle comes down to intelligence (and a little luck).
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?

The company's letter. No passport info, no FFDO info. I think you know better than to expect a retraction. Just the accusation is good enough.

In yesterday’s note, Captain Cleary expressed concern that confidential passport information was also included in the Leonidas list. We have confirmed that no passport information was included.
So it ended up being name & address (SS# was hidden). What about the claims here of passport, FFDO, etc info being released to AOL creating a security threat? Will any of those that made those claims now retract them?


Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.
Okay, I will be the first.

I said the former asst chief pilot should file an HR complaint, seeking Cleary's termination.

I retract that statement.

Unless usapa can provide evidence that the company authorized them to release information regarding an ongoing confidential internal investigation, I now think the former asst chief pilot should file libel charges against Cleary, Theur, and usapa legal.

I know of at least one pilot who is pushing hard for the Feds to investigate USAPA.
Evidence has been presented.

Termination should be the least of their worries at this point.:eek:
Thanks for the 2 cents, it was worth it.
There you go again. An east pilot says a few words against the "cause" and you go and attack him.

His message was loud, clear, and simple. The fact that the west took a small step away from their position and the east did not, was an indication that negotiation was over unless the west continued to "negotiate" with themselves by offering more concessions. It's negotiations 101, and usabusdriver is 100% correct in his assessment. Just because you are of the opinion that the two sides would never have agreed, does not release the east from their responsibility to try as per the process agreed to. That's the whole point of mediation.

By saying "what's the point, we never were going to agree" you are basically saying that you wanted to skip the whole process and go directly to arbitration. Something many on the east now claim to not have to honor. More "our way or the highway" mentality.
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