US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The company provides the Lifelock, Leonidas gets served in court for the damages. Nice. :D

Do you think there might be a problem with the company only providing this service to East pilots?

Think hard, I have very little faith in you but read between the lines.
I understand that the company is mailing a letter today to east pilots admitting the file was STOLEN and it contained their social security numbers. Three west pilots have been place on adminstrative leave while the investigation is in progress. East pilots will be offered one year of a credit monitoring service.

Nic, too bad you weren't at the PHL meeting yesterday. Our leader, Mike Cleary was there, and as usual did a fantastic job. He gave us a nice heads up on what was coming your way. Face it, Leonidas again stepped on its' crank.

Keep the donations coming!!!!!

I think I am going to puke. Did you kiss his ring?

If your wishes came true, I'd expect donations to increase 10-fold and more than enough people would be willing to step in the shoes of the Cactus 3.

Keep dreaming.
I think I am going to puke. Did you kiss his ring?

If your wishes came true, I'd expect donations to increase 10-fold and more than enough people would be willing to step in the shoes of the Cactus 3.

Keep dreaming.
Oh Boy, here we go, Cactus 3! What a bunch, between the mailers of dog crap, and stolen files, you'll throw your money after any criminal endeavor. Cleary was on top of his game. He had the company dead to rights. They tried to protect your administrative criminals, but thought better when Cleary reminded them of what was coming. This is just the start. The damages filings are next.
I understand that the company is mailing a letter today to east pilots admitting the file was STOLEN and it contained their social security numbers. Three west pilots have been place on adminstrative leave while the investigation is in progress. East pilots will be offered one year of a credit monitoring service.

It is already on WINGS. And in your mailbox. Go and file for it. You probably are DONATING to Leonidas without your consent as we speak.
It is already on WINGS. And in your mailbox. Go and file for it. We are going for more than a year also. It better be for the rest of your career they have to pay.You probably are DONATING to Leonidas without your consent as we speak.
A year is not enough. Call Cleary and insist the company makes it a lifetime. One year will pass and these criminals will have a new identity made up with your information.
Let me reiterate themost important part of your post: 'I KNOW THINK'....

Sounds like an opinion to me. Guess what there Nic...Noone gives a rats *** what you THINK....

Carry on...


How insightful of you to pick up that I offered my opinion.

Also, glad to hear you speak for "Noone". Is "Noone" an east usapa supporter? If so, I understand why he would hoard his supply of "rats ***", he is going to need them to make a decent "rats ***" stew if he wants to eat after retirement.
It is already on WINGS. And in your mailbox. Go and file for it. You probably are DONATING to Leonidas without your consent as we speak.

Hey BS,

Did you miss this quote from Wings?

"Although we are continuing our investigation, as noted, our preliminary work indicates that the social security numbers were not accessed or misused."

Your so-called case is going nowhere.

I hope the Cactus 3 sues the crap out of your association for malicious prosecution:

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not limited to criminal prosecutions but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. The defendant in the initial case becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the original case becomes the defendant. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is a tort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to defend against the baseless and vexatious case.
The update from the west pilots group yesterday assured their flock that everything was ok when it was not. I am astonished.

Leonidas Update March 23, 2011
post onThursday, 24 March 2011 05:27 |

""Today, USAPA released a letter from Cleary to Mr. Parker accusing a West pilot and Leonidas of several violations of federal law. You can read Cleary's letter here. The first sentence of the second paragraph in reads: "Notwithstanding these alarming developments, the Company has determined that neither the individual responsible for the theft nor those who received the stolen property will suffer any consequences." In other words, the company investigated USAPA's claims and determined that no action should be taken. We at Leonidas feel there is nothing else that needs to be said about USAPA's petty and needlessly divisive allegations.


Leonidas LLC""
Hey BS,

Did you miss this quote from Wings?

"Although we are continuing our investigation, as noted, our preliminary work indicates that the social security numbers were not accessed or misused."

Your so-called case is going nowhere.

I hope the Cactus 3 sues the crap out of your association for malicious prosecution:

An action for malicious prosecution is the remedy for baseless and malicious litigation. It is not limited to criminal prosecutions but may be brought in response to any baseless and malicious litigation or prosecution, whether criminal or civil. The criminal defendant or civil respondent in a baseless and malicious case may later file this claim in civil court against the parties who took an active role in initiating or encouraging the original case. The defendant in the initial case becomes the plaintiff in the malicious prosecution suit, and the plaintiff or prosecutor in the original case becomes the defendant. In most states the claim must be filed within a year after the end of the original case.

A claim of malicious prosecution is a tort action. A tort action is filed in civil court to recover money damages for certain harm suffered. The plaintiff in a malicious prosecution suit seeks to win money from the respondent as recompense for the various costs associated with having to defend against the baseless and vexatious case.
So why are they already agreeing to the Lifelock? Because they KNOW, regardless of what crap you spew, the information is ALL there. Your typical "I hope the Cactus 3 sues...." is the standard from you and Nic4. These 3 have some serious issues coming at them, most likely termination. The only suing will be from East pilots. Leonidas is leading you down the path of failure. KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!!!
The update from the west pilots group yesterday assured their flock that everything was ok when it was not. I am astonished.

Leonidas Update March 23, 2011
post onThursday, 24 March 2011 05:27 |

""Today, USAPA released a letter from Cleary to Mr. Parker accusing a West pilot and Leonidas of several violations of federal law. You can read Cleary's letter here. The first sentence of the second paragraph in reads: "Notwithstanding these alarming developments, the Company has determined that neither the individual responsible for the theft nor those who received the stolen property will suffer any consequences." In other words, the company investigated USAPA's claims and determined that no action should be taken. We at Leonidas feel there is nothing else that needs to be said about USAPA's petty and needlessly divisive allegations.


Leonidas LLC""
Wow, Aqua whistling by the graveyard. These 3 are toast.
So why are they already agreeing to the Lifelock? Because they KNOW, regardless of what crap you spew, the information is ALL there. Your typical "I hope the Cactus 3 sues...." is the standard from you and Nic4. These 3 have some serious issues coming at them, most likely termination. The only suing will be from East pilots. Leonidas is leading you down the path of failure. KEEP THE DONATIONS COMING!!!

Hey 9er,

Hard to miss those green #1's appearing at the same time you post.

You are talking to yourself....
Here are some general thoughts about this situation:

1) If 1-3 or more pilots violated company policy or broke the law regarding pilot PII stored in company databases, then they should bear the consequences for their actions. If the Company elects to terminate or bring legal action then I would fully support this so long as the evidence is compelling. If law enforcement agencies determine that criminal conduct has been engaged in, then I would fully support charges being brought in that arena as well.

2) USAPA’s clear bias is soon to be on display for all to see. If an east pilot discharges a weapon in the cockpit, USAPA fights for him to keep his job. If an east pilot takes inappropriate pictures of a teenage girl, USAPA fights for him to keep his job. However, if one or more west pilots are charged with stealing PII, will USAPA fight for them to keep their jobs too? Perhaps USAPA is only willing to fight for those pilots on the east who violate the law and/or Company policy and inexplicably demand the full weight of consequences for those who are perceived to have harmed USAPA directly. I wonder how this clear bias will play out in with all of the court battles yet to come, not to mention the NBM process where USAPA will claim to be mere victims in all of this self-created mess.
Oh Boy, here we go, Cactus 3! What a bunch, between the mailers of dog crap, and stolen files, you'll throw your money after any criminal endeavor. Cleary was on top of his game. He had the company dead to rights. They tried to protect your administrative criminals, but thought better when Cleary reminded them of what was coming. This is just the start. The damages filings are next.

What game would that be?? Jeopardy Job theft.

Frankly Swan, I really do not care what Cleary says or does, I quit paying attention to the scab association some time back, I guess I am kind of similar to the company in that regard.

The company was probably trying to protect Cleary from himself, but if you want to go on a criminal hunt, I say full speed ahead.
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