US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You're probably right about the TA flying in the summer (assuming the airlines can keep up with fuel price increases & especially the widebody routes since there's not many other places to fly them profitably). But off-season TA flying could be cut more than usual.

Time will tell. Actually, it's not just about widebody flying, most of the trips I fly are on the 757. Pays the same as the 767, just less time per trip, so it goes more senior than I can get (there's that nasty seniority thing again), at any rate, the 757 can be flown to LOTS of places profitably. They will be around for a LONG time. What a great aircraft! The plastic bus can't touch it, lots of power, .80 plus, long legs (big motors), hard to hate!

Pay is better on the East, ya, I know, second worst pay in the industry, behind AWA. Then again, the QOL and the trips are much better than the narrowbody ANYWHERE!

I just don't want to give what little I have left, to the nice young man who has twenty-three years here, after I RETIRE, that the NIC gives him. SORRY.

USAPA couldn't be doing what they are, if it wasn't LEGAL to do so, at the end of the day, a court may very well, rule that they are wrong, maybe not, until then, I will make due with LOA-93 (more than the West makes, less than unemployment for an old fart) until that nice young man, senior on the NIC, forces me to go back to the 737 for less money. :blink:

At least the FA's are better looking there, they don't call them WIDEBODIES for nothing!

What do you call a hot tub full of TA FA's? ........Gorillas in the mist. OK, my bad.

Attention please: This is a NIC or DOH/LOS statement,

No you are right. It is your money and it is the east deal.

My point was that usapa hides or spins losses all the time. How can you trust a union that was supposed to be more honest and open when they delay and spin bad news? Why did it take them a week to inform the people paying the bills about this?

What makes you think I trust those Assholes? In my experience, ALL union leadership is full of it. ALPA, USAPA, SHAHPA, LAPA, DAPA, RAPA, OBAMA SLAMA RAMA! It's all about the money! They got it, we don't. As long as we keep fighting about SENIORITY, they win. We lose. OH, and ALL the lawyers win too!

Attention please: This is about NIC and DOH.


I told myself that I would not do this......SORRY.......OH WELL
Until you present proof of your previous accusations or retract them with an apology you don't deserve an answer to anything.


Would you mind telling me if you have any relatives on the west side? I apologize to you if have already answered this question but I don't have the time to go back through all of the posts.


None that I know of. I guess technically you can go back far enough and we're all descended from Lucy or whatever the current thinking is, making all of humanity related - does that count?


Would you mind telling me if you have any relatives on the west side? I apologize to you if have already answered this question but I don't have the time to go back through all of the posts.




Would you please tell me what difference it makes if Jim has a relative on the west side? Would you also please explain your motivation in knowing this personal information? I apologize if you have already answered this question but I do not have the desire to go back through thousands of posts.


It was one on Nosum's accusations - I'm against DOH only because I have "kin" on the West side.

That was included with me, as an ALPA Rep, single-handedly stapling the Empire pilots and (ironically since it's the opposite) not speaking up when the Empire pilots were stapled.

Of course the newest is that I'm being paid FPL by ALPA to post here - equally dumb since being retired I miss no trips to be paid for.

To all the hot air balloons around here, just an FYI... Another brochure is on its way soon!

I think Leonidas just gave Cleary a big YAWN :lol:

Today, USAPA released a letter from Cleary to Mr. Parker accusing a West pilot and Leonidas of several violations of federal law. You can read Cleary's letter here. The first sentence of the second paragraph in reads: "Notwithstanding these alarming developments, the Company has determined that neither the individual responsible for the theft nor those who received the stolen property will suffer any consequences

."In other words, the company investigated USAPA's claims and determined that no action should be taken." We at Leonidas feel there is nothing else that needs to be said about USAPA's petty and needlessly divisive allegations.


Leonidas LLC
None that I know of. I guess technically you can go back far enough and we're all descended from Lucy or whatever the current thinking is, making all of humanity related - does that count?


Thanks for the response. My wife is deep into geneology and our library at home is full of file cabinets of "relatives". Bottom line is I guess we are all related in some manner.



Would you please tell me what difference it makes if Jim has a relative on the west side? Would you also please explain your motivation in knowing this personal information? I apologize if you have already answered this question but I do not have the desire to go back through thousands of posts.



There seems to be a lot of back and forth over this issue between Jim and another poster. My motivation is that I might have missed Jim's response to the other poster. Jim responded to my question and said that he has no relatives on the west side that he knows of and that response is fine with me. I was just hoping to close one part of this back and forth in a civil manner. On a personal level I have no interest in whether or not Jim has relatives on the west side and if he had told me to mind my own business then that would have been the end of the matter.



There seems to be a lot of back and forth over this issue between Jim and another poster. My motivation is that I might have missed Jim's response to the other poster. Jim responded to my question and said that he has no relatives on the west side that he knows of and that response is fine with me. I was just hoping to close one part of this back and forth in a civil manner. On a personal level I have no interest in whether or not Jim has relatives on the west side and if he had told me to mind my own business then that would have been the end of the matter.


Thanks for the response. Perhaps now you can try to end the needless back and forth of Barrister's constant barrage of interrogation asking what my motivation for being here is. I have answered that question completely and honestly at least a dozen or two times and since the answer is not what they are hoping, the inquisition continues.

It seems that to some on the east, a person's motivations must be called into question in an attempt to discredit their point of view whenever that POV contradicts the USAPA line, rather than debate the actual issue. Their twisted logic seems to be that if a person doesn't have a relative on the west, the facts or opinions they present are not valid, and if they do then the facts and opinions they present or biased and tainted. Either way they escape having to respond to the actual arguments presented against them, no matter how logical, valid, or factually sound they are.
Thanks for the response. Perhaps now you can try to end the needless back and forth of Barrister's constant barrage of interrogation asking what my motivation for being here is. I have answered that question completely and honestly at least a dozen or two times and since the answer is not what they are hoping, the inquisition continues.

It seems that to some on the east, a person's motivations must be called into question in an attempt to discredit their point of view whenever that POV contradicts the USAPA line, rather than debate the actual issue. Their twisted logic seems to be that if a person doesn't have a relative on the west, the facts or opinions they present are not valid, and if they do then the facts and opinions they present or biased and tainted. Either way they escape having to respond to the actual arguments presented against them, no matter how logical, valid, or factually sound they are.
Right on the money - as usual Jetz. USAPA supporters are so tunnel-vision focused on their own narcissistic self-interests that they cannot conceive of someone being an interested outsider. They wonder how someone with no direct relation to this seniority battle could possibly care about it enough to post on this board as if the rest of the world is oblivious to and unaffected by a group of pilots who steadfastly refuse to abide by the terms of binding arbitration. Not only should all US employees and stockholders care deeply about the east reneging on their contractual agreements, but so to should many other “outsiders” who actually desire to see justice prevail and to ensure that binding arbitration remains a viable option for dispute resolutions.

Scripture says that that men engaged in evil practices love darkness and hate the light since light will reveal their evil deeds. Thus, the USAPA supporters would prefer to keep the “outsiders” at a great distance so that their failure to abide by the TA and the NIC Award will only be know by the west pilots and Management, that is, living in darkness. This leads them to attack outsiders and to try to discredit anyone who disagrees with them so that they can continue to sit in their own moral filth without having to explain over and over again why it is somehow acceptable to not abide by their contractual obligations. It is therefore entirely fitting that west pilots encourage and support the opinions of all outsiders on this board while the east tries to shut them out – those who commit evil love darkness while those who are morally correct are eager to bring the truth to light.
I think Leonidas just gave Cleary a big YAWN :lol:

Today, USAPA released a letter from Cleary to Mr. Parker accusing a West pilot and Leonidas of several violations of federal law. You can read Cleary's letter here. The first sentence of the second paragraph in reads: "Notwithstanding these alarming developments, the Company has determined that neither the individual responsible for the theft nor those who received the stolen property will suffer any consequences

."In other words, the company investigated USAPA's claims and determined that no action should be taken." We at Leonidas feel there is nothing else that needs to be said about USAPA's petty and needlessly divisive allegations.


Leonidas LLC

The company is always "hands off" whenever there is a report of criminal activity on company property. They only gather information to file for their own liability protection and only cooperate or provide information to law enforcement when asked... nothing more.

I don't really care about brochures mailed to me since they just get tossed with the rest of the junk mail. What I will not tolerate is my privacy being violated by Leonidas illegally obtaining by theft from the company computers of my personal data including social security and passport numbers and the personal data of 3000+ of our pilots . This action violates Federal identity theft laws. There will be a criminal investigation which we hope will result in this data being secured and those responsible held accountable. This has nothing to do with a petty seniority dispute. Leonidas is primarily a fund raising organization and we can't be sure they will not sell our data to some real criminals to pay their legal bills.


The company is always "hands off" whenever there is a report of criminal activity on company property. They only gather information to file for their own liability protection and only cooperate or provide information to law enforcement when asked... nothing more.

I don't really care about brochures mailed to me since they just get tossed with the rest of the junk mail. What I will not tolerate is my privacy being violated by Leonidas illegally obtaining by theft from the company computers of my personal data including social security and passport numbers and the personal data of 3000+ of our pilots . This action violates Federal identity theft laws. There will be a criminal investigation which we hope will result in this data being secured and those responsible held accountable. This has nothing to do with a petty seniority dispute. Leonidas is primarily a fund raising organization and we can't be sure they will not sell our data to some real criminals to pay their legal bills.



Once again, that dog won't hunt. Just like the Cactus 18 fiasco. Go ahead, waste your time and Usapian money. Don't you think that Leonidas' legal team would have considered the likely over-reaction to such a mailing? You are doing what is expected, par for the course. Predictable. ;)

Usapian email goes in my Spam box, mailings are shredded and the bulletin board is ignored. It's that easy.


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