US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Show me the money.

Bottom line is you have nothing but the sunset provision,
Gladly show you the money when it's done. Will you be a man and admit you were wrong when I do? Or will you still be in denial, as usual?

You are wrong about the bottom line. The true bottom line is that we have many sections of the JCBA complete and have been at it since only September, while you have nothing to show for your years of efforts.
Have no fear, I'm not dead yet! NOBODY tells me what to think or what to say (don't tell my Wife I said that).

I am back in the lurking mode because I don't think there is anything to be gained by participating in this incessant pissing contest, until either the LOA-93 decision is made or the DJ ruling is published.

Until then.......It's just more of the same BS. :angry:

So it took usapa a week to figure out how to spin another set back. As I predicted. usapa says they expected they were going to lose. If you guys know you are going to lose why spend the money?

Pension Investigation Update 03/21/2011

Pension Investigation Committee Update
On March 14, 2011 Judge Henry Kennedy issued an opinion denying our renewed motion for a preliminary injunction, which sought the appointment of a temporary trustee to investigate potential claims on behalf of the Pilots' Plan while the case is still pending. The result was disappointing, but not entirely unexpected -- as we knew from the outset that motions for preliminary injunctive relief are rarely granted, particularly in a situation like ours, where our original motion was denied by the first judge in our case, and we are approaching the end of discovery and the time for trial.
East vs East

Time for me to pop some more corn... ;)

Boy was he mad. Sounds to me like an anger management problem. He asked for it.

By the way they found a lot of popcorn mixed with voids in envelopes sent to USAPA.

"57. Upon information and belief, defendant Auxier made 45 telephone calls,
for a total of 160 minutes, to the USAPA toll-free telephone number from telephone
number (505) 710-4970. Auxier made 33 of the 45 calls between May 1 and May 7,

58. Defendant Auxier’s postings on the AWAPPA Web Board end with the
message, “Have you called 8xx-6x8-7272 25 times today???”
US Airways will supposedly be reducing growth projections by 2% this year. Anybody care to guess where they will be reducing previously projected additional capacity?

Attention please: This is not a NIC or DOH question.


You know stealing passport and social security numbers from a company database is a Federal criminal offense. Leonidas can not legally use or even possess this information. We can only hope the Leonidas and company management individuals responsible will immediately turn over all copies of this data and fully cooperate with the Federal authorities to properly secure this sensitive data.



I wrote refused delivery and stuck it back in the mail. I suggest all EAST do the same. Sender will pay for return postage by doing so.
So it took usapa a week to figure out how to spin another set back. As I predicted. usapa says they expected they were going to lose. If you guys know you are going to lose why spend the money?

"Set Back"? The effort to possibly recover some of or improve the effects of the theft of the East defined benefit pension on behalf of the effected pilots (funded by the East) is a long shot at best, so what. You can't lose something you've already lost. To not do everything possible to at least get to the bottom of the cesspool and find out what really happened, would be the real travesty.

Furthermore, unless you are one of the poor unfortunate souls who got furloughed by US Airways and then went to work for AWA, you don't even have a dog in that hunt and should care less. Does a non-MIGS pay the pension investigation assessment?

Attention please: This is not a NIC or DOH question.

Anybody care to guess where they will be reducing previously projected additional capacity?

I assume it will come from where they had previously planned to add 2% although probably a cut in domestic which was forecast to grow 1% this year and less from TA than the previous 7%-8% growth - remember the piece in AboutUS that talked about 50 flights/day to Europe this summer.

I don't remember specifically which airplanes (maybe A320 series) but there was a question about that on the analyst's conference call and they said the extra capacity would be coming in the 4th quarter so would resulted in only 1% growth in annual domestic capacity.

Presumably the East is well over min block hours with the E190's so it possible the cuts would be on the East side.


I wrote refused delivery and stuck it back in the mail. I suggest all EAST do the same. Sender will pay for return postage by doing so.

That's essentially what the West pilots have done...and will continue to do to your fake union. That's why you'll be on bk Mesa pay until you retire. Your choice.
To not do everything possible to at least get to the bottom of the cesspool and find out what really happened, would be the real travesty

I could have given you a pretty good idea what happened 4 years ago at very little cost. The economic downturn that started in 1999 with 911 on top of it is the first part - the stock market hit a low only about $100 off what it hit in the most recent "worse than anything since the Great Depression" downturn. Add to that the different accounting rules for an ongoing pension and pension termination. The furloughs of 2002 didn't help the pension funding under either - the average age of the pilot group went up making the underfunding worse for either method. And there you have probably 90% or more of what happened.

In fact I told that to a friend that on the pension investigation thingy - it was the summer after I retired and during a connection in CLT ran into him - but he said the pilots needed closure despite the likelihood of getting any more money being practically nil.

I assume it will come from where they had previously planned to add 2% although probably a cut in domestic which was forecast to grow 1% this year and less from TA than the previous 7%-8% growth - remember the piece in AboutUS that talked about 50 flights/day to Europe this summer.

I don't remember specifically which airplanes (maybe A320 series) but there was a question about that on the analyst's conference call and they said the extra capacity would be coming in the 4th quarter so would resulted in only 1% growth in annual domestic capacity.

Presumably the East is well over min block hours with the E190's so it possible the cuts would be on the East side.


We shall see. Such a small "reduction" in projected growth will be hard to even notice. I suspect, that the "announcement" is more "eye wash" for the "street" than anything else. I seriously doubt that there will be any "reductions" in summer international flying, that's where the money is!

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