US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The company is always "hands off" whenever there is a report of criminal activity on company property. They only gather information to file for their own liability protection and only cooperate or provide information to law enforcement when asked... nothing more.

I don't really care about brochures mailed to me since they just get tossed with the rest of the junk mail. What I will not tolerate is my privacy being violated by Leonidas illegally obtaining by theft from the company computers of my personal data including social security and passport numbers and the personal data of 3000+ of our pilots . This action violates Federal identity theft laws. There will be a criminal investigation which we hope will result in this data being secured and those responsible held accountable. This has nothing to do with a petty seniority dispute. Leonidas is primarily a fund raising organization and we can't be sure they will not sell our data to some real criminals to pay their legal bills.


State laws vary, but typically define the crime to include an intent to use another's identity to commit, aid, or abet any unlawful activity.​

I have no knowledge of the situation beyond what is posted here, but if personal protected information was attained for the intent to commit a crime, then this issue has legs. If non-protected information was acquired with no reasonable intent to engage in unlawful or criminal activity, then once again USAPA is running another fools errand. Since the informational mailings are the only known source of evidence, which simply contain names and addresses of the “victims”, then far more incriminating evidence will be required to make anything, even minor charges, stick. What Management may or may not do about the alleged source of any leak many never be released for public consumption since an employee’s HR file is also protected information and it will not shared for the sake of making people feel good.

State laws vary, but typically define the crime to include an intent to use another's identity to commit, aid, or abet any unlawful activity.​

I have no knowledge of the situation beyond what is posted here, but if personal protected information was attained for the intent to commit a crime, then this issue has legs. If non-protected information was acquired with no reasonable intent to engage in unlawful or criminal activity, then once again USAPA is running another fools errand. Since the informational mailings are the only known source of evidence, which simply contain names and addresses of the “victims”, then far more incriminating evidence will be required to make anything, even minor charges, stick. What Management may or may not do about the alleged source of any leak many never be released for public consumption since an employee’s HR file is also protected information and it will not shared for the sake of making people feel good.
Have you considered this a violation of 'PRIVACY LAWS"? Disclosure of a mailing address is one thing... but disclosure of private information such as passport and social security numbers is something else all together. If an investigation is conducted and it is found that private data was collected along with mailing addresses, I hope those responsible will be held accountable, not by USAPA, but by the agency conducting the investigation.
In regards to the AOL mailings.

When usapa is done grandstanding over the issue they will tuck their tail between their legs and whimper off.

east pilots should take solice in the fact that AOL has enough money to fight the legal battle, and send mailings out.

Hang in there folks, AOL is going to own usapa in short order, sooner if usapa files any charges over this latest mailing.

In regards to whether any illegal activity has taken place in the aquiring of names and addresses. I really have no idea how usapa got my home address prior to their election. I understand that they had some rights as an organization trying to represent a labor group. I guess I just have to hope that when they get desperate, they don't sell my info to real criminals to pay their little lawyer's legal fees. or, worse yet, sell my info to get retribution when the West and AOL force LCC into TA compliance.
Have you considered this a violation of 'PRIVACY LAWS"? Disclosure of a mailing address is one thing... but disclosure of private information such as passport and social security numbers is something else all together. If an investigation is conducted and it is found that private data was collected along with mailing addresses, I hope those responsible will be held accountable, not by USAPA, but by the agency conducting the investigation.
There is a large body of regulations that fall under the heading of "Privacy Laws". Please cite the specific statute which you believe was potentially violated. I did some quick research and didn't find anything that would be considered applicable in this hypothetical scenario. Only once I read the statute you would like a comment on would I be able to offer my insight.

Again, if there was any unlawful conduct, then I would expect Cleary & $eham to pursue this with their usual reckless abandon and something will come of it. If not (which is the most likely outcome), then this will just be another example of USAPA's incompetence - always chasing the unattainable while completely ignoring the attainable improvements most pilots are looking for.
Have you considered this a violation of 'PRIVACY LAWS"? Disclosure of a mailing address is one thing... but disclosure of private information such as passport and social security numbers is something else all together. If an investigation is conducted and it is found that private data was collected along with mailing addresses, I hope those responsible will be held accountable, not by USAPA, but by the agency conducting the investigation.

Drama Queen. Where was the outrage when USAPA founders stole ALPA mailing lists? What's good for the Goose....
Moreover, where were the "Victimized" West pilots threatening Legal action over un-requested mailings? Nowhere. Why? Because West pilots aren't Narcissistic nut cases. In the trash, on with the day. Cleary can't simply advise pilots to do that because his ego has been crossed. In typical fashion, He want's to go to DEFCON 5 over the tiniest perceived slight. Which, BTW, is a typical characteristic of Serial Killers. FYI. :unsure: :unsure:

The USAPA Yearbook. Class of 2011
Nothing but crybabies. Boo Hoo.

No one is stealing your identity. If you don't want to read it, throw it away and move on. I bet there are many who are disgusted with the state of USAPA and are willing to consider what AOL has to say so they can decide for themselves what is true and what is not. USAPA does not want the truth to get out no matter what. They are afraid of people thinking for themselves. That is what all this foot stomping is about. Like a spoiled child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

When usapa is done grandstanding over the issue they will tuck their tail between their legs and whimper off.

nic4us is 100% right. Carry on with the chest thumping. Then go back under your rock just like the last time.

I wrote refused delivery and stuck it back in the mail. I suggest all EAST do the same. Sender will pay for return postage by doing so.

That was too nice. You should have put it in a box first....That's my suggestion.

Nothing but crybabies. Boo Hoo.

No one is stealing your identity. If you don't want to read it, throw it away and move on. I bet there are many who are disgusted with the state of USAPA and are willing to consider what AOL has to say so they can decide for themselves what is true and what is not. USAPA does not want the truth to get out no matter what. They are afraid of people thinking for themselves. That is what all this foot stomping is about. Like a spoiled child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

nic4us is 100% right. Carry on with the chest thumping. Then go back under your rock just like the last time.
We have the name of the former PHX ass t chief pilot who gave it out. It is much more fun giving it to the FBI and anyone else who is intelligent enough to realize a crackpot out there with access to social security numbers, passport numbers, home addresses of pilots , employee numbers is worth looking into. Just because you aren't intelligent enough to realize this is exactly how much damage can be done with information like this doesn' t mean there aren t people who are. It is that simple. You of all people, should realize this should be stepped on, and stepped on hard. I am sure it will. You must not be too smart if you can't figure out every bit of information this guy gave out to a third party could be incorporated into a passport, airline ID, and schedule. This information could easily get someone into an airline jumpseat. As usual, your pathological hatred overrides any intelligent reasoning.
Nothing but crybabies. Boo Hoo.

No one is stealing your identity. If you don't want to read it, throw it away and move on. I bet there are many who are disgusted with the state of USAPA and are willing to consider what AOL has to say so they can decide for themselves what is true and what is not. USAPA does not want the truth to get out no matter what. They are afraid of people thinking for themselves. That is what all this foot stomping is about. Like a spoiled child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

nic4us is 100% right. Carry on with the chest thumping. Then go back under your rock just like the last time.
Man, you are really not too bright. That information floating out there could damage YOUR airline too!
Drama Queen. Where was the outrage when USAPA founders stole ALPA mailing lists? What's good for the Goose....
Moreover, where were the "Victimized" West pilots threatening Legal action over un-requested mailings? Nowhere. Why? Because West pilots aren't Narcissistic nut cases. In the trash, on with the day. Cleary can't simply advise pilots to do that because his ego has been crossed. In typical fashion, He want's to go to DEFCON 5 over the tiniest perceived slight. Which, BTW, is a typical characteristic of Serial Killers. FYI. :unsure: :unsure:

The USAPA Yearbook. Class of 2011
Another dim bulb,big difference between having address from the COMPANY data base versus and ALPA list. The company list has SS numbers, employee numbers, passports.Everything someone could use to make a fake airline identity. DUH! The ALPA data has none of it. You aren't too bright Metro!
We have the name of the former PHX ass t chief pilot who gave it out. It is much more fun giving it to the FBI and anyone else who is intelligent enough to realize a crackpot out there with access to social security numbers, passport numbers, home addresses of pilots , employee numbers is worth looking into. Just because you aren't intelligent enough to realize this is exactly how much damage can be done with information like this doesn' t mean there aren t people who are. It is that simple. You of all people, should realize this should be stepped on, and stepped on hard. I am sure it will. You must not be too smart if you can't figure out every bit of information this guy gave out to a third party could be incorporated into a passport, airline ID, and schedule. This information could easily get someone into an airline jumpseat. As usual, your pathological hatred overrides any intelligent reasoning.

Mark my words...bookmark this page for future reference. Nothing......NOTHING is going to happen to anybody over the mailings. Not a single repercussion will come from any legitimate law enforcement agency. As soon as they look into this (if anybody bothers to lift a finger) it will become as obvious to them, as it was to the Jury as to what the real problem USAPA has with the mailings. USAPA is a Ship of Fools drifting once again into oblivion.

I love it. I hope they waste millions of your dues dollars on another pointless monkey football hump. :lol:

More tail chasing, counter-productive, hyperbolic, megalomaniacal behavior from the same impotent usual suspects. The very same narcissists that invented the word "useless".

Again. Bookmark this page. Nothing will ever happen. USAPA is a anemic sickly twerp attempting to bully from behind the door. Pathetic. :p
Another dim bulb,big difference between having address from the COMPANY data base versus and ALPA list. The company list has SS numbers, employee numbers, passports.Everything someone could use to make a fake airline identity. DUH! The ALPA data has none of it. You aren't too bright Metro!
How do you know that SS numbers and passport numbers were released?

Because usapa said so? Sorry they are proven liars. But you guys wind yourselves up over this and we will just sit back and watch the show.

Cleary has said there will be action. He also said there would be action after the first mailing, what happened? What will you guys do when whoever Cleary calls does nothing?

It must be summer on the east coast. The heat and tempers are rising.
Another dim bulb,big difference between having address from the COMPANY data base versus and ALPA list. The company list has SS numbers, employee numbers, passports.Everything someone could use to make a fake airline identity. DUH! The ALPA data has none of it. You aren't too bright Metro!

Agreed, the america west pilot group proved they are capable of underhanded vandalism as described in the Rico filings.

The company should be offering free life lock identity protection very soon. They will be responsible if there is any compromise of this information that they were not protecting adequately enough.

Good Government Advice.
Mark my words...bookmark this page for future reference. Nothing......NOTHING is going to happen to anybody over the mailings. Not a single repercussion will come from any legitimate law enforcement agency. As soon as they look into this (if anybody bothers to lift a finger) it will become as obvious to them, as it was to the Jury as to what the real problem USAPA has with the mailings. USAPA is a Ship of Fools drifting once again into oblivion.

I love it. I hope they waste millions of your dues dollars on another pointless monkey football hump. :lol:

More tail chasing, counter-productive, hyperbolic, megalomaniacal behavior from the same impotent usual suspects. The very same narcissists that invented the word "useless".

Again. Bookmark this page. Nothing will ever happen. USAPA is a anemic sickly twerp attempting to bully from behind the door. Pathetic. :p
Book mark this page. A perfect example of an idiot who is too dumb to realize this information could be used by someone to create a fake airline ID.
More bs there Nosum? Still saying the westies are guilty when the case was thrown out with prejudice?

Still waiting on that proof. Ya reckon I should talk to a lawyer about slander?

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