US Pilots Labor Discussion

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How do you know that SS numbers and passport numbers were released?

Because usapa said so? Sorry they are proven liars. But you guys wind yourselves up over this and we will just sit back and watch the show.

Cleary has said there will be action. He also said there would be action after the first mailing, what happened? What will you guys do when whoever Cleary calls does nothing?

It must be summer on the east coast. The heat and tempers are rising.
They were released because they were part of the entire company data package. Keep the donations coming! Leonidas digs another million dollar hole they can't get out of.

The company is always "hands off" whenever there is a report of criminal activity on company property. They only gather information to file for their own liability protection and only cooperate or provide information to law enforcement when asked... nothing more.

Yeah, just like they were "hands off" with the guy taking pictures in PHL or the guy who shot the hole in the airplane. That USAPA koolaide must be real strong this week...

Agreed, the america west pilot group proved they are capable of underhanded vandalism as described in the Rico filings.

The company should be offering free life lock identity protection very soon. They will be responsible if there is any compromise of this information that they were not protecting adequately enough.

Good Government Advice.

I have a copy of a district court order dismissing with prejudice and an appeal court upholding that order. Those guys did not do any of it.

What have you got? Just more rants and false accusations.
Yeah, just like they were "hands off" with the guy taking pictures in PHL or the guy who shot the hole in the airplane. That USAPA koolaide must be real strong this week...

Another example of an someone who is too obsessed at attacking his fellow pilots than looking at the reality of the fact his beloved West pilots compromised safety. Unbelievable!
Or another Eastie that automatically jumps to the worst conclusion in anything to do with the Westies. Nosum is still hanging on to the poo incidents despite the case being thrown out - he never lets facts get in his way. What's your excuse?

Man, you are really not too bright. That information floating out there could damage YOUR airline too!
Yes, yes... more conspiracy theories. Keep chasing your tail. What happened after the last mailing and the resultant cry from USAPA? NOTHING. Same thing this time.

So you think all this personal info was released because Cleary said so? To quote one of your notorious partners in crime: "Were his lips moving?" I suppose Cleary is now an honest liar. :rolleyes:

Admit it. You guys are so upset because someone dare send legitimate info to your home. Boo Hoo!

I'll say this, if any laws were broken and you can prove it, then I hope who ever broke those laws will be held accountable by law enforcement. Just the same way I hope you are all held accountable for trying to escape binding arbitration. I'll be willing to bet nothing actionable is found, therefore I stick to my original assertion that you are spinning your wheels once again. People are innocent until proven guilty. Prove some wrong doing occurred and I will change my opinion. Until then, don't expect sympathy just because you are whining again. You guys have a history of many perceived wrong-doings that always end up being a figment of your over active imaginations. Ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf?
Another example of an someone who is too obsessed at attacking his fellow pilots than looking at the reality of the fact his beloved West pilots compromised safety. Unbelievable!
Throwing the BS flag on this.

Exactly how are west pilots compromising safety. Typical. Throw the safety card at any occasion. But I guess with the east record you must think just showing up to the airplane is a safety issue. Here is a suggestion. Keep the airplanes out of the dirt.
""The Association notified the Company of this breach many months ago. Doug Parker assured us that the matter would
be taken seriously. Management subsequently identified former PHX Assistant Chief Pilot John Schreff as the individual
who transmitted your personal and confidential data to Leonidas by accessing the CATCREW database. To date there
has been no assurance from the Company that the information is no longer in Leonidas' possession or that it will be not
be used again. Nor are we aware of any Company effort to impose meaningful consequences on those who may have
been involved in the theft of confidential information. In view of this most recent mailing, we now know that, absent
consequences, Leonidas is emboldened and will feel free to use any information it may have wrongfully obtained. (You
should be aware that the accessed database certainly included, by the Company's own admission, pilot name, address
and passport number information, and may have included date of birth information and Social Security number, more
than enough for identity theft.
) USAPA and its attorneys have been in close contact with law enforcement officials who
are currently investigating this matter. In the absence of a satisfactory result on this front, we will consider other legal
Law enforcement representatives have recently requested that a list of victims be provided to further facilitate the
Book mark this page. A perfect example of an idiot who is too dumb to realize this information could be used by someone to create a fake airline ID.

Uh-Huh. Sure. Right. Very Scary. Too bad USAPA already lost this one. Bottom Line.

The Horse is out of the barn. The Truth is on everybody's Kitchen table...Wives are reading it, (God help you). You can't un-explode a bomb. Pure, uncut factual information regarding the true Nature of your situation has permanently infiltrated the ranks....and there's not a damn thing baby doc douchbag kim jong Cleary and feeble crew can do about it.

I love it. I've seen the booklet. Very expensive I'd imagine. VERY VERY Expensive.

Seems like an organization absolutely flush with ca$h to me.
""The Association bla bla bla"

We've seen it Nosum - the database contained bla bla bla. So tell us all, oh master of the bs, how do you know that info not pertinent to mailing the booklets was released? Would not Czar Clarey have used "released" instead of "contained" if that were the case?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Add that to the list of proof you've can't find.

Odd, I couldn't find anything on that page that said whether info not pertinent to mailing the booklets was released... :lol:

Keep digging, though Nosum - maybe you'll find proof of something. :p


What exactly does that have to do with the price of tea in China? If you are referring to El Presidente's claim and foul play.....Have you read the FAR's? Do you own & operate a computer? Do you have access to any pilot seniority list (east, west, north, south....)? Ever do a people search on some long lost friend or relative? Every watch "Unsolved Mysteries"? If you have answered YES to all of these questions....YOU have the ability to find anyone in the the WORLD.

Keep clickin' them heels, Dorothy.

USAPA......If you like pugilism, have we got a "union" for you!
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