US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Two more A330's are coming next year according to Brian Newhart Asst CP CLT when I talked to him last week.

They should be announcing the reirement of a like number of B767's soon. Ship 251 is costing way too much to maintain these days. Not to mention the lawsuits that will come as a result of the fume episodes.
Looks like the something is going to hit the fan in desert land!


Best money I ever spent!


Dear Fellow Pilots:

As most of you are well aware, pilots have been receiving mailings from Leonidas, LLC, at their home addresses. Reports indicate that the most recent mailing was received by pilots on Monday of this week -- March 21, 2011. I know from your numerous telephone calls and emails that you are outraged that Leonidas has again accessed your personal information without your consent. USAPA has taken all of your concerns on this topic very seriously, and I share your indignation over the compromise of such sensitive, confidential information. I have been deliberately quiet publicly in order to avoid any adverse impact on our efforts to rectify these problems through our discussions with the Company and other interested parties. At this point, however, it is appropriate to provide you with further detail as to how we have been working to correct this problem.

The Association notified the Company of this breach many months ago. Doug Parker assured us that the matter would be taken seriously. Management subsequently identified former PHX Assistant Chief Pilot John Schreff as the individual who transmitted your personal and confidential data to Leonidas by accessing the CATCREW database. To date there has been no assurance from the Company that the information is no longer in Leonidas' possession or that it will be not be used again. Nor are we aware of any Company effort to impose meaningful consequences on those who may have been involved in the theft of confidential information. In view of this most recent mailing, we now know that, absent consequences, Leonidas is emboldened and will feel free to use any information it may have wrongfully obtained. (You should be aware that the accessed database certainly included, by the Company's own admission, pilot name, address and passport number information, and may have included date of birth information and Social Security number, more than enough for identity theft.) USAPA and its attorneys have been in close contact with law enforcement officials who are currently investigating this matter. In the absence of a satisfactory result on this front, we will consider other legal options.

Law enforcement representatives have recently requested that a list of victims be provided to further facilitate the investigation. To that end, if you have received these mailings from Leonidas, LLC, and remain concerned as to how your private mailing information was obtained by this entity, we ask that you please contact USAPA immediately if you wish to be included on the list of victims that will be provided to the investigating law enforcement agency. Please be advised that inclusion on this list will require that you cooperate with law enforcement as part of the investigation.

USAPA would also like to make a special request of any pilot that has moved or changed addresses since September 2009 and who has received these mailings at their new address. If you fall into this category, we ask that you please send USAPA via email, fax or mail (see contact information below) a copy of the first Leonidas, LLC, mailing envelope, the most recent Leonidas, LLC, mailing envelope, and a brief explanation of when you changed addresses and when you updated that information with the Company for purposes of CATS or otherwise.

To contact USAPA in regard to this matter, please send information:

By email:

[email protected]

By fax (please include cover page with "Attention: Theft Investigation"):


By U.S. Mail:

Natasha Lindsey
US Airline Pilots Association
5821 Fairview Rd, Suite 400
Charlotte, NC 28209

I would like to reiterate that the Association considers the possible breach of our pilots' confidential, personal information to be of the utmost concern and severity. Please rest assured that your Union continues to work tirelessly with law enforcement and others to ensure that those responsible are held fully accountable.


Captain Michael Cleary
Looks like the something is going to hit the fan in desert land!


Best money I ever spent!


Hate, when you talk to Cleary, you should add a question about the status of the investigation along with the status of LOA93. He knows both. If you get him to tell the truth, then you won't like the results my friend ;)
This just in from "el presidente".....

Sorry. Duplicate post. Hate beat me to it in his extatic frenzy. Oh BTW, can any of you aviators name the number of this regulation?

Within 30 days after any change in his permanent mailing address, the holder of a certificate issued under this part shall notify the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Certification Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, in writing, of his new address.
Trader? How's your back feeling? I know you had to get off of your trip this weekend for that. It must have been a brutal drive back to ATL. I don't know how you're helping your sister raise those 2 Chinese girls with a bad back. PS Nos.....Trader doesn't have BOS overnights. He mostly bids SFO weekend trips. Apparently they have an ample supply of fish oil out there that Trader likes.'re going to stroke out if you keep taking that much fish oil.

Stalker alert! stalker alert! You are one pathetic easthole!
Hate, when you talk to Cleary, you should add a question about the status of the investigation along with the status of LOA93. He knows both. If you get him to tell the truth, then you won't like the results my friend ;)

You know stealing passport and social security numbers from a company database is a Federal criminal offense. Leonidas can not legally use or even possess this information. We can only hope the Leonidas and company management individuals responsible will immediately turn over all copies of this data and fully cooperate with the Federal authorities to properly secure this sensitive data.


You know stealing passport and social security numbers from a company database is a Federal criminal offense. Leonidas can not legally use or even possess this information. We can only hope the Leonidas and company management individuals responsible will immediately turn over all copies of this data and fully cooperate with the Federal authorities to properly secure this sensitive data.


The only entity mentioning stealing is USAPA.

What you're getting all worked up over is no different from the LOA93 debacle which Cleary is sitting on. Do you really think it takes ten months after the post hearing briefs for Kasher to answer? Likewise, Cleary is only putting this crap out because of the second brochure being mailed. The first one was mailed last November and Cleary made all the same promises then as he is now. And guess what . . . nothing becomes of it.

You East lemmings really ought to pull your heads out of your a$$es and start figuring it out that Cleary lies to you, and you're dumb enough to believe it.

The only entity mentioning stealing is USAPA.

What you're getting all worked up over is no different from the LOA93 debacle which Cleary is sitting on. Do you really think it takes ten months after the post hearing briefs for Kasher to answer? Likewise, Cleary is only putting this crap out because of the second brochure being mailed. The first one was mailed last November and Cleary made all the same promises then as he is now. And guess what . . . nothing becomes of it.

You East lemmings really ought to pull your heads out of your a$$es and start figuring it out that Cleary lies to you, and you're dumb enough to believe it.

I love it when that Arrogant Douchbag Cleary gets all worked up. He can't control the Message. That's what drives him nuts. Guess how much junk mail I received today alone....7 pieces. 7. How did they get my info? Am I a "victim" :lol: :lol:

Hell no. It's called free speech. As distasteful as that is to Baby Doc Douchbag Cleary, it's still the law of the land.

What you're getting all worked up over is no different from the LOA93 debacle which Cleary is sitting on. Do you really think it takes ten months after the post hearing briefs for Kasher to answer? Likewise, Cleary is only putting this crap out because of the second brochure being mailed. The first one was mailed last November and Cleary made all the same promises then as he is now. And guess what . . . nothing becomes of it.

I was just briefed on the status of LOA 93 a few days ago. The LOA 93 arbitrator has not yet issued a decision although it is expected before the end of May. The normal time for a "long" decision (more than 80 pages) is 10 months consistent with the June 2010 to May 2011 time frame.

Even when the decision is provided it will be sealed with only the system board members authorized to discuss it for a period of time. Cleary is not on the system board and will find out the decision the same time as when system board members are authorized release it to all of us.

So what ever happened to seajay? Nos, did you and your buddies send threatening PM's to him like you did to me and others?

Did you use peer pressure to squelch him because he didn't tote the USAPA line? Wasn't it you who cried "peer pressure" over the financial support of the west from the badgebackers?

Just wondering. It always seems that whenever an east pilot speaks out against the lynch mob here, it is only a matter of time before we hear very little from them all of a sudden. Happened a while back when an east supporter mentioned they were reconsidering their position. Poof! no where to be found again. Gotta hand it to you guys, you have quite a propaganda machine!

Have no fear, I'm not dead yet! NOBODY tells me what to think or what to say (don't tell my Wife I said that).

I am back in the lurking mode because I don't think there is anything to be gained by participating in this incessant pissing contest, until either the LOA-93 decision is made or the DJ ruling is published.

Until then.......It's just more of the same BS. :angry:

Have no fear, I'm not dead yet! NOBODY tells me what to think or what to say (don't tell my Wife I said that).

I am back in the lurking mode because I don't think there is anything to be gained by participating in this incessant pissing contest, until either the LOA-93 decision is made or the DJ ruling is published.

Until then.......It's just more of the same BS. :angry:


It's important to empty your bladder regularly :)
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