US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Two more A330's are coming next year according to Brian Newhart Asst CP CLT when I talked to him last week.

That's a change for the positive then, if true. The annual report said that the next deliveries were in 2013/14.

On the capacity "reduction" someone mentioned earlier, management had previously announced a 2% growth in capacity this year (1% domestic, 7-8% trans-Atlantic) so the reduction basically means status quo this year (barring further changes).

I can't find where the 9th said "internal union dispute".

There is this quote...The dissent appears implicitly to assume that the
Nicolau Award, the product of the internal rules and processes of ALPA,
is binding on USAPA.

Don't see "Internal union dispute" in there. I see product of the internal rules and process of ALPA. That process included and ended with "binding arbitration", and no judge, including the liberals at the 9th are going to toss a binding arbitration.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Apparently you need help from someone - you haven't fount that proof yet. Maybe FL430 can help you as he claims to know all my "secrets"....

Details like a filled out vote card that I sent in or a vote cast by telephone (don't remember if ALPA had the later back then). If you ever haul me into court for breaking the law by voting for the B-Scale you better hope the list grows and that someone on that list has proof positive.

In the meantime, you're just playing Nos' game - make accusations without presenting a shred of proof. All from behind the cover of a screen name. You'll notice that my picture is beside every post I make as is my name at the end (though I have forgotten to "sign" a post now and again)


PS - I quit keeping a pocket logbook long before I retired. Just more junk to clean out afterwards.

PS#2 - you're talking about maintenance having to swing the nose gear in EWR I presume.

So are you now saying that you voted NO to the "B" scale contract? Care to take a polygraph on that?

PS I keep a very detailed pocket logbook. Keeps the FAA and IRS at bay.

PS#2 Yes
I am saying that you made an accusation without proof, so no better than Nosum making things up. If you have proof, present it. Otherwise you're blowing smoke.


ps - you do know that the company records provided to you cover both the FAA and IRS, don't you??? Or maybe not. After all, you can't even apply your "homicide detective friend's" trick right...
I am saying that you made an accusation without proof, so no better than Nosum making things up. If you have proof, present it. Otherwise you're blowing smoke.


ps - you do know that the company records provided to you cover both the FAA and IRS, don't you??? Or maybe not. After all, you can't even apply your "homicide detective friend's" trick right...

All nos's fault. the devil made me do it.
As much as facts get discarded here, I thought I'd throw out some. From the 2011 East seniority list the number of age 65 retirements for the next several years and the number of those that are on non-fliight status (supervisory, medical, already retired, etc)

2011 - 0 / 0
2012 - 7 / 3
2013 - 138 / 43
2014 - 198 / 58
2015 - 180 / 42
2016 - 226 / 55
2017 - 235 / 58
2018 - 257 / 51

Total = 1241 / 310

So probably about 900 retirements that leave an opening in the next 7 years (the number on medical will slowly go up until retirements start). That's about 40% of the East pilots on the seniority list in 2005 (the Nic list).

And of all the guys that will soon retire how many do you think will leave with a 1200 hour sick bank? Care to opine how this will affect staffing.........
Most of them. How many times do you think one of those getting close to retirement can call in sick before getting hauled into the CPO? Start providing sick notes.

Oh maybe they will suddenly go out on MED. Insurance fraud?

How long would will they be out on MED????? Will they train someone for that position? But give it a try see how it works out.

Maybe you should read your "proof" before linking to it. Your claim of no furlough protection seems to be another made up accusation...

Still waiting on that Proof you claim to always provide.

Most of them.

One of a few interesting things I noticed when going from the company official 2011 East seniority list to something I could sort that had hire date, LOS date, and DOB was pilots going from a personal leave of absence straight to Medical disability. Don't know what the story is there since I don't remember it happening before I retired (but since they would be non-active in either status I may not have noticed - the folks in resource planning would have made those changes).

I wish I knew where this nonsense originates. Crew room banter is my guess. Just look at the lack of logic - it will be nearly 2 years before the first age 65 retirements, and expecting half the East list to retire in the next 3 years is absurd.

Fact: there are between 500 & 600 East pilots that will retire before 2017 because of reaching 65 (nearly 6 years from now). Fact: that includes supervisory, medical disability, leave of absence, and 1 or 2 already retired, so the active retirements would be significantly less.

Now tell me again how the bottom guys are going to be captains on the East in 5 years (remembering that there not enough E190 captain slots for all of the hires).


Tell you what Jim.....If you manage to live another 5 years i'll let you know when those new hires hold that captain slot. I highly doubt I'll have to worry about that though since your fat butt spends all his time in front of the computer instead of enjoying his retirement. :lol: :lol: :lol: I know you still think you are in the know, but you've been retired almost 5 years now and still are obsessed with this place. I feel sorry for you. I guess it's like Bruce Springsteen sang.....Glory days....they'll pass you by glory days.
I am saying that you made an accusation without proof, so no better than Nosum making things up. If you have proof, present it. Otherwise you're blowing smoke.


ps - you do know that the company records provided to you cover both the FAA and IRS, don't you??? Or maybe not. After all, you can't even apply your "homicide detective friend's" trick right...

And you trust this company to keep detailed records to protect you? Boy are you naive or either this company has changed a lot since you retired in 06.....

Trick, tactic, whatever......and yes it did work.
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