US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I have no record of you providing a link to one of your opinions, which everyone has. Your opinions seem to be large.

In other words no proof, but too childish to admit it...

Opinions are something everyone is allowed but you have made allegations of fact about me with no proof. Everyone doesn't get their own facts, so prove your allegations or retract them with an apology.

As much as facts get discarded here, I thought I'd throw out some. From the 2011 East seniority list the number of age 65 retirements for the next several years and the number of those that are on non-fliight status (supervisory, medical, already retired, etc)

2011 - 0 / 0
2012 - 7 / 3
2013 - 138 / 43
2014 - 198 / 58
2015 - 180 / 42
2016 - 226 / 55
2017 - 235 / 58
2018 - 257 / 51

Total = 1241 / 310

So probably about 900 retirements that leave an opening in the next 7 years (the number on medical will slowly go up until retirements start). That's about 40% of the East pilots on the seniority list in 2005 (the Nic list).

And of all the guys that will soon retire how many do you think will leave with a 1200 hour sick bank? Care to opine how this will affect staffing.........
Your point, FL?

Oh I see you've added to your post. Don't know, do you? I don't know of any list showing those guys/gals anywhere. You might as well ask how many on medical will return before reaching 65 or how many will be added to the list of those on medical.

I know that there were some forecasts thrown around about people going out sick the last couple of years in order to use up their sick time. It's relatively early in that 2 year outlook, but there doesn't seem to be much change yet.

You're extrapolating, so let me back off. I have no idea how many, if any, east pilots would play the safety card. My point is that card has already been thrown down over the jumpseat issue. The FAA is well aware of our mutual animosity. You can pretend all you want that the two of us can get into the same cockpit tomorrow and conduct a perfectly safe operation utilizing the best CRM practices. Our passengers deserve better.

The jumpseat issue occurred while we were still "at war" with each other. Flying together will not occur until this mess is settled and behind us. If you can't deal with this then perhaps you should look for other work.

Nice try, though, obfuscating the discussion. Are you related to Pi Brat?
Well, yours is indeed a small world if you only know 6 people who know me out of the thousands I flew with/trained over the course of my career. But let me guess - they go by Nosum, Barrister, Black Swan, and a few other names here....


Make that six that will testify against you......and the list is growing. Did you check your logbook yet? First name is JT. Details Jim, Details.
Who implied the West doesn't have a case? Of course the West can have a case in due time. The 9th laid out the timing and the standard of DFR very clearly, but supposedly that is extraneous to the only thing they said, "not ripe".

After a couple of million dollars, and the prima facie evidence of more than 1300 pages on this board, some still believe the 9th never said "internal union dispute", and if they had said so, of course they didn't because they didn't say anything accept "not ripe".

Imagine what things would be like if we actually came up with some internal union disputes. :lol:

I can't find where the 9th said "internal union dispute".

There is this quote...The dissent appears implicitly to assume that the
Nicolau Award, the product of the internal rules and processes of ALPA,
is binding on USAPA.

Don't see "Internal union dispute" in there. I see product of the internal rules and process of ALPA. That process included and ended with "binding arbitration", and no judge, including the liberals at the 9th are going to toss a binding arbitration.

All I see in the conclusion is not ripe, and you are correct, they said exactly when it would become ripe, and spelled out exactly why usapa will lose when it becomes "unquestionably ripe".

[10] For the foregoing reasons, we hold that Plaintiffs’
DFR claim is not ripe; therefore, the case is REMANDED to
the district court with directions that the action be DISMISSED.
No costs to either side.

No worries though, the West will not have a ripe case, because the company is going to tell uspa to shove their DOH pipedream.
Make that six that will testify against you......and the list is growing. Did you check your logbook yet? First name is JT. Details Jim, Details.

Details like a filled out vote card that I sent in or a vote cast by telephone (don't remember if ALPA had the later back then). If you ever haul me into court for breaking the law by voting for the B-Scale you better hope the list grows and that someone on that list has proof positive.

In the meantime, you're just playing Nos' game - make accusations without presenting a shred of proof. All from behind the cover of a screen name. You'll notice that my picture is beside every post I make as is my name at the end (though I have forgotten to "sign" a post now and again)


PS - I quit keeping a pocket logbook long before I retired. Just more junk to clean out afterwards.

PS#2 - you're talking about maintenance having to swing the nose gear in EWR I presume.
When you promise yourself to start the Atkins diet on 1 Jan, do you go to jail when you start the Southbeach diet instead? Internal union process. Binding ratification. Your turn.

Oh, yeah, this makes so much sense. Comparing a diet with binding arbitration is like comparing apples to plutonium. Only an easthole would even attempt to do that.
Looks like US Airways is cutting capacity just like everyone else.

US Airways cutting and downsizing

Hey Nos (aka: sumadarson), can we now chime in and tell you to get ready to be furloughed again since US is downsizing? You live in a glass house yet love to throw rocks. Right back at ya, big guy.

"US Airways Group Inc said it would reduce flying this year, joining United Continental Holdings and other carriers that have already outlined capacity curbs.

US Airways said its fourth-quarter system capacity would be down as much as 2 percent from previously expected levels..."

Your transition agreement seems to be lacking furlough protection for original ual pilots. Your thoughts please sir.

Cal,Ual transition agreement.
If Kasher comes through! Why would he have to come through? If it is black and white it would be a slam dunk. Guess you understand that it was a long shot at best.

You guys may WANT to bail to the 767 or 330 positions but there have to be openings. That don't just appear because you want them.

Two more A330's are coming next year according to Brian Newhart Asst CP CLT when I talked to him last week.
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