US Pilots Labor Discussion

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He didn't. Ask Clleary. He's known which way Kasher was going to rule for several weeks now. Just waiting on the opinion to make it a formality.
You of all people should know how this works. How can you pump the Leonidas well dry, and make misinformed statements such as this?
So your admiting that USAPA is harming the West. Your plan to stay seperate goes against your DOH mantra. Geniuses.

USAPA = We take care of our own, the East that is....
Firebird, how do you maintain the East on a lower pay scale, crow about it constantly, then say we harmed you? This will be Exhibit A when we clean your clocks when you try and cry.
Weeks? Even Ray Charles could look at the money involved and see the outcome from the beginning.
It's not the money; it's the weak case of USAPA/$eham compared to what Siegel brought to light. $eham is no match for Siegel even if he had the facts on his side, which of course he didn't. Those little details don't matter to $eham since he get paid by the golden goose either way.
What you rocket scientists forget is that the NIC placed pilots who had much less LOS
and were MUCH YOUNGER above those out East who had way more LOS and were WAY OLDER
the NIC is DOA


You forgot that four seniority arbitrations in a row say you're wrong and that slotting by equipment and status is fair.
Firebird, how do you maintain the East on a lower pay scale, crow about it constantly, then say we harmed you? This will be Exhibit A when we clean your clocks when you try and cry.
USAPA is maintaining your low pay. Wheres the 90 day contract? You may be too ignorant to recognize the facts being blurred by your dreams. Integrity Matters.

USAPA = $85.00/25 years/By choice.
You can pretend all you want that the two of us can get into the same cockpit tomorrow and conduct a perfectly safe operation utilizing the best CRM practices. Our passengers deserve better.

They deserve better than "good union pilots" who are so unprofessional that they can't do their jobs.
crazy and underpants,

You both make a common mistake - back on the bid closing committee I heard the same countless times. A pilot can't just look at the bottom Gp2 captain and subtract that pilot's seniority number from his own to see how far away he is. I'll let you ponder that idea a while to see if you get the big picture. If the bulb is burned out, I'll 'splain it to you.


ps - crazy almost had it there for a moment but let it slip away...
Firebird, how do you maintain the East on a lower pay scale, crow about it constantly, then say we harmed you? This will be Exhibit A when we clean your clocks when you try and cry.
BS - isn't it Parker/USAPA maintaining the East on a lower pay scale? I imagine that if the West pilots controlled everyone's pay they'd give themselves a pay raise...

If that's the best you've got for exhibit A, the next jury will take even less time to find USAPA guilty of failing in it's DFR responsibilities.

What you rocket scientists forget is that the NIC placed pilots who had much less LOS
and were MUCH YOUNGER above those out East who had way more LOS and were WAY OLDER
the NIC is DOA


The rocket scientists couldn't see what even Ray Charles saw that from the beginning.
Pocket Rocket,

Did your MEC agree to binding arbiration? Did your merger committee choose George Nicolau?

USAPA = $85 per flight hour. :angry:

When you promise yourself to start the Atkins diet on 1 Jan, do you go to jail when you start the Southbeach diet instead? Internal union process. Binding ratification. Your turn.
[When you promise yourself to start the Atkins diet on 1 Jan, do you go to jail when you start the Southbeach diet instead? Internal union process. Binding ratification. Your turn.]

When you steal money from your brother do you call it an internal family matter?
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