US Pilots Labor Discussion

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america west pilots are whining about not having a contract and at the same time are doing everything to stifle the ability of its possibility. Immature idiots you are.

america west pilot, whining about a contract

Yeah, genius. I suppose it was AWA pilots that walked out of negotiations three years ago. Those same AWA pilots have SO MUCH control over ucrapa and negotiations now.

I just wish that Jim would stop asking you for proof of statements you make. It is way too apparent that your proving anything you say is totally impossible because you lie and obfuscate with abandon. You're like a turd in a punchbowl. The only attention you deserve is the effort it takes to dump you out.
Luv that PHX council 18 logo, talk about put up or shut up , show us the cards! MM!

You can get one of those pins too for a minimum $500 dollar donation to their legal defense. I was more than happy to donate to a winning cause. Looks like that little card of intimidation was thrown out of court. Money well spent.

I hope they countersue USAPA and I encourage them to do just that.
Yeah, genius. I suppose it was AWA pilots that walked out of negotiations three years ago. Those same AWA pilots have SO MUCH control over ucrapa and negotiations now.

I just wish that Jim would stop asking you for proof of statements you make. It is way too apparent that your proving anything you say is totally impossible because you lie and obfuscate with abandon. You're like a turd in a punchbowl. The only attention you deserve is the effort it takes to dump you out.

Management does not want a joint agreement. They want the fragmentation option. The offer they made AFA validates that.
That just doesn't make sense. Sure, management wants the lowest cost joint agreements, but how many airlines have been parted out without the FA's and pilots each having 2 separate agreements? Besides, who says any fragmentation would be along East-West lines? It's amazing how many Easties claim that the West is useless and non-profitable but then turn around and claim that the West will be what's split off. Just doesn't make economic sense for anyone to buy what's claimed to be the losing part of US. All it is is wishful thinking.

Now splitting off the Shuttle or selling European/Mid-East/S. American route authorities with planes/employees is different. Any of those might stir up interest among other carriers.

Like I said the other day, it's fascinating watching the Easties come up with these ideas. The only reason I can see is that the realization is sinking in that a DOH integration isn't in the cards and fragmentation or "unsafe to fly together" are the last straws they can grasp hoping for the next best of permanent separate ops.

That just doesn't make sense. Sure, management wants the lowest cost joint agreements, but how many airlines have been parted out without the FA's and pilots each having 2 separate agreements? Besides, who says any fragmentation would be along East-West lines? It's amazing how many Easties claim that the West is useless and non-profitable but then turn around and claim that the West will be what's split off. Just doesn't make economic sense for anyone to buy what's claimed to be the losing part of US. All it is is wishful thinking.

Now splitting off the Shuttle or selling European/Mid-East/S. American route authorities with planes/employees is different. Any of those might stir up interest among other carriers.


Makes perfect sense. In fact closing Boston and New York make perfect sense merging with AMR MINUS AWA (PHX)............The East is intact as the West is, perfect for a fragmentation scenario. But hey, the West will be just fine, they will be able to slot just fine with Republic.......The sum of the parts is greater than the whole...........
Management does not want a joint agreement. They want the fragmentation option. The offer they made AFA validates that.

If that is the case, then why did the company go through the trouble of filing a declaratory judgment?

Quick Facts # 92 Hosted on Unbiased Facts
September 7, 2010
Why is USAPA attempting to Delay both the LOA 93 Snap Back Grievance Award and the US
Airways’ Declaratory Judgment Lawsuit Decisions? Wouldn’t a meaningful pay raise and
favorable Seniority Integration Decision be good for the USAPA Pilots? What are we waiting

Fact #1: US Airways Seeks Help for Warring Pilots ( – July 27, 2010
US Airways said it is caught between its two warring pilot groups and it wants a federal judge to rule it will not be liable for picking one group's preferred seniority list over the other's. In its’ filing, the airline said it is in an "untenable situation." The US Airline Pilots Association, the union dominated by pilots from pre-merger US Airways, "has made crystal clear" that it will only accept a date-of-hire seniority list, the filing said. But the former America West pilots, who are in the minority, have "made crystal clear" that they will only accept a controversial seniority list drawn up by arbitrator George Nicolau after the two groups agreed to binding arbitration. Paul Jones, US Airways vice president of legal affairs, told reporters on July 27 on a conference call the (declaratory judgment) case could be concluded in a few months if the attorneys for the two sides (USAPA and Addington/Leonidas) will agree to not duplicate the discovery process that occurred last year, when the court heard its first case on the seniority ruling.
You can get one of those pins too for a minimum $500 dollar donation to their legal defense. I was more than happy to donate to a winning cause. Looks like that little card of intimidation was thrown out of court. Money well spent.

I hope they countersue USAPA and I encourage them to do just that.

500$... Ha! I'll just wait a little while and get one on ebay for a dime after USAir is parted out and sold. It will be a nice addition to my collection of defunct and worthless aviation pins.

I just wish someone would have already come up with a "PROOF" pin. My collection just isn't complete without it. Alas, alack.
If that is the case, then why did the company go through the trouble of filing a declaratory judgment?

Quick Facts # 92 Hosted on Unbiased Facts
September 7, 2010
Why is USAPA attempting to Delay both the LOA 93 Snap Back Grievance Award and the US
Airways’ Declaratory Judgment Lawsuit Decisions? Wouldn’t a meaningful pay raise and
favorable Seniority Integration Decision be good for the USAPA Pilots? What are we waiting

Fact #1: US Airways Seeks Help for Warring Pilots ( – July 27, 2010
US Airways said it is caught between its two warring pilot groups and it wants a federal judge to rule
it will not be liable for picking one group's preferred seniority list over the other's.
In its’ filing, the airline said it is in an "untenable situation." The US Airline Pilots Association, the
union dominated by pilots from pre-merger US Airways, "has made crystal clear" that it will only
accept a date-of-hire seniority list, the filing said. But the former America West pilots, who are in the
minority, have "made crystal clear" that they will only accept a controversial seniority list drawn up
by arbitrator George Nicolau after the two groups agreed to binding arbitration.
Paul Jones, US Airways vice president of legal affairs, told reporters on July 27 on a conference call
the (declaratory judgment) case could be concluded in a few months if the attorneys for the two sides
(USAPA and Addington/Leonidas) will agree to not duplicate the discovery process that occurred last
year, when the court heard its first case on the seniority ruling.

It's called DELAY, it keeps Management's options open..........But the West doesn't need the East to be successful, afterall, the East was going out of business, but the West was the next best thing to sliced bread. I'm sure your future without the East is quite bright without the East.
500$... Ha! I'll just wait a little while and get one on ebay for a dime after USAir is parted out and sold. It will be a nice addition to my collection of defunct aviation pins. :lol:

I have a box of Soviet era pins given to me by Russian and Ukranian pilots. They did not need those pins anymore since the communist lie collapsed on itself.

I think I will make a new box, a trophy case of sorts as a memorial to this little Usapian experiment fails as a result of it's lies and deception.

It's only a matter of time. B)
It's called DELAY, it keeps Management's options open..........But the West doesn't need the East to be successful, afterall, the East was going out of business, but the West was the next best thing to sliced bread. I'm sure your future without the East is quite bright without the East.

There is no doubt that the company has benefited from the delay and cheap LOA 93 labor. They obviously have put the for sale sign up in Tempe and I think of that every time I turn the logo light on. They want this thing wrapped up in a pretty little package.

USAPA has benefited from all these delays as well. Their buddy Seham still has a job along with his puppets in CLT.
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