US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Nice job USAPA, wasting three years and destroying any leverage we might have had to get a better contract.
Hey Traitor, saw your name in all the bathroom stalls in CLT today you are not well liked by many. Tell me why Doug wants a contract, why would he want to greatly increase the operating to the tune of over 200 million a year (approx) your are an idiot if you think the union is holding us back.

That is absolutely not true. The McCaskill-Bond law would be controlling in a future merger since no other carrier is represented by USAPA. The other airlines pilots would be represented by their union and all USAirways pilots would be represented by USAPA. McCaskill Bond requires a fair and equitable seniority integration and any agreement reached by mutual agreement of the two unions meets that standard by law and can not be undone even in Federal Court. The only role the Federal courts have under McCaskill-Bond as stated in the law is to enforce the seniority agreement of the unions. Unlike ALPA merger policy there are no specific requirements (under either McCaskill-Bond or Allegheny-Mohawk lpp's) to what list or methods the unions can or can not use to arrive at a mutually agreeable integrated list.


I agree that McKaskill Bond requires a fair integration, however, the list that ucrapa will have to use in this process will be the Nicolau. It is the only list that the company has accepted and recognized. The Nicolau list will be used to facilitate the process you have described which, more than likely will result in BINDING ARBITRATION.
Hey Traitor, saw your name in all the bathroom stalls in CLT today you are not well liked by many. Tell me why Doug wants a contract, why would he want to greatly increase the operating to the tune of over 200 million a year (approx) your are an idiot if you think the union is holding us back.

.....and you're the bigger idiot for thinking that ucrapa isn't holding us back.
Funny thing, I don't recall Bular and Hogg being on the America West's management team prior to the acquisition in 2005. <_<
September 26, 2007, as part of the integration efforts following the merger of US Airways Group and America West Holdings in September 2005, AWA surrendered its Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) operating certificate. As a result, all future mainline airline operations will be conducted under US Airways’ FAA operating certificate. In connection with the combination of all mainline airline operations under one FAA operating certificate, US Airways Group contributed one hundred percent of its equity interest in America West Holdings to US Airways. As a result, America West Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary, AWA, are now wholly owned subsidiaries of US Airways. In addition, AWA transferred substantially all of its assets and liabilities to US Airways. All off-balance sheet commitments of AWA were also transferred to US Airways. This transaction constitutes a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for at historical cost. BULAR AND HOGG ARE JUST A COUPLE OF PUPPETS.
Hey Traitor, saw your name in all the bathroom stalls in CLT today you are not well liked by many. Tell me why Doug wants a contract, why would he want to greatly increase the operating to the tune of over 200 million a year (approx) your are an idiot if you think the union is holding us back.

Somebody doesn't like me? Really?

Should I cry now or later?

Doug doesn't want a contract and he's not just going to hand one over.

It's USAPA's job to get it from him.

Even an idiot should understand that.
McCaskill-Bond says nothing about implementation. Don't believe me? Read the bill yourself. All McCaskill-Bond does is to mandate that which AAA-AWA already has: an arbitration. Don't believe me? Read the bill yourself.

Exactly..... implementation is contractual. I have read the bill and McCaskill-Bond does not retroactively enforce or require implementation of past seniority proposals. It does however mandate that USAPA would represent the seniority interests of all USAirways pilots and any mutually agreed to integrated list or McCaskill-Bond mandated arbitration result would be enforceable in Federal Court when implemented via a ratified contract. Anyone believing the McCaskill-Bond law requires using or implementing Nicolau is simply wrong. You can't quote this requirement from the law because it is not there.

To be clear if both unions agree not to use the Nicolau list in a future merger then under the McCaskill-Bond law that agreement would be binding and specifically enforceable by Federal Courts.

To be clear if both unions agree not to use the Nicolau list in a future merger then under the McCaskill-Bond law that agreement would be binding and specifically enforceable by Federal Courts.


Of course, you're forgetting the possibility of a DFR suit...USAPA can't just use any list it wants. So "enforceable by Federal Courts" might be an exaggeration. It could very well be the Nic list that is enforceable by Federal Courts before any new merger"s seniority integration could be worked out.

Remember, even Judge Silver said that the 9th recognized the harm that USAPA was trying to do to the West.

September 26, 2007, as part of the integration efforts following the merger of US Airways Group and America West Holdings in September 2005, AWA surrendered its Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) operating certificate. As a result, all future mainline airline operations will be conducted under US Airways’ FAA operating certificate. In connection with the combination of all mainline airline operations under one FAA operating certificate, US Airways Group contributed one hundred percent of its equity interest in America West Holdings to US Airways. As a result, America West Holdings and its wholly owned subsidiary, AWA, are now wholly owned subsidiaries of US Airways. In addition, AWA transferred substantially all of its assets and liabilities to US Airways. All off-balance sheet commitments of AWA were also transferred to US Airways. This transaction constitutes a transfer of assets between entities under common control and was accounted for at historical cost.

Originally published June 24, 2005 at 12:00 AM | Page modified June 24, 2005 at 3:01 PM

PHOENIX — Federal antitrust officials reviewing America West Airlines' proposed acquisition of US Airways concluded yesterday that the move wouldn't reduce competition and could produce efficiencies that benefit consumers.

The Justice Department's decision to close its review allows the deal to move forward.

It still needs approval from America West shareholders, a court overseeing US Airways' bankruptcy case, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the federal board that handled government bailout loans made to both airlines after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The Air Transportation Stabilization Board lent the companies more than $1 billion total.

Even though America West is the acquirer, the US Airways name will survive and be used when the nation's seventh- and eighth-largest carriers combine to create the No. 6 airline.
Implementation is contractual in our case. It's called the Transition Agreement and the parties to the TA was ALPA, the East pilots, West pilots, and the company. Only change is that USAPA has assumed ALPA's duties and responsibilities. That contract still exists, and its intent was as clear as a 9th mag earthquake. Only way to change what the TA says is to amend it, and that's where USAPA is totally screwed: if they amend in such as way that disadvantages the West pilots, then that's a DFR.

What do you think the company's declaratory action is all about?

Thank you USAPA. In your zeal to cram DOH down on the West by eliminating the West as a separate entity, you guaranteed that Section 22 would be the Nicolau.
Hey Traitor, saw your name in all the bathroom stalls in CLT today you are not well liked by many. Tell me why Doug wants a contract, why would he want to greatly increase the operating to the tune of over 200 million a year (approx) your are an idiot if you think the union is holding us back.

Quite telling. Mature airline transport pilots using their "Sharpies" to pen missives in bathroom stalls. Seems as if you spend a great deal of your time in there. Are you also "Stickerboy"?

Someday, Trader will have the last laugh on the likes of you.
In other words, you can't prove your allegations. That makes them a most of what you I guess we all know what your are.

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