US Pilots Labor Discussion

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The rank and file East has no one to blame but themselves. They elected these pathological liars.
I had the distinct pleasure of jump seating with a "west" crew on Saturday. My wife and I were heading to FL from PHL to visit a very sick friend.

Other than IAE motors on this airbus, there was NO way to tell the "West" apart from the "East"!

Ok, enough said, sorry if I injected a little sunshine into the gloom here. Back to my lurking status.


Thanks for posting, I hope your friend is on the road to recovery.

Other than the IAE enginges, there was another way to tell if they were West pilots. Being professional is all good, but being professional and having fun, is all the better.

Have a Beautiful Day
Well at least there is a grain of truth in the CLT representative’s update when they say: ”We will not bring you a contract”. I agree; USAPA will not bring the pilots of US Airways a JCBA so long as their negotiating positions require pay parity with back pay for the past five years. Does anyone truly believe that Management will sign off on a contract requiring $300-500M in what amounts to a signing bonus for east pilots while also agreeing to a net increase in pilot wages of $200-400M annually? I still can’t decide if USAPA leadership is certifiably delusional or if they are just putting on a dog and pony show to fool the east pilots into thinking that they will actually negotiate a contract. Either way, without accepting the NIC and negotiating for attainable targets in the financial sections of the JCBA, USAPA will continue to fail in their primary duty of getting to a new contract for all pilots of US.
Better yet we won't vote for a contract that doesn't have retro pay parity in it! MM!
we won't vote

You have a mouse in your pocket?

Not that USAPA is in any hurry - they try to get every case dismissed that could bring an end to the seniority list battle - but a loss on LOA93 pay and no contract with retro pay back to 2005 for the foreseeable future might turn that East tide around and USAPA could end up high and dry. Hung by it's own rope as it were.

Better yet we won't vote for a contract that doesn't have retro pay parity in it! MM!
How many votes have you had thus far on the results of USAPA's negotiations with Management? You may have the right to vote, but you can't exercise that right so long as USAPA is incapable of reaching a TA with Management. The bottom line is that USAPA will never achieve a contract with its current negotiating strategy which is completely detached from reality, much like most of your posts MM.
And what planes would that be?

The A321 delivered to the east had CFMs, I believe.
This is like the modified Barney Jingle:

I hate you
You hate me
We're a dysfunctional family

I found the song you may be looking for:

Some compelling WWII footage in the video from the History Channel.
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