US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Have you gone nuts? This is all you post... day and night, night and day....

we get it, please stop.

At least Chip had entertaining "Unique Corporate Transaction" (the famed UTC rumors!) and some purported inside information from super double secret contacts way high up in the company. Even it was all just voices in his head, it was entertaining and made for good rumors.
I don't believe that I could find ten people that would be willing to take a 1k/month pay cut to bring furloughed pilots back. You make talk big but when it comes to actually doing so.... doubtful. I can see you guys explaining to your families how they will have to sacrifice for the illusion that they are helping other pilots (who they most likely don't even know) when in actuality you are just helping the company.

This isn't working welfare. No one took any pay cuts to save my job when I was downgraded and furloughed throughout my career and I would never have wanted them to. You can pontificate in public all you want to but I don't think actions will follow.

Besides, US Airways pilots are known for throwing their junior pilots under the bus. Our current situation, where the east pilots are fighting like hell for the junior pilots is the exception. I think the reason for that is simply that east pilots want to beat the west pilots down regardless because east pilots view west as inferior, now worthy of breathing the same air, let alone sharing a seniority list.
America West pilots like to fly in the nude.....pretty stupid statement, right? About as stupid as US Airways pilots are known for throwing their junior pilots under the bus. The East pilots dont want to beat anyone down or view anyone as inferior. Brush your teeth and you can breath our air and with some work we will share one list. You have been spending a lot of time in the toilet with your magazine, how do you spell carpal tunnel.
west pilots were promised damages in return for expensive badge backers. It has not happened.

Your advice to the badge backers and west furloughed pilots would be helpful. You have preached to the west pilots and have been intimidating them to contribute and at the same time promising them damages, with no results for years.

The west pilots deserve accountability for their contributions.

Your thoughts please sir.

West pilots were never promised damages. We were promised the best defense of the arbitrator's decision possible and we're getting it. We have accountability for our contributions, starting with the fact that we do not have a DOH list and, with the law on our side, are hopeful for a fair integration.
America West pilots like to fly in the nude.....pretty stupid statement, right? About as stupid as US Airways pilots are known for throwing their junior pilots under the bus. The East pilots dont want to beat anyone down or view anyone as inferior. Brush your teeth and you can breath our air and with some work we will share one list. You have been spending a lot of time in the toilet with your magazine, how do you spell carpal tunnel.

Is it even possible for you to make sense? You and MM, one in the same.
East pilots have always thrown the junior guys under the bus.

Jets for Jobs


E190 pay rates
At least Chip had entertaining "Unique Corporate Transaction" (the famed UTC rumors!) and some purported inside information from super double secret contacts way high up in the company. Even it was all just voices in his head, it was entertaining and made for good rumors.
I'm sure I could come up with some good rumor material about the East pilots. Since you all don't seem to mind Nos' lying a few lies from me shoulgn't be a problem for you...

west pilots were promised damages in return for expensive badge backers. It has not happened.

Your advice to the badge backers and west furloughed pilots would be helpful. You have preached to the west pilots and have been intimidating them to contribute and at the same time promising them damages, with no results for years.

The west pilots deserve accountability for their contributions.

Your thoughts please sir.
Seajay said it best... Good Grief!

My thoughts are that you are out of touch with reality on so many levels if you think that funding for the defense of our seniority is coerced, or that it will ever stop. Damages or not, you will never see your DOH fairytale.

Is there a limit to your narcissism? Do you hear voices in your head? Never mind. Get back to us when you have something constructive to add. Until then we only hear "blah blah blah blah blah."
My thoughts are that you are out of touch with reality on so many levels if you think that funding for the defense of our seniority is coerced, or that it will ever stop. Damages or not, you will never see your DOH fairytale.

The badge backing system is peer pressure, funding is coerced because of this. Lists are also out with names. Damages were definitely promised to west pilots for quite some time.
The badge backing system is peer pressure, funding is coerced because of this. Lists are also out with names. Damages were definitely promised to west pilots for quite some time.
Oh the Irony...

You've just perfectly described USAPA. One exception; funding is coerced with the threat of terminating your career. A route USCABA is more than willing to take against a West "member".
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