US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Nos - you're looking more and more like a deer caught in the headlights. Or better yet, like a 2 year old caught with their hand in the cookie jar, desperately looking for someone else to blame.

- Prove that I have "kin" (as you put it) on the West side.

- Prove that I'm being paid by ALPA to post here.

Proof Nos

“Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us!".....Robert Burns
we interrupt the negative rant for a positive one...

I had the distinct pleasure of jump seating with a "west" crew on Saturday. My wife and I were heading to FL from PHL to visit a very sick friend. The flights were all very full with spring breakers. For once, my "seniority" allowed my wife, at the top of a very long list of NR's to get the only remaining seat in back on the first AM flight. I would have to ride jump seat, which I hadn't done in a very long time. I told the agent to hold my wife at the JW as I was not sure what type of reception I would get from the "west" crew.

I was pleasantly surprised when they welcomed me with open arms! Wife got on and we were off. Reaching cruise altitude we enjoyed almost 2 hours of good conversation. We agreed that the seniority thing was a royal mess. We all sympathized with each other's positions and had respect for them. We also affirmed that the situation will only get "straightened" out by the courts, if at all.

I always knew (from my friends of the former America West) that we were not that different. In fact, after this flight, I realized that the majority of posters on this web board are actually the minority. These guys on my flight were exactly the same as the guys I fly with on the east. Same problems, same responsibilities / families issues etc...

I have been in the training department for a long time( never told them), these guys flew a professional operation. Textbook SOP's etc... and it made me proud (a feeling I have not had in a while) to be associated with such a group of pilots! I told them as I was deplaning that if there were a pilot dictionary, their example of that flight would be THE definition of Professional. Other than IAE motors on this airbus, there was NO way to tell the "West" apart from the "East"!

Ok, enough said, sorry if I injected a little sunshine into the gloom here. Back to my lurking status.
we interrupt the negative rant for a positive one...

I had the distinct pleasure of jump seating with a "west" crew on Saturday. My wife and I were heading to FL from PHL to visit a very sick friend. The flights were all very full with spring breakers. For once, my "seniority" allowed my wife, at the top of a very long list of NR's to get the only remaining seat in back on the first AM flight. I would have to ride jump seat, which I hadn't done in a very long time. I told the agent to hold my wife at the JW as I was not sure what type of reception I would get from the "west" crew.

I was pleasantly surprised when they welcomed me with open arms! Wife got on and we were off. Reaching cruise altitude we enjoyed almost 2 hours of good conversation. We agreed that the seniority thing was a royal mess. We all sympathized with each other's positions and had respect for them. We also affirmed that the situation will only get "straightened" out by the courts, if at all.

I always knew (from my friends of the former America West) that we were not that different. In fact, after this flight, I realized that the majority of posters on this web board are actually the minority. These guys on my flight were exactly the same as the guys I fly with on the east. Same problems, same responsibilities / families issues etc...

I have been in the training department for a long time( never told them), these guys flew a professional operation. Textbook SOP's etc... and it made me proud (a feeling I have not had in a while) to be associated with such a group of pilots! I told them as I was deplaning that if there were a pilot dictionary, their example of that flight would be THE definition of Professional. Other than IAE motors on this airbus, there was NO way to tell the "West" apart from the "East"!

Ok, enough said, sorry if I injected a little sunshine into the gloom here. Back to my lurking status.

Glad you spoke up, Kubota. You see, we are not those "evil" Westies you keep hearing about. I've had no problems with East jumpseaters and don't discuss the issues we debate on these boards. Just talk to fellow pilots about common interests.

Keep the mud slinging in the Airline Forums arena.

Thanks for sharing the story. B)
Breaking News, TP is not going to like this. :lol:

I'd like to thank the dude in the video for a job well done!
The badge backing system is peer pressure, funding is coerced because of this. Lists are also out with names. Damages were definitely promised to west pilots for quite some time.

Badge backing is a means to show SOLIDARITY (some wear proudly, other contributors choose no to). Funding is VOLUNTARY, though encouraged. There was a list (not "lists") put out that gave a very vague idea of where contributors stood......that list is nearly 2 years old. Contributions continue to ROLL IN. You need not worry. Damages have been discussed as a by product of the Addington case, NEVER promised.

Yes, we do have some people that have not contributed (or contributed little). I smile when they show me pictures of their ski boats, airplanes, second homes, mistresses, etc. I nod and smile some more. I break out an envelope and address Leonidas another contribution. Why? There is honor and integrity in supporting my pilot group in this crusade. I don't mind picking up the slack of slackers.

You sir, are an ANGRY, LYING, DIM BULB. You have yet to type a fully truthful word, EVER. You rant, you rave, you complain, you claim........but in the very end you are a TOOL.....a CLEARY TOOL, that is to say.

CB.....but you can call me Capt. Platinum... :p
The badge backing system is peer pressure, funding is coerced because of this. Lists are also out with names. Damages were definitely promised to west pilots for quite some time.
At best that is just your opinion, which you are entitled to.

I think most people see it as a sign of solidarity. Most organizations use techniques like this to honor or in some way recognize their contributors. Credit card companies, airline loyalty programs, and yes even charitable gifts to universities and other charities recognize their highest contributors. Ever see a school library, auditorium, or other monument built with an endowment and named after the contributor? It is a way to bring awareness to your cause. You call it peer pressure because it is very successful in this case and serves to foil your ultimate plan.

Let me ask you this... when a labor force goes on strike and they hold family awareness meetings, is that support for people in tough times, or is it peer pressure to coerce those thinking of scabbing to not cross the line or be ostracized?

Call the badge backer whatever you want. I call it solidarity. (Something you are apparently not familiar with.) I also call it effective. In some ways I'm glad to see it bothers you so much. Just one more reason to keep contributing.
How Much More USAPA Style "Success" Should We Suffer?

See Story
Well at least there is a grain of truth in the CLT representative’s update when they say: ”We will not bring you a contract”. I agree; USAPA will not bring the pilots of US Airways a JCBA so long as their negotiating positions require pay parity with back pay for the past five years. Does anyone truly believe that Management will sign off on a contract requiring $300-500M in what amounts to a signing bonus for east pilots while also agreeing to a net increase in pilot wages of $200-400M annually? I still can’t decide if USAPA leadership is certifiably delusional or if they are just putting on a dog and pony show to fool the east pilots into thinking that they will actually negotiate a contract. Either way, without accepting the NIC and negotiating for attainable targets in the financial sections of the JCBA, USAPA will continue to fail in their primary duty of getting to a new contract for all pilots of US.
west pilots were promised damages in return for expensive badge backers. It has not happened.

Your advice to the badge backers and west furloughed pilots would be helpful. You have preached to the west pilots and have been intimidating them to contribute and at the same time promising them damages, with no results for years.

The west pilots deserve accountability for their contributions.

Your thoughts please sir.

Leonidas has had its financial contributions and expenses audited by a trusted financial consultant in PHX.

Result was something like 96% of all contributions go to legal defense. Probably the same as usapa, Seeham loves you schmucks. Didn't he promise you DOH in exchange for a "cost neutral contract" years ago, which you still have not gotten, why??, and because of who???

The only list of contributors was posted I believe almost 2 years ago, and is woefully inaccurate. Has me like $2,000 lighter than I have given.

No results??? are you under a rock??? Two words,,JURY VERDICT, heard of one??? That is why the 9th said not ripe, they were not going to overturn a jury verdict. Further, why do you think the company filed the DJ?? Because, AOL sent a letter reminding them once again, collude with the seniority theifs, waste money, get sued, lose "unquestionably ripe DFR".
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