US Pilots Labor Discussion

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LOA 93 is better than the Nic.
Perhaps for you. Perhaps for some east pilots. Particularly those few who will move from f/o to captain before retiring. But for the rest there is very little benefit to LOA93 over Nic plus a better contract. That will be made crystal clear if/when the LOA93 grievance is resolved in the company's favor. There are many who are fed up with years of USAPA's broken promises, no raise, no work rule improvements, no quality of life improvement. They are holding off, hoping a ruling in USAPA's favor will provide some relief. If that relief does not come, you will see enough defection to get the ball moving again. Shortly thereafter we will see a contract with the nic put to a vote to dispel any doubt on either side of the fence. The result of that vote will separate the men from the boys. The only reason it hasn't happened long ago is that Cleary and the AFO's are afraid of the possible results.

The quickest way to better pay and work rules for a majority of USAirways pilots is via the legal results of binding arbitration.
jetz says it was dohnogo's lie. i missed that. Who was the liar? I didn't see Jim rushing to Luv's defense, but I'm sure you will print a retraction.
Pi, stop the drama and facilitating the rhetoric. 767jetz did correctly point out that it was my original assertion and not luvthe9. He did not say it was my "lie." It was not a lie. Notice I said "I heard a rumor." That is absolutely true, I did hear a rumor. It may have been inaccurate. It may still prove to be accurate just the wrong time frame. But there was no lie involved.

Care to print a retraction of what you just said about 767jetz and the "lie?"

For someone who gets so easily insulted when people post inaccurate things about what you did or didn't say, you sure do add much of your own spin.

I'm getting on the high road with seajay and jetz.
A curious thing...

If Mr. Parkers assertion that the West is doing 20% of East flying because there is no profitable flying to be done out of PHX with that extra 20% then is the West (PHX) effectively a 1050 or so active pilot airline
once a contract is in place?

I am sure glad they saved the east.

Al, I'm curious, do really think Parker is going to touch DOH under the threat of a West lawsuit?

You better print it on wax paper.

It slides easier back across the table. ;)
And keep it coming it's been a good investment so far!!! :lol: Enjoy the stagnation. (yes I know we will enjoyLOA 93 for now)

I expect Leonidas to run out of Gold and Titanium very soon. A little profit sharing at work.

There has been a run on it lately since it has turned out to be a darn good investment. B)

Invest in precious metals.

Nice find with that Animal House clip, OBTW, M&M . :D
I expect Leonidas to run out of Gold and Titanium very soon. A little profit sharing at work.

There has been a run on it lately since it has turned out to be a darn good investment. B)

Invest in precious metals.

Nice find with that Animal House clip, OBTW, M&M . :D
Ashame you have to use our profit sharing for something that you will get no results from. But it'S you money. I'm taking the family somewhere warm.
You still dreaming that little dream? what does a trashed out 330 go for these days?

I see a scratch and dent sale in the near future:

Do you want this airplane?

Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 9:53 am | (9) Comments

Font Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeShare ST. LOUIS • A U.S. Airways jet bumped another airplane this morning at Lambert International Airport while they were in line to have their wings de-iced, officials said.

Airport Director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge said a wing of an Airbus bound for Charlotte, NC, clipped the rear horizontal bar of an Embraer getting ready to take off for Philadelphia.

She said no one aboard either plane was hurt.

Hamm-Niebruegge said the accident occurred about 8:30 a.m. near the A-concourse as the Airbus being taxied to the de-icing line bumped the Embraer that was sitting on a de-icing pad.

She said the Embraer sustained minor damage while the Airbus had only chipped paint.

U.S. Airways spokeswoman Tina Swail said both flights were canceled so the planes can be inspected. Crews brought the planes back to gates to be inspected and allow passengers off, Hamm-Niebregge said.

Both flights were full. Swail said the Airbus (flight 1821 bound for Charlotte) had 113 passengers aboard, while the Embraer (flight 3110 to Philadelphia) had 78 passengers.

She said all passengers on both planes are being rebooked.

Or this one?

ARLINGTON, Va. | Two US Airways planes clipped wings while on the ground Saturday morning at Reagan National Airport.

Airline spokesman Morgan Durrant says no one was injured in the incident, which occurred at about 9:30 a.m. However, there was enough damage that Flight 1703 to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., had to be canceled. Durrant says all 143 passengers have been accommodated on other flights.

The other plane was a weekend shuttle arriving from LaGuardia. It had 91 passengers on board.

I wonder if I took a hit on my profit sharing?
Not a DREAM, a corporate option, do we own any airplanes? I thought we just had , slots, gates, hubs and oh yes that valuable Int'l route authority. MM!
None of that has any value to the pilots. If your little dream of fragmentation comes true you old guys are out on the street with very few prospects.

Oh I know all of you have $2 million in cash and just do this job for fun you can quit at any time.
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