US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Ashame you have to use our profit sharing for something that you will get no results from. But it'S you money. I'm taking the family somewhere warm.
Well I guess it is a good thing that we live where is warm. No need to take a trip and spend any money. 75 today and sunny. Never shoveled a bit of snow this year.
And keep it coming it's been a good investment so far!!! :lol: Enjoy the stagnation. (yes I know we will enjoyLOA 93 for now)

Probably a little longer than you think...

4000 E. Sky Harbor Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
E. Allen Hemenway
Vice President, Labor Relations
March 4, 2010
Dear US Airways Pilot:
There has recently been a good deal of misinformation concerning what transpired during the arbitration hearing on the LOA 93 grievance filed by USAPA. We do not ordinarily respond to distortions or rehash evidence introduced in our grievance and arbitration proceedings. However, some of what USAPA has said
since the arbitration hearing requires a response.

First, as we have said from the start, USAPA's case in this arbitration is unfounded. The Union's postarbitration statements about its case are not accurate and we fear they could continue to provide our pilots with false expectations and be the basis for significant disappointment. LOA 93 negotiated in 2004 during the Company's second bankruptcy, does not include an agreement for any pay restoration at the end of the current contract. The Company presented an overwhelming and compelling case in this regard including nine separate fact-based arguments. These arguments are summarized in the attachment to this letter and a full transcript of the opening statement can be found on Wings at

Any of these nine arguments would have been compelling on their own collectively they clearly showed that ALPA and the Company did not intend to include a pay snap back in LOA 93 and USAPA was aware of this at the time it filed the LOA 93 grievance. Nevertheless, USAPA has continued to suggest a pay increase is coming to our pilots based on LOA 93. We believe that is irresponsible and want to be sure you have the facts. Second, and perhaps even more troubling, USAPA has published updates and other correspondence that blame individually named, fellow Union pilots for providing some of the documents introduced in the arbitration and misrepresented the means by which the Company obtained those materials. It is important to note that the documents provided by pilots were only a fraction of the Company's overwhelming evidence. It is also important for you to understand that the pilot who forwarded an email used in the Company's case (discussed below) did so only after receiving permission from the author. The fact that USAPA is more concerned with how the facts got into the hearing than they are with the facts themselves speaks volumes.
If Al Hemmingway responds you can bet that something is not going in US Airways favor. Not an individual worthy of trust.

If he offers to shake your hand, count your fingers afterward. He is cut from the same cloth as noted Union Buster Jerry Glass.

we fear they could continue to provide our pilots with false expectations and be the basis for significant disappointment

Oh please! These pricks are out to break every union within US Airways. NEVER forget that! His letter is designed to deepen the rift and maintain status quo and keep costs low. If either pilot group subscribes to this sewage from Hemmingway then you deserve to be the lowest paid pilot group
MIKEY, thanx for the info, but got a call this morning, from a CAL pilot who struck and went back after, he said there is still a couple hundred, I SCABED ALPA and now are MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING LEFT! So you see you really can scab ALPA and then be a member in good standing, maybe that pilot you talked to was a scab! MM!
I guess you cross YOUR own union picket line. Then, of course be thrown out of the union, then in a couple years " POOF" your a loyal union member again. Thanks MM.
I'm taking the family somewhere warm.

We have had 3 months of the most marvelous weather in PHX.

Had you not tried to renege on a deal, gotten yourself off LOA93, and had a pay raise the last 3 years, you could have bought a winter home in PHX with the increase in your pay, had it almost pain off by now, and had somewhere warm to take the family for the rest of your life, then willed it to the kids.
We have had 3 months of the most marvelous weather in PHX.

Had you not tried to renege on a deal, gotten yourself off LOA93, and had a pay raise the last 3 years, you could have bought a winter home in PHX with the increase in your pay, had it almost pain off by now, and had somewhere warm to take the family for the rest of your life, then willed it to the kids.
Imagine if you were not the bottom of the barrel hire as an airline pilot. Get your calculator and add it up over the years please. You are with america west because you are the bottom of the food chain, period.

america west pilot pay

How is your financial plan working so far?
None of that has any value to the pilots. If your little dream of fragmentation comes true you old guys are out on the street with very few prospects.

Oh I know all of you have $2 million in cash and just do this job for fun you can quit at any time.

Sorry if you have a hard time believing or grasping that......Can you say the same?.....Oh....sorry about that!
We have had 3 months of the most marvelous weather in PHX.

Had you not tried to renege on a deal, gotten yourself off LOA93, and had a pay raise the last 3 years, you could have bought a winter home in PHX with the increase in your pay, had it almost pain off by now, and had somewhere warm to take the family for the rest of your life, then willed it to the kids.

The arrogant attitude that started this.
We have had 3 months of the most marvelous weather in PHX.

Had you not tried to renege on a deal, gotten yourself off LOA93, and had a pay raise the last 3 years, you could have bought a winter home in PHX with the increase in your pay, had it almost pain off by now, and had somewhere warm to take the family for the rest of your life, then willed it to the kids.

Ah....bought the home........3 to be exact. Been coming to spring break for years! Even though they're not "pained off" they are doing quite well, thank you. And oh, what about those San Francisco Giants. Good spring training so far.......should be a good year.
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