US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It wasn't a rumor. Never was. It's a lie. Common sense should tell you that Federal Judges don't have a need to "leak" rumors. Common sense....apparently lacking in the average Eastie and wholly Absent with in USAPA. I don't know why you care that I'm not a US Airways pilot but that fact seemingly gets under your skin. Sorry. I let the clock run out of LUVTOLIE's drivel and pointed the bright shiny light of truth upon it. He's a liar and desperate pathetic mouth piece for a sham of a union. 2% of your pay goes to fuel this pointless charade and there is literally no end in sight for any of you to attain a higher pay rate than a turbo prop captain.

It's your choice to allow the LUVTOLIE's to run your career and your families future. Comfortable with that fact? Does it hurt to sit on? Yes it does. It hurts a lot I bet but as I've always heard; some people apparently enjoy that kind of pain in the caboose. Clearly you're one of them. :p

jetz says it was dohnogo's lie. i missed that. Who was the liar? I didn't see Jim rushing to Luv's defense, but I'm sure you will print a retraction.
In the interest of accuracy and fairness, it was doh nogo who first posted this:

Then luvthe9 responded with the following, changing a few words to change the meaning:

I don't know where the rumor originated, but they were both wrong. You could say that doh nogo started it here though.

Either way, aside from the time frame I think doh nogo has it right.

Thanks for the correction jetz.
I remember that assessment, seemed to go on forever. Anyway I talked to a CO pilot that just retired and that subject came up. He said all those guys are gone. I let it go at that and he didnt say if they quit,fired, or retired.
MIKEY, thanx for the info, but got a call this morning, from a CAL pilot who struck and went back after, he said there is still a couple hundred, I SCABED ALPA and now are MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING LEFT! So you see you really can scab ALPA and then be a member in good standing, maybe that pilot you talked to was a scab! MM!
Perhaps you haven't been following the discussion on that subject.

The guilt by association game was started by samadarson. (aka: Nos) I have explained this several times. It is a matter of using one's own tactics against him to teach a lesson. And it seemed to work judging by the response it gets. It is no more offensive than his accusations of guilt by association by alleged drug runners and scabs and BB single-handedly stapling other pilots in a merger long since past . The best way to deal with a bully (cyber or otherwise) is to give a taste of his own medicine. I also find it interesting how you and many others jump to his defense and cry foul, but stand silent when he and a few others on the east do exactly the same thing. It wreaks of double standards. I'll say it again, reign in your own offenders before pointing your guns at others.

I disagree with your last statement about USAPA not being able to do anything. ALPA has a Pilot Code of Ethics. If USAPA has similar values, they could certainly eject him from the union, just as they would a scab.
Well Mr. Double standard hater, code of ethics pontificater, better check your CAL seniority ALPA in good standing( but they scab) list. Got it right here, get back to us on that one! MM! PS Reign in those offenders and stand up to your union(ALPA) for their hypocrisy.

The real shame Suma is your LOA 93 pay, such a high price to pay.

Thus the saying......

Cut off your nose to spite your face

Disadvantage yourself in order to do harm to an adversary.

The precise wording 'cut off your nose to spite your face' doesn't appear in print until the 18th century. Versions of proverbs that mean much the same thing date back to the Tudor era. John Heywood's A Dialogue Conteynyng Prouerbes and Epigrammes, 1562 list this entry under "Of Spite":

If there be any, as I hope there be none,
That would lese [lose] both his eyes to lese his foe one,
Then fear I there be many, as the world go'th,
That would lese one eye to lese their foes both.

Grose's 1796 edition of the Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue came a little closer to the current form:

"He cut off his nose to be revenged of his face. Said of one who, to be revenged on his neighbour, has materially injured himself."
OK! What is this about the 12th time you have posted this same incorrect chart. Usually when people run out of things to lie about they stop talking.

How many contracts and LOA's has US Airways signed? Now look at your pay rates and working conditions. Really bad for a mature property.

AWA was on our SECOND contract. The first one was signed coming out of BK the other was signed after 9/11 restricted by ATSB loans. What did US Air contract look like after your second one?

So you can move on from whatever you are trying to prove with this chart. But if you want to look at reality and the future. usapa shill what are the rates now? Where is that new contract that usapa was supposed to get? We are 3 years later and what does usapa have to show for the effort? NOTHING!!!

For someone that hates ALPA you sure do spend a lot of time finding and posting ALPA stuff.

Get over it, you are a usapa shill. ALPA is gone and had nothing to do with this property. Diverting attention away from usapa's lack of anything will not work.
MIKEY, thanx for the info, but got a call this morning, from a CAL pilot who struck and went back after, he said there is still a couple hundred, I SCABED ALPA and now are MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING LEFT! So you see you really can scab ALPA and then be a member in good standing, maybe that pilot you talked to was a scab! MM!

There are around 500 and yes many walk around wearing ALPA pins as if nothing ever happened.
A question for West Pilots, information only.


I was looking at the West Bid package 2010-02 and I have a question.

There appear to be 204 pilots designated as LOA, which I assume to be Leave of Absence. On the West bid does this included long term or short term disability?
Is the LOA list in effect also a sick / disabled list?


A question for West Pilots, information only.


I was looking at the West Bid package 2010-02 and I have a question.

There appear to be 204 pilots designated as LOA, which I assume to be Leave of Absence. On the West bid does this included long term or short term disability?
Is the LOA list in effect also a sick / disabled list?




I have a friend who is on XM and is showing LOA status.

Short term? I don't know if it would show as LOA.
OK! What is this about the 12th time you have posted this same incorrect chart. Usually when people run out of things to lie about they stop talking.

How many contracts and LOA's has US Airways signed? Now look at your pay rates and working conditions. Really bad for a mature property.

AWA was on our SECOND contract. The first one was signed coming out of BK the other was signed after 9/11 restricted by ATSB loans. What did US Air contract look like after your second one?

So you can move on from whatever you are trying to prove with this chart. But if you want to look at reality and the future. usapa shill what are the rates now? Where is that new contract that usapa was supposed to get? We are 3 years later and what does usapa have to show for the effort? NOTHING!!!

For someone that hates ALPA you sure do spend a lot of time finding and posting ALPA stuff.

Get over it, you are a usapa shill. ALPA is gone and had nothing to do with this property. Diverting attention away from usapa's lack of anything will not work.
We are 3 years now and what does USAPA have to show for it? Jury still out on that one, but what about the Flt attendants? I guess AFA has that lack of anything also! MM!
You do not want to be specific. I asked you many times. You want to muzzle me, it would improve your reflection you see in your mirror.

You and jetz are alpa shills, your motives are clear.

I asked you to be specific, you can not because you have nothing.

Do you think what happened to the Empire pilots was fair? Yes or no. I dare you to answer with a yes or no.

Is that what this whole pointless pissing contest is all about, the travesty of the Empire pilots being stapled to the bottom of the Piedmont list? As far as I'm concerned, it sucked and was and is PI/ALPA's darkest hour. Outside of never forgetting what happened and vowing to see that it never happens again, there is nothing else to be gained by dragging this rotting corpse out of its grave for all to see and smell.

Let me suggest that you cease and desist your childish display of over the top rhetoric which will never "prove" anything, least of all who has a bigger pair.

As a fellow DOH proponent, you must realize the damage done by the Empire stapling to our position in the current SLI disagreement. Pointing fingers and making unsubstantiated allegations about who was responsible or not, accomplishes nothing. One thing is for sure, in retrospect it's certainly understandable at least from a West pilots perspective, why it would raise some very realistic concerns about the possibility of being treated similarly.

This whole "guilt by association" thing is a total waste of time and bandwidth. Stop it and move on. Better yet, apologize ALL OF YOU and then stop it and move on!

If you don't have anything even remotely constructive to add to the discussion and the effort to debate the very real issues dividing this pilot group TODAY, please don't bother.

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