US Pilots Labor Discussion

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We are 3 years now and what does USAPA have to show for it? Jury still out on that one, but what about the Flt attendants? I guess AFA has that lack of anything also! MM!
Another diversion. usapa is the pilots union not the AFA.

After 3 years even usapa supporters are saying the jury is still out. Not a very strong endorsement for the union that was going to cure everything wrong with the east.
There is no advantage to any industry standard contract for the East pilot group if it contains the Nic award.

It's been 4 years - we really don't know how to make it any simpler for you.

EAST pilot goup noted....

I don't know how to make it simpler to you.

You cannot form an association which disenfranchises a third of the pilot group and expect to have the unity required to meet union objectives.

Another diversion. usapa is the pilots union not the AFA.

After 3 years even usapa supporters are saying the jury is still out. Not a very strong endorsement for the union that was going to cure everything wrong with the east.
Really, the only diversion is your lack of reality to the current situation that faces the similiarities of the AFA and USAPA, your hatred of them is obscurring your vision and lack of it! MM!

Reminds me of the good ol days and my fraternity bros!

Score a point for the Delta fraternity for getting their revenge on the snobs at Omega.

Belushi is missed.

M&M a good find, score 1 point (a positive number).
there is nothing else to be gained by dragging this rotting corpse out of its grave for all to see and smell.

Let me suggest that you cease and desist your childish display of over the top rhetoric which will never "prove" anything, least of all who has a bigger pair.

This whole "guilt by association" thing is a total waste of time and bandwidth. Stop it and move on. Better yet, apologize ALL OF YOU and then stop it and move on!

If you don't have anything even remotely constructive to add to the discussion and the effort to debate the very real issues dividing this pilot group TODAY, please don't bother.

One of the few rational voices left. Bravo for maintaining a higher standard while keeping true to your own beliefs. A reminder that there is intelligent life on this planet. On that note, I'm done with bickering and responding to those who prefer dragging everyone down to their level. Time to move on.

So seajay, what is your opinion on the current splinters starting to show? Do you think USAPA would win a representational election today?

It seems to me that considering the first card drive was not a landslide in USAPA's favor, that if relief does not come from the LOA93 grievance, there may be enough people ready to move forward with a better contract that includes nic and perhaps a few more protections here and there.

Also, wanted to know your thoughts on attrition. Nic gave the east 2 of 3 upgrades, which accounts for the higher attrition on the east from the left seat. Would that really disadvantage you as much as some around here claim?
EAST pilot goup noted....

I don't know how to make it simpler to you.

You cannot form an association which disenfranchises a third of the pilot group and expect to have the unity required to meet union objectives.


Duly noted.

How much more then can you not have an association which disenfranchises 2/3 of the pilot group and expect to have the unity required to meet union objectives?
the travesty of the Empire pilots being stapled to the bottom of the Piedmont list?

Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Empire got DOH furlough protection, vacation bidding, pass riding as well as domicile/ equipment brought to the merger. Plus a 50% pay raise and full access to the Piedmont pension?

Brother, you can staple me all day long for those terms !
Correct me if I'm wrong but:

Empire got DOH furlough protection, vacation bidding, pass riding as well as domicile/ equipment brought to the merger. Plus a 50% pay raise and full access to the Piedmont pension?

Brother, you can staple me all day long for those terms !
What did usapa offer?


No furlough protection.
No pension.
The east would get the raise not the west.

No thanks I don't want to be stapled.
A curious thing...

West Bid 2010-2 shows 1316 active bid positions.

There are about 45 or 46 ADM pilots, I assume that's short for adminstration,(a checkairman designation?)

There are 204 on LOA which is Leave of Absence, possible LTD /Sick

The Total West Seniority List is 1597

If Mr. Parkers assertion that the West is doing 20% of East flying because there is no profitable flying to be
done out of PHX with that extra 20% then is the West (PHX) effectively a 1050 or so active pilot airline
once a contract is in place?

I am sure glad they saved the east.
EAST pilot goup noted....

I don't know how to make it simpler to you.

You cannot form an association which disenfranchises a third of the pilot group and expect to have the unity required to meet union objectives.


Sure you can if it meets the overall objective of the union as a whole
and falls within a wide range of reasonablenesss.....SO STOP YOUR WHINING!!

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