US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Do you see what BB and I are talking about seajay? This has gone on for years.

People like this make your entire group look bad. The whole "bad apple spoiling the bunch" concept. It's hard to sift through the garbage and hear the 1 or 2 rational voices like yours.

BTW, these same people become attack dogs on your own pilots, whenever they voice an opinion that doesn't conform to theirs. Recently a poster, I think it was jetjok, was admonished and attacked for saying he was reconsidering his support of USAPA. Unbelievable...
Do you see what BB and I are talking about seajay? This has gone on for years.

People like this make your entire group look bad. The whole "bad apple spoiling the bunch" concept. It's hard to sift through the garbage and hear the 1 or 2 rational voices like yours.

BTW, these same people become attack dogs on your own pilots, whenever they voice an opinion that doesn't conform to theirs. Recently a poster, I think it was jetjok, was admonished and attacked for saying he was reconsidering his support of USAPA. Unbelievable...

For your convenience jetz, the latest ual pilot update. Your management is stalling to the end of the year, ual pilots will be furloughed again then.

"""MEC Negotiating Committee Update March 11, 2011

While the parties were able to reach Agreements in Principle (AIP) on Section 6 – Seniority and Section 10 – Moving at the end of last week, there were no direct negotiating meetings held this week. Management is experiencing key personnel unavailability due to unforeseen family health issues that are affecting their ability to respond to our scheduling proposals from November 10. The JNC passed its comprehensive proposal to Management on December 15th.

The JNC continued work on turning AIP terms into contractual language. This is a required task to achieve a full Tentative Agreement for MEC and Pilot consideration.

As always, please stay connected to the process by reading updates from the MEC and your Local Council representatives.

From Pass Travel Committee Chair Captain Pat Palazzolo:

For UA employees wishing to pass ride on 70-seat regional jet United Express flights to and from CO hubs, United employees should list on EmployeeRES found on SkyNet. These flights feed CO hubs but have UA flight numbers as a result of the recent arbitration decision in ALPA's favor.

These particular United Express flights are not shown on Weblist but do appear in Continental's EmployeeRES with a UA flight number. The Company says UA employees listing on these flights through EmployeeRES will be subject to normal UAX boarding priority as if we had listed on WebList and pay our normal service charges -- which happen to be free in Economy class.

Below are examples of United Express flights out of CO's EWR hub to JAX. As you can see, they do not appear on Weblist but do appear in EmployeeRES. We have contacted the company about this process as we believe it is inappropriate, but in the interim, want to communicate how to access the employee benefit that we are due."""
Gee, a rumor didn't come true. First time that has happened around here. Thanks for being right on that, non-US pilot.

Did it hurt you or your computer to sit on it all week?

It wasn't a rumor. Never was. It's a lie. Common sense should tell you that Federal Judges don't have a need to "leak" rumors. Common sense....apparently lacking in the average Eastie and wholly Absent with in USAPA. I don't know why you care that I'm not a US Airways pilot but that fact seemingly gets under your skin. Sorry. I let the clock run out of LUVTOLIE's drivel and pointed the bright shiny light of truth upon it. He's a liar and desperate pathetic mouth piece for a sham of a union. 2% of your pay goes to fuel this pointless charade and there is literally no end in sight for any of you to attain a higher pay rate than a turbo prop captain.

It's your choice to allow the LUVTOLIE's to run your career and your families future. Comfortable with that fact? Does it hurt to sit on? Yes it does. It hurts a lot I bet but as I've always heard; some people apparently enjoy that kind of pain in the caboose. Clearly you're one of them. :p
Oh by the way jetz, I left off a March 11, 2011 update piece that has been pasted on the updates for the last two plus years. Sorry. Best of luck to you sir.

""" UAL v. ALPA: Preliminary Injunction

The United States District Court has issued a preliminary injunction. (Click Here to read the Preliminary Injunction Order. Click Here to read the Memorandum Opinion and Order). The injunction enjoins ALPA, the individual defendants, and all persons and organizations acting by, in concert with, through or under them, or by and through their orders, from calling, permitting, instigating, authorizing, encouraging, participating in, approving or continuing any interference with United's airline operations, including but not limited to any strike, work stoppage, sick-out, slowdown, work to rule campaign, concerted refusal to accept voluntary or overtime flying, or other concerted refusal to perform normal pilot operations in violation of the Railway Labor Act.

The Court has directed that all United pilots resume their normal individual working schedules and practices, and ALPA is hereby instructing all pilots to cease and desist from engaging in any slowdown, sick-out, work to rule campaign, refusal to accept voluntary or overtime flying, or other concerted refusal to conduct pilot operations in the normal manner. With this message ALPA is instructing that you cease and desist all such activity and cease and desist from all statements or communications encouraging such conduct.

We must comply with the Court's direction. This is about all of us, because each of us will be at risk of court fines or company discipline if we engage in any Court-prohibited activity or if we encourage others to do so. Do not engage in any form of sick-out, improper use of sick leave, improper use of fatigue calls, slowdown activity such as intentional delays in the operation, pressure or harassment of other pilots for taking overtime flying, concerted refusal to accept junior/senior manning, or any other form of economic pressure, and do not encourage others to do any of these things. We must resume normal individual working schedules and practices. Again, these are requirements of the Court, and we must comply starting immediately."""
Oh by the way jetz, I left off a March 11, 2011 update piece that has been pasted on the updates for the last two plus years.

Another non-answer to my questions of why you have not responded to my post where I provided proof of your lies/errors. You falsely referred to furloughs and UA's reduction in capacity. Also no response to my original assertion to you (and only you) about your guilt by association (a game you are very familiar with since you started that game on this forum) and the fact that I never retracted that statement about you at all.

Sorry. Best of luck to you

The closest thing to an apology we will ever see from you. Fine.

PS: I know it's hard for you, but try not to lose sleep over the UA/CO merger. We'll be just fine. Time heals all wounds and you'll eventually get over being left at the altar. :lol:
Another non-answer to my questions of why you have not responded to my post where I provided proof of your lies/errors. You falsely referred to furloughs and UA's reduction in capacity. Also no response to my original assertion to you (and only you) about your guilt by association (a game you are very familiar with since you started that game on this forum) and the fact that I never retracted that statement about you at all.

The closest thing to an apology we will ever see from you. Fine.

It wasn't a rumor. Never was. It's a lie.

In the interest of accuracy and fairness, it was doh nogo who first posted this:

I heard a rumor that we will hear something from Judge Silver by the end of this week or early the following week at the latest.

I also heard there will be some VERY disappointed people on the east. (And especially on this forum.) The end is near for the DOH cram down and USAPA.

It will be interesting to see how the company plays their next move.

Then luvthe9 responded with the following, changing a few words to change the meaning:

I heard a rumor that we will hear something from Judge Silver by the end of this week or early the following week at the latest.

I also heard there will be some VERY disappointed people on the west. (And especially on this forum.) The end is near for the NIC and AOL.
It will be interesting to see how the company plays their next move.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know where the rumor originated, but they were both wrong. You could say that doh nogo started it here though.

Either way, aside from the time frame I think doh nogo has it right.
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