US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You do not want to be specific. I asked you many times. You want to muzzle me, it would improve your reflection you see in your mirror.

You and jetz are alpa shills, your motives are clear.

I asked you to be specific, you can not because you have nothing.

Do you think what happened to the Empire pilots was fair? Yes or no. I dare you to answer with a yes or no.

Gutless, hypocrite coward.
No proof, Nos? Typical - just more attacks. Want me to count the number of times I've asked you for proof? As I said, I'm not playing your silly game.

BTW, have you stopped taking pictures up young ladies skirts? Yes or no - I dare you to answer with yes or no...


ps - you can look way back in my posts to get the answer to your question.
I've been sitting on this little gem for a few weeks now. Now that the projected time line has come and gone I thought it'd be nice to review. Usually I'd ignore the masturbatory ramblings of a delusional Liar but the above is a perfect illustration of delusional sociopaths projecting fantasy into their version of Reality. Now imagine an entire labor union run by these people. Is it any wonder at all that USAPA has produced nothing but exorbitant fees, losses, and endless misery for the pilot group? No. It isn't. Why? Because delusional, desperate liars very seldom create anything useful. Ever. Just ask Saddam Hussien...oh, that's right. They hanged him. Never mind.

Gee, a rumor didn't come true. First time that has happened around here. Thanks for being right on that, non-US pilot.

Did it hurt you or your computer to sit on it all week?
No proof, Nos? Typical - just more attacks. Want me to count the number of times I've asked you for proof? As I said, I'm not playing your silly game.

BTW, have you stopped taking pictures up young ladies skirts? Yes or no - I dare you to answer with yes or no...


Yes or no?
I think Metro said something about "now that the timeline has come and gone." Het'd be silly to post that it wasn't true then it did come true before the time ran out.


Naw, really? Luv said he heard a rumor, then he gave an opinion, he didn't claim to have inside knowledge. I bet Metroyet has been watching the clock, hoping he could be right for a change.

Odd, for a non-US pilot. Oh, wait a minute, sorry.
I have no further questions your honor.

And obviously no proof or you would have presented it weeks ago. Now the easy part - just admit you lied and promise to stop your silly game of "you are the company you keep". Oh yeah, and apologize for lying about me. Then you might be able to look in the mirror and not be ashamed.

I do notice that none of your fellow Easties who lament this back and forth have been quiet - still can't say anything that could be construed as negative to a fellow Eastie, no matter that that Eastie is lower than scum.

So you'd rather Metro immediately jump on Luv's rumor and declare it false I guess.

Where did I say that Jim? Why do you do that?

The score keeping is really kind of senseless and the rumor could just be ignored, especially from a non-US pilot.
I do notice that none of your fellow Easties who lament this back and forth have been quiet - still can't say anything that could be construed as negative to a fellow Eastie, no matter that that Eastie is lower than scum.


I do not seek their admiration. You are on here for peer acknowledgment, not me.
So you'd rather Metro immediately jump on Luv's rumor and declare it false I guess.

It's interesting that you complain about the guilt by association thing, yet jump right in to defend a self-proclaimed non-US pilot's comment about an eastie. Is that honor by association to you?
Admiration? You're more delusional that I thought. Let me quote Zone 5 "Tis a silly game, I think we all have more important matters to discuss. Furthermore, tossing this kind of garbage back and forth on a public forum, undermines the credibility of all who participate in such silliness."

Yeah, he's really impressed with your style...

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