US Pilots Labor Discussion

Not open for further replies. very interesting blast from the past, see any familiar names(SETH ROSEN ) mentioned! MM!
BS - I was specific when I first asked for proof. If your memory is so bad that you've forgotten that's your problem. Use the search feature.
Proof Nos
Just asking but doesn't CAL ALPA, have SCABS as voting members? I remember paying that strike assessment only to have SCABS be allowed in ALPA! MM
I remember that assessment, seemed to go on forever. Anyway I talked to a CO pilot that just retired and that subject came up. He said all those guys are gone. I let it go at that and he didnt say if they quit,fired, or retired.
I remember that assessment, seemed to go on forever. Anyway I talked to a CO pilot that just retired and that subject came up. He said all those guys are gone. I let it go at that and he didnt say if they quit,fired, or retired.
Don't know if I beleive that, or maybe that's what he wants you to believe, alot of younger guys crossed at the time only to blend in as good ALPA members, after we paid hundreds of dollars to ALPA in the support of the strike only to let those SCABS in as GOOD UNION MEMBERS! MM! If I were ALPA I sure would want it swept under the carpet!
Don't know if I beleive that, or maybe that's what he wants you to believe, alot of younger guys crossed at the time only to blend in as good ALPA members, after we paid hundreds of dollars to ALPA in the support of the strike only to let those SCABS in as GOOD UNION MEMBERS! MM! If I were ALPA I sure would want it swept under the carpet!
Yes I agree, he has probably been hit with that question 10,000 times over the years. Actually I believe the is a list of the CO scabs somewhere, it would be interesting to compare it to the combined UA/CO list.
If I were ALPA I sure would want it swept under the carpet!
You have to remember what was happening at CO back then. Lorenzo used the BK court attempting to break the unions - at the time a labor contract was treated no differently in bankruptcy than any other contract. He was actively hiring replacements to supplement those who crossed the line and the CO MEC was faced with getting it's members back to work or having them locked out.

After 6 months or a year wonder how many pilots here would be wanting to get their job back?

I heard a rumor that we will hear something from Judge Silver by the end of this week or early the following week at the latest.

I also heard there will be some VERY disappointed people on the west. (And especially on this forum.) The end is near for the NIC and AOL.
It will be interesting to see how the company plays their next move.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I've been sitting on this little gem for a few weeks now. Now that the projected time line has come and gone I thought it'd be nice to review. Usually I'd ignore the masturbatory ramblings of a delusional Liar but the above is a perfect illustration of delusional sociopaths projecting fantasy into their version of Reality. Now imagine an entire labor union run by these people. Is it any wonder at all that USAPA has produced nothing but exorbitant fees, losses, and endless misery for the pilot group? No. It isn't. Why? Because delusional, desperate liars very seldom create anything useful. Ever. Just ask Saddam Hussien...oh, that's right. They hanged him. Never mind.
Nope, I'm not playing that game Nos. I gave you specifics but you've continued to attack. That's your fault, not mine, and thus your problem.

I actually think you're both funny and pitiful since I know as well as you do that you have no proof yet won't even take back the attacks.

Nope, I'm not playing that game Nos. I gave you specifics but you've continued to attack. That's your fault, not mine, and thus your problem.

I actually think you're both funny and pitiful since I know as well as you do that you have no proof yet won't even take back the attacks.


You do not want to be specific. I asked you many times. You want to muzzle me, it would improve your reflection you see in your mirror.

You and jetz are alpa shills, your motives are clear.

I asked you to be specific, you can not because you have nothing.

Do you think what happened to the Empire pilots was fair? Yes or no. I dare you to answer with a yes or no.
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