US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It is indicative of the fissures developing within the East pilot group, just as happened with the MEC it's last 5 years or so. You've got the 'Unbiased Facts' crowd, most of whom would presumably vote for the return of ALPA if given a chance. Then 'The Eye' crowd, most of whom support the idea of USAPA but don't like what they see as the current leadership turning it into a monarchy. Finally you've got the supporters of the current leadership - the "best money I've ever spent" crowd.


I think that is a pretty good summary except for the developing part. It's been that way since the election, with a few members changing alliances. I've heard a few former ALPA loyalists are considering becoming members after sitting it out for a while.
Its amazing that this very same thing happened in BOS in the early '80's. A Northeast DC-9 missed Charlie and turned of Delta and came nose to nose with a another aircraft. The Controler dialog was exactly the same and as amazing as it might be someone came up with the same "wasn't I married to you once". Perhaps the controller moved to England, had a daughter and she became a controller also.

Who knows, you may have the real story and it became a friend tells a friend tells a friend and I just found the friend in the UK. B)
Talk about obsession, not even his airline, just your buddy, Well who would expect you to know anything about substance, millions of dollars on the lawsuit train to nowhere! Well where are the cards? HOT AIR is all you are, the LOA 93 grievence has nothing to do with a new union vote, where do you think the PENSION INVESTIGATION will go?, nowhere with ALPA my friend, and if 93 hits what then? Talk about light on a scam, your on GILLIGANS ISLAND and your hope of a rescue is in the next decades reruns, one only has to look at the F/A's negotiations to see what is going on, sorry your education and experience doesn't take you that far! MM! PS. You might want to get your financial house in order and start sending out resumes!

MM and Charlie Sheen. Brothers in ranting and raving.
Does anybody know how many pilots are on the line flying in PHX? Not counting supervisory and training command, LTD, or any other LOA types.

I think that is a pretty good summary except for the developing part. It's been that way since the election, with a few members changing alliances. I've heard a few former ALPA loyalists are considering becoming members after sitting it out for a while.

I agree that the USAPA - ALPA split has been there since the election. It's the USAPA but don't like the current leadership faction that seems to be growing. Aside from "The Eye" crowd there's a group that have a private web forum - it existed several years before the election - that seems to becoming more anti-USAPA leadership but were all pro-USAPA at first.

I agree that the USAPA - ALPA split has been there since the election. It's the USAPA but don't like the current leadership faction that seems to be growing. Aside from "The Eye" crowd there's a group that have a private web forum - it existed several years before the election - that seems to becoming more anti-USAPA leadership but were all pro-USAPA at first.


Agreed. A few strange bedfellows have appeared since the CBA election. Or maybe new antagonists would be a better description.
Talk about obsession, not even his airline, just your buddy, Well who would expect you to know anything about substance, millions of dollars on the lawsuit train to nowhere! Well where are the cards? HOT AIR is all you are, the LOA 93 grievence has nothing to do with a new union vote, where do you think the PENSION INVESTIGATION will go?, nowhere with ALPA my friend, and if 93 hits what then? Talk about light on a scam, your on GILLIGANS ISLAND and your hope of a rescue is in the next decades reruns, one only has to look at the F/A's negotiations to see what is going on, sorry your education and experience doesn't take you that far! MM! PS. You might want to get your financial house in order and start sending out resumes!
Awwwe... did I hit a nerve? Does your boo-boo hurt?

Just remember MM, the truth will hurt you before it sets you free!

Once again, 3 times the volume, but a fraction of the substance. Your house of cards is crumbling, while you and somadarson continue to obsess. So sad.

PS. My financial house has been in order for a long time. Don't need this job at all. And unlike you I still enjoy this job. So if this place closes the door I will continue flying elsewhere because I find it rewarding. Bring on the tough talk. (Or in your case the tough gibberish.) Can't wait to be there when you fall... so I can step out of the way and laugh. :lol:

MM and Charlie Sheen. Brothers in ranting and raving.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know, I think you nailed it. There is something awfully wrong with some of these rants lately. Maybe Sheen can recommend a good shrink.
I agree that the USAPA - ALPA split has been there since the election. It's the USAPA but don't like the current leadership faction that seems to be growing. Aside from "The Eye" crowd there's a group that have a private web forum - it existed several years before the election - that seems to becoming more anti-USAPA leadership but were all pro-USAPA at first.


OK by me. If the current USAPA leadership is not getting the job done, in the opinion of the majority of the US Airways pilots, throw them out! There is a process to do just that and nobody is or can stop a grass roots effort to do so.

Have at it folks, get the signatures necessary to hold a representational election and vote ALPA back in, if that's what the majority wants. Go for it! Enough of all the pissing and moaning about what the majority of the pilots want, just do it. If support of USAPA is so split and fractured, it should be "no problem" to fix.

Of course, the rebels forces would have to be actual US Airways pilots , sorry, no retired players or those who don't even work here allowed.

Of course, the rebels forces would have to be actual US Airways pilots , sorry, no retired players or those who don't even work here allowed.

Not quite right. For any sort of officer or rep recall effort they would have to be MIGS. For a representational election they would only need to have a tie to US - non-MIGS, furloughed, medical, etc. - basically just being on the seniority list.

This one is just for Nos (and his obsessive friend MM)...

ALPA Communications:


The JNC and management continue to meet multiple times per week, every week. Our meetings with the NMB and our mediator have been productive and have mapped out the course both parties are expected to take. We are keenly aware that our updates are very general and void of specifics. The practice of not negotiating in public has proven to be right. The NMB specifically asked about this and was very pleased to learn that we maintain this practice, as they are equally aware that obstacles to an agreement include negotiating in public.

We do have “agreements in principle” in eight sections of our CBA. They include Sections 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 18.

The progress at the table is slow but continues to move forward. The NMB will further help move the process when the mediator is present. Please continue to stay informed through the MEC weekly updates, continue to operate a safe and reliable airline, and allow the JNC to do their work.


Now, tell me again about the lack of progress for UA/CO. How many sections of your contract has USAPA been able to produce "agreements in principle" on?

Cat got your tongue? Nothing to say about the following post where I exposed your lies?
767jetz proves sumadarson wrong

Still waiting for you to make good on those threats you PM'd me? How's that going for you?

Never mind. Like the admission of lies and apology that BB is still waiting for, I'm not holding my breath. We all know the source is nothing but damaged goods.
This one is just for Nos (and his obsessive friend MM)...

Still waiting for you to make good on those threats you PM'd me? How's that going for you?

Never mind. Like the admission of lies and apology that BB is still waiting for, I'm not holding my breath. We all know the source is nothing but damaged goods.

I pm ed you and told you to remove your gutless accusations of me molesting children, you removed them, but too late.

Your post with slander removed.

It just so happens that records were kept. Be patient, the HR department at ual, is like an HR department at any company, they work slow.

Have a pleasant day, sir.
Not quite right. For any sort of officer or rep recall effort they would have to be MIGS. For a representational election they would only need to have a tie to US - non-MIGS, furloughed, medical, etc. - basically just being on the seniority list.


OK, whatever. So go for it. Screw the rep recall thing, go for the whole enchilada, start a web site, put proponents to work in all the crew rooms, start the representational election process, buy billboard space, get a public relations firm on-board. Sure it would cost some time and money, not near as much as the litigation to date! Enough people feel strongly enough about it, then make it happen. Who's stopping you.

Boot USAPA, go with the NIC or whatever. New charter, the senior East guys keep the widebodies for a few more years, all the West would vote for it and staple the rest of the East. Give the former ALPA proponents a fence where they are for a few more years, along with a pay raise, they seem to think the Kirby would do just fine. The new hires would have to be thrown some kind of bone to get their vote and there you have it. Simple. The "we must save the airline crowd" would have their new "fix", the senior "old farts" could keep what they've always had, the AFO's on the East are already used to being screwed (so screw them, they must like it), last but not least, the West could pretty much have it all and have it now! No problem. Like I said, JUST DO IT. Talks cheap.

That's Nos - loves to throw accusations around but starts crying when they come back...

Proof Nos


Enough with the Proof thing Jim! You are really starting to marginalize your presence on this board with that whole thing, at least to me and I suspect with others on both sides of any given position. I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. After-all, I did come to work at this place, even if it seemed like a good idea at the time, it was a huge mistake. 20/20 hindsight, is not worth spit!

I used to read your posts with interest, now not so much, if at all, not that I've always agreed with you, but certainly with the deference you have earned as a retired career PI/USAir pilot who has a definite opinion and the balls to put it out there. May I respectfully suggest that you get back to being the irascible persona that we have all grown to love and hate. Just a suggestion.

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