US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Didn't it have the -7 motors?
I think there may have been one 727-200 with -7 engines, the rest were -9 and -15's. IIRC 727-100's had -7's but they were gone by then - I believe I flew the last one on my IOE in the Spring of 1984.

I wonder if there is any way Usairways can take up the slack that ual, cal is abandoning?

united pilots update. March 07, 2011

""United Announces Reduction in Capacity

Today United management announced that the company will be reducing consolidated capacity by 1% effective with the May schedule and a 4% reduction in the fourth quarter from their planned capacity. (ual is free to furlough ual pilots then) The company further stated that it is analyzing certain less fuel-efficient aircraft, and will be taking other cost-saving measures.

The United pilots caution this management team to fully consider the ramifications of eliminating flexibility needed to adjust to market fluctuations. Furthermore, caution is advised in conceding hard earned market share.

It must be noted that some of the highest cost per seat mile aircraft are represented by United Express flying.

The UAL-MEC System Schedule Committee will be meeting with the company this week and consistent with the Working Together culture, will seek further information.

MEC Chairman Captain Wendy Morse is in contact with senior management expressing our concerns and positions.""
Adios, jetz.

ual alpa pilots update, 02/2011

""I heard the company has moved the target date for a single operating certificate (SOC) to September, 2011. Once we are on a SOC the company is free to add as much 70 seat flying to CAL as they want, since there is no longer a ‘CAL’ designator. They will be able to take our combined block hours and use that number as the block hour limit. Once we have a SOC and the TA expires on December 31st, 2011, the company is free to do as they please with domiciles, fleet mixing, and furloughs.

Answer: The company still has a target date of the end of 2011 for an SOC. However, without a JCBA, there will still be two separate pilot groups in two separate operations with two separate contracts, and the CAL contractual limit of 50 seat regional jets will continue to apply to the CAL operation. The block hour limit in the UAL contract will continue to apply to the UAL pilot group operation. In other words, the company won’t be able to simply cherry-pick what’s most favorable (for them) from each contract and apply it to both operations. It is true that after December 21st, 2011, there is no restriction to UAL pilot furloughs, but reducing the number of UAL pilots would require reducing the size of the UAL operation, which in turn would require reducing the size of the UAX operation.""

""Why do furloughees lose job protection Dec 31, 2011 i.e. no job if a JCBA has not been approved? Do you expect if not approved by late summer then the powers to be would fight to protect the 1400+ furloughed pilots?

Answer: The job protections in the Transition and Process agreement only apply to currently employed pilots, not pilots who are currently on furlough. Till superseded by a new JCBA, the 1437 furloughed pilots on the UAL seniority list have ten-year recall rights under the present contract.""
I wonder if there is any way Usairways can take up the slack that ual, cal is abandoning?
If UAL is correct, there will be a reduction in demand and that flying will be unprofitable. Last time oil got this high, there was a significant impact on the economy and that was without the extreme upward pressure we've seen on commodities over the last couple months. It wouldn't be unrealistic to see the economy crash again, and even harder than the last time.
Delusional and paranoid.....V

I guesss you left the room again.

I don't think I am the one who is delusional and paranoid, V. If you called me patient, I would agree. I listen, take notes, document. I get close to my adversaries, talk to them, learn about them. How would I know that the Usapian treasurer is a smoker? How would I know that it was his daughter is the one who opened the letter with the doggy doo? I know he is very upset, supported the RICO lawsuit. His anger is fully understandable and expected, it would have sent me through the roof. But as I told him, you can't get a net, scoop up a bunch of pilots in retaliation. Have any idea how those people's daughters would feel, seeing their parent go through the hell of a RICO suit? Talk about hitting a fly with a sledge hammer.

I asked BS two days ago to give me the name of the cafe, we would walk to during lunch breaks at the Addington trial. No answer. Once again, I observed and listened during the trial. It is hard for me to believe all of the bs I have read over the past few weeks and think we sat in the same room of a federal courthouse.

Having been so close to my Usapian counterparts, do you think I might have felt at bit threatened by a disturbing online threat? Would it seem reasonable that I would expect that the people I have seen and spoke with know who I am? Why should I not go through the steps to protect myself if it is a valid threat? I told my story and I am done. It is out of my hands and up to others to determine if it is worth pursuing.

So go ahead, continue with this little game that I am delusional and may need help.
In reality, I think those who are making such accusations are the ones who need to get their heads examined. I'm not the one who has something to hide and I am not the one who should feel paranoid...I don't.

Carry on.
I wonder if there is any way Usairways can take up the slack that ual, cal is abandoning?
Wow, you really are clueless. Every airline is reducing capacity in response to the fuel situation. I'm much more worried about the implications on our airline. We have no hedge. Price increases have not and can not make up the fuel costs rising at such a rapid rate. US is one of the weakest links in the industry and will be the first to falter if this continues. And if I were you I'd be even more worried. You are too old and have no where to go. If US tanks, I have plenty of years to make it up elsewhere.

Your obsession with all things United is really bizarre. Maybe you should concern yourself more with the cesspool you are in. And FYI, from a UA friend of mine... They are hedged about 60% for the next quarter and 40% for the entire year. The cuts they mentioned are mainly a reduction of the EXPANSION they had planned. They are moving assets from domestic to international where they can make more money in the current environment. The total capacity reduction amounts to about 1%. I seriously doubt they will be having trouble weathering the storm, unlike this place. And I wouldn't be salivating over those UA furloughs. Which by the way is really sick.

I am now convinced you are so bitter because you were one of the 16year furloughed east pilots, and hate anyone who has a better career than you, especially UA pilots. How many times did you flunk their interview? Get a life. :lol:
I think there may have been one 727-200 with -7 engines, the rest were -9 and -15's. IIRC 727-100's had -7's but they were gone by then - I believe I flew the last one on my IOE in the Spring of 1984.


All of the former PSA 727-200s had -7 engines except the 5 "long range" birds with the higher gross weights. The Al Nippon 72s had -9 engines and the former Delta 72s had -15s.

Driver B)
All of the former PSA 727-200s had -7 engines except the 5 "long range" birds with the higher gross weights. The Al Nippon 72s had -9 engines and the former Delta 72s had -15s.

Driver B)

Delta Dogs! I didn't have good luck with those, they always seemed to have something wrong. -15's, but pneumatic pressurization. I heard that they made it to US Air the long way. Ordered by Mohawk, but not taken, went to Northeast, who was bought by Delta, who sold them to PI, who was bought by US Air.
My Oct '86 727 manual shows:
9 dash 7s
8 dash 9s
17 dash 15s


Make sure you turn those manuals in before you retire. I heard Johnny Privett is still waiting to check your name off his returned manuals list!
Wow, you really are clueless. Every airline is reducing capacity in response to the fuel situation. I'm much more worried about the implications on our airline. We have no hedge. Price increases have not and can not make up the fuel costs rising at such a rapid rate. US is one of the weakest links in the industry and will be the first to falter if this continues. And if I were you I'd be even more worried. You are too old and have no where to go. If US tanks, I have plenty of years to make it up elsewhere.

Your obsession with all things United is really bizarre. Maybe you should concern yourself more with the cesspool you are in. And FYI, from a UA friend of mine... They are hedged about 60% for the next quarter and 40% for the entire year. The cuts they mentioned are mainly a reduction of the EXPANSION they had planned. They are moving assets from domestic to international where they can make more money in the current environment. The total capacity reduction amounts to about 1%. I seriously doubt they will be having trouble weathering the storm, unlike this place. And I wouldn't be salivating over those UA furloughs. Which by the way is really sick.

I am now convinced you are so bitter because you were one of the 16year furloughed east pilots, and hate anyone who has a better career than you, especially UA pilots. How many times did you flunk their interview? Get a life. :lol:
Well actually we do have alot of qualifications to move on, but most of us will just retire, as for the obsession issue, good question one might ask why would lets say a UAL pilot would take obsession with USAIRWAYS?
Well actually we do have alot of qualifications to move on, but most of us will just retire, as for the obsession issue, good question one might ask why would lets say a UAL pilot would take obsession with USAIRWAYS?

Not surprising that simpletons do not understand simple logic and basic concepts of a rational thought process. (Which, btw is different than rationalization, a skill most east pilots are good at.)

I know you guys love to just scratch the surface and claim that's all there is to it, but let's dig deeper and expose your folly.

"A UAL pilot" would be interested in our fiasco, created by USAPA and the AFO's, because any precedent set in this merger can have a significant impact on other integrations. Specifically your so-far-failed attempt at getting out of binding arbitration. Additionally, your penchant for self inflicted pain and suffering under LOA 93 drags the industry down, making pattern bargaining more difficult for UAL, DL, AA, and others. Two very good reasons of many to have a continued interest in the west's perseverance. Not exactly an obsession when you have rational reasons for choosing to get involved in a cause.

Now how about the flip side? There is very little that happens at UA that will have any effect whatsoever on our mess, this pathetic operation called US Airways, or your desire to force your will on the the west. Therefore the continued focus, postings, and interest in all things United can only point to obsession, jealousy, an axe to grind, or a desire to share your misery with everyone else.

I'm sure you'll have some snide and irrelevant answer, since you are incapable of debating facts with facts. But here's a question for you. Can you name one single thing related to samadarson's UA diatribes on UA that will effect US in the least? Please show your work. (Oh, and the idea of picking up other's flying has already been debunked, so try something new.)

PS. If things go T.U. here, enjoy that sub-par retirement, or commuting to China.
I wonder if there is any way Usairways can take up the slack that ual, cal is abandoning?

""United Announces Reduction in Capacity"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you even read this stuff before you post? It really makes you look like a fool!

Show me where it says UA is "abandoning" anything. You can't abandon something you are not doing yet. You do know the difference between cutting capacity and reducing, eliminating, or delaying future growth, right?

You are wrong with your predictions so often (or at least vague enough to escape accountability) that I don't even think you are lying anymore. I just think you are utterly clueless. Oh... and obsessed. I'm so sorry you were turned down by UA so many times, and that UA left US at the altar repeatedly, foiling your hopes of career redemption. Your envy (career or otherwise ;) ) is palpable.

Here's a review for you:

New service to Germany

Growth Cuts

Growth plans

Cliff notes from the articles:

"...announced that it will launch daily non-stop service between its New York hub at Newark Liberty International Airport and Stuttgart, Germany, effective June 9, 2011 (eastbound), subject to government approval. The new service is included in the company's updated capacity guidance for investors published on March 7, 2011."

"United Continental Holdings Inc., the world's biggest airline company, scrapped its 2011 growth plans on Monday and said it will cut unprofitable routes because of rising fuel prices.

United said the amount of flying it does this year will remain about the same as last year. It had previously planned to grow as much as 2 percent."

" expects to cut its capacity and that of its commuter affiliates by about 1%, starting with its May schedule, and 4%, effective with its September schedule. With those reductions, United said, its 2011 consolidated capacity will be roughly flat with 2010"

I'd be much more worried about your return to furlough if I were you! :lol:
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