US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Leonidas Update March 08, 2011

Tomorrow, March 9th, 2011, all US Airways pilots will be receiving profit sharing checks. We sincerely hope that this is the first of many positive financial events for the pilot group. Please keep in mind that the legal effort continues to protect the West from USAPA and the East pilot’s mission to deprive us of our seniority rights. We ask that each of you consider making a “career contribution” to support the effort. Remember....”Donate or DOH”!


Leonidas LLC
Leonidas Update March 08, 2011

Tomorrow, March 9th, 2011, all US Airways pilots will be receiving profit sharing checks. We sincerely hope that this is the first of many positive financial events for the pilot group. Please keep in mind that the legal effort continues to protect the West from USAPA and the East pilot’s mission to deprive us of our seniority rights. We ask that each of you consider making a “career contribution” to support the effort. Remember....”Donate or DOH”!


Leonidas LLC

Thanks Suma, you saved me the trouble. :)
Details of Pilots Arbitrated, Slotted, Seniority List

See Story

And who represents the pilot groups of
Republic, Midwest, lynx, Frontier, Chautauqua

Aren’t Republic and Frontier Teamster

Teamster went with Relative Position Slotting ?

USAPA has a alliance agreement with the IBT
Following recent meetings in Washington with representatives of the US Airways Pilots Association (USAPA), Airline Division Director Captain David Bourne has announced that the Airline Division will assist in contract modeling for USAPA.
“As part of our Alliance Agreement, we are pleased to be able to offer our support to our USAPA brothers and sisters,” said Director Bourne. “The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is fortunate to have considerable expertise in contract and economics that combined with other departments who are well versed in the RLA can provide unparalleled support to USAPA,” he continued. “The recent body of work that has resulted in the new Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Atlas Air and Polar Air Cargo crewmembers is an example of how solid foundation work can lead to substantial gains in a contract,” he concluded.
TCA? The last time I entered a TCA was about 1990. :unsure:

I know it as class B airspace.

I caught this also, but have to side with Mikey a little on this one.

In the continuous rush to re-invent the wheel, improve the system, and maintain a politically correct verbiage, aviation jargon evolves.

I still refer to it as TCA, I call the PAPI the VASI(Although I know they are two diffrent things), and note that PAEW=personell and equiptment working(no longer MAEW=men and equiptment working), well at least according to the AIM=aeronatical info manual(no longer the airman's info manual).

My point would be, that I believe understanding the history and evolution of the system gives a much greater insight than simply knowing the present correct terminology or methodology. A great example would be navigation. The GPS generation often seems to have little knowledge of how the IRs work. They rely too heavily on the computers and automation, and do not understand how or why I know they are high on profile when I diplomatically turn to them and ask,"are you planning on using speed brakes to make this constraint"?

At the same time, Mikey and I should refer to it as class B, because that is the current term, and by using the correct term, it makes it more likely everyone in the conversation has the same understanding about what is being discussed.
It is until it crossed a line. Me calling Mikey Spud, he and flyPG calling me Duphis is not a big deal.

When you start making phsical threats, the game changes. All I have to do is point out recent events in Tucson, missed signals, threats which lead up to an act of violence. This is my argument, the one I used in my meetings.

I have no idea who is making the threats. As Jim pointed out, there may be one person with multiple screen names.

It is up to the Feds to so sort it out.

If you think the Feds are going to waste their time and energy on some ficticious threat you are dillusional. No suprise there as it is consistent with how you see this thing going...

As I said the other day - if you don't like Nos' rules talk to Nos. I'm tired of the double standard you and others use. As I also said, I'll answer every piece of crap thrown at me with the worst I can throw back. Take it like a man - I did for years - or change Nos' rules.


This is pathetic. Does nos dictate the"rules" for the rest of your life. He didn't make you do anything, its your choice just like it's mine when I exchange childish barbs. Time to take responsibility for YOUR actions.
I caught this also, but have to side with Mikey a little on this one.

In the continuous rush to re-invent the wheel, improve the system, and maintain a politically correct verbiage, aviation jargon evolves.

I still refer to it as TCA, I call the PAPI the VASI(Although I know they are two diffrent things), and note that PAEW=personell and equiptment working(no longer MAEW=men and equiptment working), well at least according to the AIM=aeronatical info manual(no longer the airman's info manual).

My point would be, that I believe understanding the history and evolution of the system gives a much greater insight than simply knowing the present correct terminology or methodology. A great example would be navigation. The GPS generation often seems to have little knowledge of how the IRs work. They rely too heavily on the computers and automation, and do not understand how or why I know they are high on profile when I diplomatically turn to them and ask,"are you planning on using speed brakes to make this constraint"?

At the same time, Mikey and I should refer to it as class B, because that is the current term, and by using the correct term, it makes it more likely everyone in the conversation has the same understanding about what is being discussed.

It took me years to get that alphabet soup airspace in my brain. I started flying in 1978 and the "law of primacy" applies in my case. Change is constant in aviation, as you know. I'm still wanting to say "position and hold" when ATC says "line up and wait", to comply with ICAO terminology.

I'm convinced US Airways has a "let's change another procedure department" to justify someone's position. They get so wrapped around the axle about llittle things and it is on my mind since I just completed recurrent training.

I got spanked for not pointing to the altitude change close enough. Your fiinger must be a distance of a credit card. I pulled out my American Express and used it each time we had an altitude change.

Verify this! :p
If you think the Feds are going to waste their time and energy on some ficticious threat you are dillusional. No suprise there as it is consistent with how you see this thing going...


Thanks for jumping in here, V. I used the Panama City shooting as an example to build my case. I'm sure you are proud of that avatar, since the shooter painted the same symbol on the wall prior to his assault.

You don't think the Feds would not take such threats seriously? Were you a fly on the wall?
You think any signs were missed prior to Columbine or Tucson? Would you be a bit concerned a person making such threats is an airline pilot?

Who is the delusional one in this argument, V?
Thanks for jumping in here, V. I used the Panama City shooting as an example to build my case. I'm sure you are proud of that avatar, since the shooter painted the same symbol on the wall prior to his assault.

You don't think Feds would not take such threats seriously? Were you a fly on the wall?
You think any signs were missed prior to Columbine or Tucson? Would you be a bit concerned a person making such threats is an airline pilot?

Who is the delusional one in this argument, V?

Hmmmmm, me think you are. And paranoid. And remember, more than half way thru a 10 year DOH fence, tons of attrition and 1.8 mil in the hole.

Keep up the donations.
Hmmmmm, me think you are. And paranoid. And remember, more than half way thru a 10 year DOH fence, tons of attrition and 1.8 mil in the hole.

Keep up the donations.

I'm betting that Dean and Dave return to their proper positions on only seniority list that this or any other company will recognize. My money is on the table.

As far as being paranoid, the Feds might be watching these boards very closely :ph34r:

I have nothing to worry about, do you?
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