US Pilots Labor Discussion

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It's called Karma NYC....

Let's review, shall we?

Circuit Court of Appeals

This morning, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals denied USAPA’s request to have their RICO suit reinstated and reaffirmed the decision of the District Court to dismiss the case.

From the beginning this was a malicious attempt by USAPA to persecute and intimidate the minority west pilots. No evidence was ever offered substantiating the claims against the 24 west pilot defendants.

We eagerly await Mr. Cleary’s apology to the defendants and the west pilots as a whole for the Associations actions in this witch hunt.

Unfortunately, this apology will probably never come. In fact, we would be surprised if USAPA even mentions this decision in any of their communications.

Their deceptiveness and vindictiveness shows no bounds. One only has to read Mr. Cleary’s President’s Message to fully comprehend the true mindset of this flawed union.

Stay tuned to TheEye for commentary on Mr. Cleary’s latest repugnant and shameful diatribe
If you would spend a little more time listening instead of all your time preaching,
One of my buddies sent this to me thought I throw it in here just to break the bickering
Man I use to love that 72
This one goes out to you
PI brat
One of my buddies sent this to me thought I throw it in here just to break the bickering
Man I use to love that 72
This one goes out to you
PI brat

Thanks for sharing that john john, it was a great break. The 72 was a great machine.
Well how does the west feel about this?

Fellow Pilots,

The email below is a rant authored by Woody Manear aimed at incoming PHL Chairman Steve Szpyrka railing against what was nothing more than an oversight on Steve’s part regarding jumpseat booking. A few observations are in order to test the legitimacy of Woody’s disdain and to reveal his true motives.

To truly understand Manear’s motivation you only have to look at his own admission that Szpyrka is an, “old pal.” If he was genuinely driven by the desire to address the issue at hand in a solution based manner then as an “old pal” you would expect him to pick up the telephone and talk to Steve about the matter - “hey old pal I heard some things about you double booking the jumpseat, can you fill me in on what happened?’ No such communication took place however. And if he is not interested in solutions then the only logical conclusion is that his only interest is slander (for political gain.)

Instead of calling Szpyrka, Woody planted himself bravely behind his trusty keyboard, and thus fortified, in classic ready, fire, aim fashion blast emailed his blather. After this assessment of his ironic rant he may think twice next time, on the other hand probably not - he does have his own style after all.

Recently the block hour committee published the overfly list for November. Apparently the moral vail that Mr. Manear has lovingly draped on himself was at the cleaners that month. In his position, PHL A320 Captain, the cap was 85 hours but Manear helped himself to the trough for a few extra nibbles to the tune of nearly 90 hours.

Now one might say that four or five hours extra is no great sin but if you have ever been furloughed, lost the left seat, been displaced to the right seat of the 190 or to reserve, spent a couple of extra years on the street, etc. then the consequences of overfly should be painfully clear to you. Woody in the midst of his orgasmic indulgence, however, clearly missed the irony in lambasting Szpyrka for an issue which was, at worst, a matter of inconvenience when his own moral compass has led him to molest his fellow pilots by flying extra time that would otherwise have preserved their jobs. Nicely done Woody!

Steve Szpyrka is as conscientious a fellow as you will ever meet. Ask anyone, even Manear before his conversion from “old pal”, and they will tell you that this is true. That Woody placed the intent to smear anyone who might not espouse the anti Cleary agenda ahead of what he certainly, as an “old pal”, knows about Szpyrka and by extension what he knows is best for this pilot group tells you everything you need to know.

Manear, Rowe, Ciabattoni, et al have latched onto the catch acronym FOM (Friends of Mike) in complete ignorance of the ironic fact that they are indeed FOM themselves (Foes of Mike) and that their entire school of thought is irrevocably polluted by their obsession.

Manear’s Email:

Dear Steve, Board and Officers,

While attending training, I had an interesting and discouraging conversation with Check Airman, Captain XXX. Below, you will find the email he has subsequently sent to the USAPA Jump seat committee. XXX is too much of a gentleman to comment further; those of you who know me, also know that I have no such compunction.

Symptomatic; that is what this kind of behavior is. The corrosive influence of the current leadership of USAPA has quickly found its way into the “Friends of Mike” on the committees and now the Board. Gentlemen, this is supposed to be a “service” position, not a gravy train. We who serve, or served the pilots are not above them, rather we are their voices and conscience. We should lead by example.

Leadership starts or does not in this case, at the top. I am continually disappointed by the decline in the conduct and behavior of some of the officers and their cronies. I must now place Steve Szpyrka, an old pal of mine in the Friend of Mike and crony camp. Special hotels, USAPA cars and attorneys at their beckon call. USAPA Pay Days for Line Pilot Loved Ones....where does it stop? As an is my understanding that Steve was on a USAPA day during this little gaff....I am appalled.

If there is an explanation, or if Capt. XXXX is somehow mistaken, PLEASE let me know, so that I might apologize to Steve Szpyrka. Otherwise, the onus of apology lies elsewhere.


Woody Menear
Manear’s Email:

Dear Steve, Board and Officers,

While attending training, I had an interesting and discouraging conversation with Check Airman, Captain XXX. Below, you will find the email he has subsequently sent to the USAPA Jump seat committee. XXX is too much of a gentleman to comment further; those of you who know me, also know that I have no such compunction.

Symptomatic; that is what this kind of behavior is. The corrosive influence of the current leadership of USAPA has quickly found its way into the “Friends of Mike” on the committees and now the Board. Gentlemen, this is supposed to be a “service” position, not a gravy train. We who serve, or served the pilots are not above them, rather we are their voices and conscience. We should lead by example.

Leadership starts or does not in this case, at the top. I am continually disappointed by the decline in the conduct and behavior of some of the officers and their cronies. I must now place Steve Szpyrka, an old pal of mine in the Friend of Mike and crony camp. Special hotels, USAPA cars and attorneys at their beckon call. USAPA Pay Days for Line Pilot Loved Ones....where does it stop? As an is my understanding that Steve was on a USAPA day during this little gaff....I am appalled.

If there is an explanation, or if Capt. XXXX is somehow mistaken, PLEASE let me know, so that I might apologize to Steve Szpyrka. Otherwise, the onus of apology lies elsewhere.


Woody Menear

Woody with a hard on... At least he signed it "Sincerely". :lol:

Since he is so eager for an apology and thinks "We should lead by example"..... Perhaps he should remember that we are way past tolerating the slimy character assassinations that ALPA sycophants loved.

But we do appreciate Woody's passion to help sort out jumpseat issues raised in a casual conversation next to the water cooler. Can you imagine, the President of USAPA seems to have been involved in a massive corruption and coverup that has even permeated the halls of training. Psst... I hear Mike is lobbying the Company to get rid of water coolers in the training center so that he can suppress free communications among the oppressed pilots. I mean if water coolers remain in the training center Woody might end up becoming king.

Meanwhile, Woody is pushing to have Culligan increase their presence at the training center and is rumored to be investing in their stock.
Well how does the west feel about this?

Fellow Pilots,

The email below is a rant authored by Woody Manear aimed at incoming PHL Chairman Steve Szpyrka railing against what was nothing more than an oversight on Steve’s part regarding jumpseat booking. A few observations are in order to test the legitimacy of Woody’s disdain and to reveal his true motives.

To truly understand Manear’s motivation you only have to look at his own admission that Szpyrka is an, “old pal.” If he was genuinely driven by the desire to address the issue at hand in a solution based manner then as an “old pal” you would expect him to pick up the telephone and talk to Steve about the matter - “hey old pal I heard some things about you double booking the jumpseat, can you fill me in on what happened?’ No such communication took place however. And if he is not interested in solutions then the only logical conclusion is that his only interest is slander (for political gain.)

Instead of calling Szpyrka, Woody planted himself bravely behind his trusty keyboard, and thus fortified, in classic ready, fire, aim fashion blast emailed his blather. After this assessment of his ironic rant he may think twice next time, on the other hand probably not - he does have his own style after all.

Recently the block hour committee published the overfly list for November. Apparently the moral vail that Mr. Manear has lovingly draped on himself was at the cleaners that month. In his position, PHL A320 Captain, the cap was 85 hours but Manear helped himself to the trough for a few extra nibbles to the tune of nearly 90 hours.

Now one might say that four or five hours extra is no great sin but if you have ever been furloughed, lost the left seat, been displaced to the right seat of the 190 or to reserve, spent a couple of extra years on the street, etc. then the consequences of overfly should be painfully clear to you. Woody in the midst of his orgasmic indulgence, however, clearly missed the irony in lambasting Szpyrka for an issue which was, at worst, a matter of inconvenience when his own moral compass has led him to molest his fellow pilots by flying extra time that would otherwise have preserved their jobs. Nicely done Woody!

Steve Szpyrka is as conscientious a fellow as you will ever meet. Ask anyone, even Manear before his conversion from “old pal”, and they will tell you that this is true. That Woody placed the intent to smear anyone who might not espouse the anti Cleary agenda ahead of what he certainly, as an “old pal”, knows about Szpyrka and by extension what he knows is best for this pilot group tells you everything you need to know.

Manear, Rowe, Ciabattoni, et al have latched onto the catch acronym FOM (Friends of Mike) in complete ignorance of the ironic fact that they are indeed FOM themselves (Foes of Mike) and that their entire school of thought is irrevocably polluted by their obsession.

Interesting that you did not disclose the author of this missive but were happy to identify Woody's letter.

Who wrote it? Which friend of Mike? Which ringkisser?

And of course you had permission from Woody to post his letter........
One of my buddies sent this to me thought I throw it in here just to break the bickering
Man I use to love that 72
This one goes out to you
PI brat

Nice memories. I would really like to see a video of the CLT crew room from 1985.
Biggie, not that I care or even have a dog to put near that hunt, but the first part of your post has me a little perplexed, didn't you say STEVE did do something and it was an oversight? Well overfly can be an oversight also, not justifying it not knowing all the circumstances but just as any of us do, he has the right to $#^ch as well as be $%#ched at! I personally am sick of the background noise, I hope the election letters aren't a reflection of things to come! Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
Thanks for jumping in here, V. I used the Panama City shooting as an example to build my case. I'm sure you are proud of that avatar, since the shooter painted the same symbol on the wall prior to his assault.

You don't think the Feds would not take such threats seriously? Were you a fly on the wall?
You think any signs were missed prior to Columbine or Tucson? Would you be a bit concerned a person making such threats is an airline pilot?

Who is the delusional one in this argument, V?

Delusional and paranoid.....A little hint: You may want to avoid this discussion next physical. But then again, you might want to take an early out and I think this will qualify. By the way; what color did those threats smell like?

I caught this also, but have to side with Mikey a little on this one.

In the continuous rush to re-invent the wheel, improve the system, and maintain a politically correct verbiage, aviation jargon evolves.

I still refer to it as TCA, I call the PAPI the VASI(Although I know they are two diffrent things), and note that PAEW=personell and equiptment working(no longer MAEW=men and equiptment working), well at least according to the AIM=aeronatical info manual(no longer the airman's info manual).

My point would be, that I believe understanding the history and evolution of the system gives a much greater insight than simply knowing the present correct terminology or methodology. A great example would be navigation. The GPS generation often seems to have little knowledge of how the IRs work. They rely too heavily on the computers and automation, and do not understand how or why I know they are high on profile when I diplomatically turn to them and ask,"are you planning on using speed brakes to make this constraint"?

At the same time, Mikey and I should refer to it as class B, because that is the current term, and by using the correct term, it makes it more likely everyone in the conversation has the same understanding about what is being discussed.

Thanks, after I hit the "add reply "I had second thoughts about going back and changing it. I need to get with the newer terms a little more I have been corrected more than once. Is it still called " the cone of silence"?
Delusional and paranoid.....A little hint: You may want to avoid this discussion next physical. But then again, you might want to take an early out and I think this will qualify. By the way; what color did those threats smell like?


A little hint :lol:

Hard to miss it when the cockroaches scurried out of the room when the lights came on.

Glad you came back, V

How were things in the office today?
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