US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Just for you...

Yes, I spelled Kagel's name wrong.

Happy now?


Growth! And at your age! Sorry Jim, after all the crap you've given me, for no good reason, I can't pass it up. The spelling part is rare for you. I can't spell worth a dang and have to edit 3/4 of my posts.
I like Sheriff Joe since he enforces the law. He gets a lot a flack because of his targeting of illegal aliens, hence the word, illegal. No skirting the law with sheriff Joe, at least he has the guts to stand up for justice, unlike some folks in San Francisco.

As far as which direction you are flying, you can say verify and trigger a thousand times but it only adds to my workload. Real aviators don't have to recite lines like it is a Broadway play.

So what direction do you and FlyPG fly, Mikey?
How do you get out of the PHX TCA.
Me putting words in your mouth, pot? I never said I wouldn't bid PHL, I said what I wanted.

What you said was "I want to fly A320 C/O in CLT until I can hold A330 C/O in CLT". How am I supposed to get PHL out of A320 in CLT until 330 in CLT? I know that you can read minds but I can't. Do you purposely phrase your posts so you can claim that others are putting words in your mouth? With your explanation, you could bid the 1st West 757 vacancy next week if there were integrated ops - you didn't say you wouldn't, only what you want at this instant.

I'd have to look at the C&Rs again, but aren't capt positions protect in PHX until above whatever that level was you mentioned?

I agree with you that there will be plenty of east guys that will want to bid PHX. 924PS comes to mind. They would need to be protected, which the Nic doesn't do.

I've said the current C&Rs fall short.

The Nic gives a lot more protection than anything USAPA has put forward - a West 320 captain at the time of the merger has a seniority number commensurate with that position and the same is true on the East. USAPA, and most East posters here (no not the couple that are in favor of relative position by equip/seat) want an East pilot that was furloughed at the time of the merger to go ahead of that same West captain on the seniority list and be able to bid any available west captain position.

Tell me - how many members of the BRP have you talked about needed changes to? How many other East pilots have you tried to convince that USAPA's C&R's aren't strong enough and gotten them to contact the BPR? It's easy to claim things on an online forum.

after all the crap you've given me, for no good reason, I can't pass it up.

You've thrown a lot of crap too so don't pretend to be an angel. It was only after you accused me of being unable/unwilling to say a Westie was wrong that I really strated slinging it back. After all the explanation that I couldn't give an accurate comparison without having the same lists from 2005 and 2011, you started a continuous stream (figuratively again) of cracks aimed at me. So I returned the favor...

The spelling part is rare for you. I can't spell worth a dang and have to edit 3/4 of my posts.

Not really - sometimes my thinking gets ahead of my fingers, sometimes I hit a second key at the same time by mistake, sometimes I just spell a word wrong, and sometimes I'll spell the wrong word right so the spell checker doesn't catch it. But I thought that I was through with spelling tests a long, long time ago.
I like Sheriff Joe since he enforces the law. He gets a lot a flack because of his targeting of illegal aliens, hence the word, illegal. No skirting the law with sheriff Joe, at least he has the guts to stand up for justice, unlike some folks in San Francisco.

As far as which direction you are flying, you can say verify and trigger a thousand times but it only adds to my workload. Real aviators don't have to recite lines like it is a Broadway play.

So what direction do you and FlyPG fly, Mikey?

Hey Duphis's flypg, no cap. Is that the same Joe who put the world class CEO Chug-a-lug Doug, aka DUI Doug in the slammer with a bunch of girls for his "safety" ?...BTW, I like Joe too.

IF I remember right, you started the insults lines here. Nothing personal of course but, it's hard to respect a group or certain individuals who with DOH and a 10 year fence, would now be half way thru it, looking at massive retirements, yes, yes look it up and still control 1.8 mil.

Please don't be paranoid anymore, you scare me...
How am I supposed to get PHL out of A320 in CLT until 330 in CLT? I know that you can read minds but I can't.

Tell me - how many members of the BRP have you talked about needed changes to? How many other East pilots have you tried to convince that USAPA's C&R's aren't strong enough and gotten them to contact the BPR? It's easy to claim things on an online forum.


You can dish it out old man, but you can't take it can you?

You tell me who I've talked to, since you know everything anyway. I tell you what I think and you don't believe me, and then have the balls to tell me how I should go about doing things. Ass.

It doesn't matter what I think or tell the BPR, as it stands today, they are doing what they think the majority wants them to do. Unless that changes we will keep it in the courts.
After all the explanation that I couldn't give an accurate comparison without having the same lists from 2005 and 2011, you started a continuous stream (figuratively again) of cracks aimed at me.

B.S The last thing I asked you was there anyway, by logical explanation, her figure of 2200 active pilots in 2005 could be right. You wouldn't answer it, you know it can't. It was around 2900. Then you took cracks at ME.
Speaking of all the crap for no good reason....for one who claims to be innocent of crap throwing I count 3 heaping handfuls in that one post.

You say you don't want anything form the Westies, then give me grief when I believe you will do what you want to do - nobody's holding a gun to your head. So from your "correction" - that you might actually bid bases other than CLT - I take it you might bid PHX at some future date even if you don't want to now. You throw another fit.

I really think you have joined the dark side, looking for any little thing so you can throw crap at someone yet still feel justified. That East picture taker probably felt that he was doing nothing wrong till the cops showed up.

Speaking of all the crap for no good reason....for one who claims to be innocent of crap throwing I count 3 heaping handfuls in that one post.


They were for excellent reasons. The child predator comments deserved many more.
They were for excellent reasons. The child predator comments deserved many more.
As I said the other day - if you don't like Nos' rules talk to Nos. I'm tired of the double standard you and others use. As I also said, I'll answer every piece of crap thrown at me with the worst I can throw back. Take it like a man - I did for years - or change Nos' rules.

Now I wish I had kept copies of similar threats made against me by the notably absent "EastUS". Perhaps those of you that received similar threats did so. I believe he was wacky enough to go "airline" at any moment.

I just noticed the PSA tail number. Let me guess, you were critical of the Usapian or did not tow the line so there was intimidation by PM.

I like your twist on "going postal" which is probably true since he may be unstable on every approach.

Hope he can find the TOGA button. :D
Hey Duphis's flypg, no cap. Is that the same Joe who put the world class CEO Chug-a-lug Doug, aka DUI Doug in the slammer with a bunch of girls for his "safety" ?...BTW, I like Joe too.

IF I remember right, you started the insults lines here. Nothing personal of course but, it's hard to respect a group or certain individuals who with DOH and a 10 year fence, would now be half way thru it, looking at massive retirements, yes, yes look it up and still control 1.8 mil.

Please don't be paranoid anymore, you scare me...

I like flyPG, hence flying with parental guidance since you scare me.

You appear unstable. ;)
OK Doubting Thomas. Here is one you can take to the bank.."THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS TO DECIDE....." :p

Define YOU GUYS...... or is It yous guys or y'all?

I guess that all depends if you are in PHL or CLT since PHX is not in your club.
Including the statement you ascribe him being truthful about.............

Are you refering to his acceptance of the Nicolau? That would be a document, in writing. Signed. Approved by his legal team. Big difference.
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